It is the intention of the King County Directors’ Association (KCDA) to issue a bid establishing an annual contract for playground equipment and surfacing material to be made available to its members. The scope of this bid will also include site amenities, including, but not limited to – benches, picnic tables, bike racks, bollards, BBQ grills, fire rings, and trash receptacles. Multiple brands of these categories may be awarded with the award(s) being determined by the lowest overall cost per manufacturer.
KCDA is a school purchasing cooperative owned by 295 school districts within the State of Washington. In addition to the owner members, KCDA provides equipment and supplies to schools in Alaska, Idaho, Montana and Oregon as well as other governmental agencies. Governed by a board of directors consisting of board members from school districts in King County, KCDA is subject to the same laws regarding purchasing as the public school districts. Therefore, when KCDA issues a bid, it is on behalf of all of its members. This fulfills the member school’s requirement to bid for that product or service.
1. There are no estimated quantities on this bid. Orders will be placed as received by KCDA from its members. This replaces
Section II, Paragraphs F and H of the General Provisions.
2. KCDA does not require freight to be included in the bid price for this bid. This replaces Section III, Paragraph B of the General Provisions. However, if awarded, the merchandise must be shipped prepaid with the freight charges added to the invoice as a separate line item. Freight charges must be quoted prior to any purchase order being issued by KCDA.
3. Pricing for installation needs to be listed as an hourly charge. If you charge for installation by a method other than hourly, please
include with your bid. PLEASE NOTE: BID RESPONSES FOR INSTALLATION MUST BE QUANTIFIABLE. Responses such as TBD or Subject to Negotiation are unacceptable and will disqualify a vendor’s bid response on the install portion of the bid.
4. Include with your bid all written warranties provided by a given manufacturer.
5. Certificates of Insurance are required. Include copies with your bid.
6. Complete component parts suggested sell price lists must be included with the bid for all manufacturers being bid. Failure to include complete parts price lists will be grounds for rejection as the bidder will be considered non-responsive.
7. Playground Equipment - All products provided must comply with current Americans with Disabilities (ADA) laws and Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) guidelines. Additionally, all components in the proposal must have International Playground Equipment Manufacturer’s Association (IPEMA) independent written laboratory validation of compliance with ASTM F1487-95 Standard Consumer Safety Performance Specification for Playground Equipment for Public Use. Include any certification in this respect with your bid.
Rubber Matting - Playground tile, made of heat unified rubber fabricated from used tire treads and buffings with permeable surface to allow for drainage. Conical underlayment for resilience. Meets all current ASTM and CPSC guidelines for drop height, and shock resistance.
Poured in Place Rubber Surfacing - A dual durometer poured-in-place system with a wearing layer upper membrane and an underlying impact attenuation cushion layer. The finished surface shall be porous and capable of being installed at varying thickness to comply with Critical Fall Height requirements of playground equipment installed in conjunction with the surface. Meets ASTM F1292-04 Impact Attenuation Test Certification.
Wood Fiber Surfacing Material - Playground surfacing material made up of wood fibers and drainage system. Material must meet or exceed CPSC guidelines for 10 foot drop height when installed 12” thick using current ASTM Standards and be accessible to meet current ADA standards as amended.
System must carry a 10 year (or more) performance warranty and carry $10,000,000.00 (or more) in product liability insurance. Certificates of both must be submitted with bid.
Surfacing material shall be a mix of random sized wood fibers that compact and interlock together and enough shall be provided to make a 12” thick surface allowing for compaction. No twigs, bark, leaf debris or other organic material shall be incorporated within.
Drainage system shall consist of a felt-like product made of 100% non-woven polyester to go under wood fiber. Enough material must be provided to cover entire playground surface and allow for at least a 12” overlap at seams. A 6” wide drainage matrix consisting of a core of fused entangled nylon filaments covered in felt is to be supplied to go under felt material. Enough matrix must be provided to cover playground from edge to edge in direction of grade, placed on 6 foot centers.
Wood Fiber Surfacing Material (continued)
Border for wood fiber system shall consist of PVC rails 1 ½” x 5 ½” attached to 4” x 4” x 38” posts on 6 foot center. Post shall be of solid pressure treated wood sleeved with PVC and with polyurethane cap affixed with a tamper proof screw.
Wear mats to be constructed from non-toxic, recycled rubber, 39” x 39” x 1” thick, to be installed under swings and at slide exits. Must meet CPSC guidelines for an estimated fall height of 2 feet, and come with product liability insurance of not less than 10 million dollars.
8. Although not required with bid submittal, as a condition of award, successful bidders must submit a vendor sustainability form for all manufacturers successfully bid. Include any process certification ie ISO 14001 as well, where applicable.
9. Installers must be licensed and factory trained. If vendor contracts out the installation, vendor still assumes all responsibility for the work.
10. Installation of products listed on the bid fall under the Washington State Public Works Act. The bidder will be responsible for following all requirements pertaining to this act and the filing of all paperwork and applicable fees as required by the State of Washington. Payment can be delayed if paperwork is not filed and forwarded to the school district or political subdivision as they request, with a copy sent to KCDA. Because each district or political subdivision has its own internal policies, it is the responsibility of the vendor to determine what the requirements are for each installation or project prior to the issuance of a purchase order. If required, the Washington State Prevailing Wage Rates can be obtained by calling the State of Washington, Department of Labor & Industries at (360) 902-5335 or on the web,
11. The following link further outlines Public Works procedures and the interrelationship between an awarded vendor, the ordering entity (member), and KCDA -
12. Performance bonds are required for any projects resulting from award of this bid, with a price for the bond quoted to the end user prior to the issuance of a purchase order. Complete language of the parameters surrounding bonding requirements as per RCW 39.08.010 can be found at
13. KCDA intends to award this contract to one or more suppliers that can offer an acceptable system that can be of benefit to all of the members that form KCDA. To show the quality of product expected, the equipment portion in the body of this bid is written around Gametime specifications, however, KCDA encourages other brands to be bid as well, as long as the following criteria are met:
a. Pricing is made available on the complete product line
b. Discounts are given on all systems and replaceable components
c. Equipment meets or exceeds current ADA, CPSC legislation or guidelines and is IPEMA certified
d. Training and support is available to end user
e. Guaranteed pricing for a minimum of one year (supercedes Section II, Paragraph G of the General Provisions)
14. The successful bidder(s) will be required to clean up area after any installation. This includes (but may not be limited to )
disposal of all debris, packaging, dunnage, etc. and repairing any damage made by installers or deliverers to the site. The site must be left in the same condition as it was found.
15. The successful bidders(s) must be in regular communication with the end user. This includes (but may not be limited to)
informing the end user as to dates and times (if possible) of delivery of merchandise, and informing end user of installation dates when required. No vendor is to begin any work on the site without expressed consent of the principal or custodial supervisor.
16. All equipment and materials delivered against this bid must be new, original, manufactured units. Used equipment will not be
17. KCDA intends to award this bid in multiple categories - rubber surfacing material, wood fiber systems, playground equipment, and site amenities. It is not necessary to bid in all areas in order to be considered responsive. Multiple awards may be made in each group.
18. While Washington State sales tax is applicable to all invoices, do not include in your bid price. When invoicing, tax should be charged on the entire project at the applicable rate for which the project is installed. If merchandise only without installation is being sold, the tax rate is to be charged at the appropriate rate for the delivery destination.
18. Playground Equipment and Matting Bid #12-315 will be awarded by the KCDA Board of Directors on February 16, 2012.
COMPANY BACKGROUND (must be completed by all bidders)
1. How many years has your company been in business? ______
2. What is your primary line of trade? ______
3. What is the current size of your company? (ie; customer base, annual revenue, number of employees, etc.)______
4. What is the location of your company, do you have any branch offices, if so where, what location will be servicing the KCDA member school districts? ______
MARKETING METHODS (must be completed by all bidders)
1. How many outside sales people do you have?______
2. What size territories do they cover? ______
3. What kind of training do you provide your staff to keep current on CPSC guidelines and legislation such as ADA? ______
4. Do you use computer graphics in your presentation to your customers? If so, please describe:
5. Do you participate in trade shows? If so, please list the name(s) and location(s):
6. Do you provide catalogs and price lists at no charge? ______
7. If awarded, please describe how you plan to market the KCDA contract and keep its members informed of your participation with
KCDA. (use the back if additional space is required) ______
EXPERIENCE (must be completed by all bidders)
Each bidder must show evidence of completion within the last two years of at least three projects involving work within school districts of product types listed in this bid
Provide pertinent information below for each of the three projects:
Project (site) Name ______
Project Location ______
Project Description ______
Completion Date ______Contact Name ______
Title ______
Phone ______
Project (site) Name ______
Project Location ______
Project Description ______
Completion Date______Contact Name ______
Title ______
Phone ______
Project (site) Name ______
Project Location ______
Project Description ______
Completion Date ______Contact Name ______
Title ______
Phone ______
Vendor bid pricing shall include a 2% administrative fee on all line items and charges, including freight. The administrative fee will now be a part of the bid price. If you are bidding a manufacturers catalog list price less a discount, you must ensure that the administrative fee is included in the net price to KCDA’s members. KCDA will continue to be billed by the vendor at which point KCDA will invoice the member at the bid price. The vendor will pay KCDA a 2% administrative fee on the total invoice price, not including sales tax. Upon receipt of the vendor’s invoice, KCDA will charge back the vendor for the 2% administrative fee.
PRICING (must be completed by all bidders)
1. Name of equipment manufacturer ______
2. Discount off equipment price list ______% Dated ______
(Complete component parts price list must be included with bid)
3. Name of rubber matting manufacturer ______
4. Discount off rubber matting price list ______% Dated ______
(Price list must be submitted with bid)
5. Name of poured in place rubber surfacing manufacturer______
6. Discount off poured in place rubber surfacing price list______% Dated______
(Price list must be submitted with bid)
7. Name of wood fiber surfacing material manufacturer______
8. Discount off wood fiber surfacing material price list ______% Dated ______
(Price list must be submitted with bid)
9. Name of site amenities manufacturer______
(If bidding multiple manufacturers, use Notes page immediately following if necessary)
10. Discount off site amenities manufacturer price list______% Dated______
11. Cost of equipment installation $______per hour
12. Cost of rubber matting installation $ ______per hour
13. Cost of poured in place rubber surfacing installation $______per hour
14. Cost of wood fiber surfacing material installation $______per hour
15. Cost of site amenities installation $______per hour
Note: if other than an hourly rate is used for lines 11-15, please indicate below.