Career Preparedness
Date: October 3-7, 2016 (Week 9)Teacher: V. Gasque
Unit: Workplace Behavior and Diversity within the Workforce / Time on Task: 5 DaysCourse Content Standard(s)
2. Understand the effect of workplace behaviors.
a.Examine appropriate workplace behaviors, including attitude, work ethic, responsibility, dependability, punctuality, integrity, time management, effort, adherence to dress code, communication (written, verbal, and nonverbal), teamwork, and other workplace etiquette.
b.Identify inappropriate workplace behaviors, including violence and sexual harassment and procedures for addressing
such behaviors.
c.Recognize the importance of and capitalize on diversity in the workplace
College and Career Readiness Standards
Reading Standards for Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects 6-12or Reading Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies 6-12 / Writing Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects 6-12 / Standards for Mathematical Practice
4, 5, / 1, 2 / 5
Learning Objective(s) / The student will:
- Demonstrate appropriate workplace behaviors
- Demonstrate inappropriate workplace behaviors
- Explain what diversity in the workplace means.
21st Century Competencies / Critical Thinking Communication Collaboration Creativity
Essential Question(s) /
- Why are appropriate workplace behaviors beneficial to employees and employers?
- Why are appropriate workplace behaviors not beneficial to employees and employers?
- What are procedures for addressing inappropriate workplace behaviors?
- What does diversity in the workplace look like?
CTSO / FBLA Meeting: Discuss plans for JLDC and the North Alabama Fair
Content Knowledge / Suggested Instructional Activities / Suggested Materials, Equipment, and Technology Resources
- Workplace Behaviors
- Appropriate
- Inappropriate
- PowerPoint on workplace Behavior
- Students fill graphic organizer
- Internet
- PowerPoint (Workplace Behavior)
- Handout for notes
Assessment of Learning / Formative Assessments
- Observation
- Questioning
- Discussion
- Graphic Organizer
- Worksheets
- Test
Sample Career Options / Educator, Financial Planner, Financial Advisor, Guidance Counselor
Online Experience / Does this lesson address the required online experience? Yes No
If yes, please indicate length of time in minutes. 220 minutes
Modifications: / Students will work with a peer, given extra time and guidance, and explain directions and demonstrate setup and presenting project.
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Bellringer / Review over expectations, setup and layout of PowerPoint, and setting up a MLA report. Review over Rubric and how presentations are to be presented / Discuss what interest you and what is your best characteristic / Show a Video on workplace Behavior / Show videos on workplace behavior
Lecture / Check for understanding / Discuss characteristics about what helps you decide on a career / Discuss what an employer wants in an employee
Show Powerpoint / Discuss soft skills
Show PowerPoint on what an employer wants / Homecoming
Assessment / Rubric for Grading / Check for understanding / Check for understanding / Daily grade
Activity/Group/Lab Application / Students will continue to present the Presentations / Students will fill out work sheets on their characteristics and their likes and dislikes. / Fill in graphic organizer on Worklace Behavior / Complete filling in graphic organizer
Homework / .
Check if Applicable
Circulate among students and observe and question as they are working
Make eye contact with students before giving directions and have students repeat directions / X
Provide clearly written directions and instruction in a step by step manner with illustrations and use as few words as possible / X
Teach social and behavioral skills through teacher modeling and repeated opportunities for practice / X
Provide a predictable, organized classroom where expectations are stable / X
Identify precisely the behavior expected for specific locations(hallways, cafeteria, library, assembly)
Write instructions on the board as well as say them aloud / X
Differentiate instruction by using levels of Blooms Taxonomy to ask questions and plan learning activities / X
Use reading partners or skilled peers to provide academic support / X
Use multiple and flexible grouping opportunities to respond frequently
Use visuals, charts, and models for concept reinforcement / X
Provide opportunities for students to respond in a variety of ways (questions, dry erase boards, thumbs up, partner share, graphic organizers) / X
Use frequent monitoring to assess the progress and non progress made by students so instruction can be adjusted in a timely manner
Other: Please Explain
Check if Applicable
Build frequent opportunities for movement during instruction to address needs of students who are kinesthetic learners / X
Provide clearly written directions and instruction in a step by step manners with illustrations and use as few words as possible / X
Differentiate instruction by using all levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy to ask questions and plan learning activities / X
Use reading partners and skilled peer of adult mentors to provide / X
Provided varied texts and supplementary material at different levels of reading difficulty
Use multiple, flexible grouping opportunities for students
Use direct, systematic instruction delivered by the classroom teacher or another skilled adult
Increase the amount of practice opportunities using multiple modalities / X
Increase opportunities for students to respond in a variety to ways (Questions, dry erase boards, thumb up, partner share, graphic organizers) / X
Explain clearly each academic task and specific criteria needed to successfully complete the task / X
Reinforce memorization of steps using repetition in variety of context where memory is required (oral, written, act it out) / X
Other: Please Explain