Person in Charge of the Study: [PI]
Version Date:
Assent Form for: [title]
What is this study about?
I am being asked if I want to be in this research study. The goal of this study is to [explain the study in one or two sentences. Use only idea per sentence.]
Why are you asking me?
I am being asked to be in the study because I have [insert disease or condition]
What Do I Have to Do or What Will Happen to Me?
If I am in the study, I will: [one idea per bullet]
- [Explain in very simple terms exactly what is expected of the child. Use bullets for each item.]
- [Explain how long they study will last and how much time they will have to spend each visit]
- [If this is a longitudinal study a table indicating what is expected and when is useful].
[If applicable] If I am in this study I will be asked questions. I will be asked about: [list topics]
Will this Hurt?
[tell the child which procedure may hurt].
Can I ask Questions?
I asked any questions I have now about the study. All my questions were answered.
I know that if I have a question later, I can ask and get an answer. If I want to, I can call [person] at [phone number].
Do I Have to Do This?
I know that I do not have to be in this study. No one will be mad at me if I say no.
I want to be in the study at this time. yes no
I will get a copy of this form to keep.
Child’s Printed Name:______
Child’s Signature:______
I have explained the research at a level that is understandable by the child and believe that the child understands what is expected during this study.
Signature of Person Obtaining Assent:______Date:______
Assent Format for Children NOT Agreeing to Participate with Override
If there will be a potential direct benefit to the child but the child does not want to be in the study, use the following assent.
Dr. ______has told me the research study is about [use same explanation as was used in Assent].
Dr. ______has also told me what I would have to do if I was in the study.
I have thought about whether I want to be in this study. I have asked all the questions I have. My questions were answered.
I have told my parents and Dr. ______that I don't want to do this. I know they have decided I need to be in this study anyway.
Child’s Printed Name:______
Child’s Signature:______
Witness or Mediator:______
Assent Template Form
CF-016, Effective 8-25-2015