This is a list of announcements that should be made immediately before the examination.
A Before the examination
- Please note the location of the emergency exits [invigilator to indicate]. In the event of an emergency evacuation becoming necessary, please do as follows [invigilator to give procedure for Centre].
- All coats, bags, briefcases must be left at the back [or front] of the room.
- Only those items listed for your module in the Examination Arrangements booklet are permitted in the examination. Mobile telephones, pagers and other electronic equipment are not permitted on or about your person. If you have any of these items with you, you must switch them off and leave them at the back [or front] of the room.
- Should you have any notes or other materials in your possession which are not permitted in the examination you are about to sit, please raise your hand. I will collect these notes now, and will return them at the end of the session.
- If you do not surrender such notes or other materials and these are found during the examination, this will be considered to be misconduct and you will be subject to such disciplinary action as the University deems to be appropriate.
- If you have any doubts about whether any of the materials you have in your possession are permitted, please raise your hand.
- Examination scripts should be written in black or blue ink and not in pencil unless stated otherwise.
- Check and sign the first page of your desk record, and put proof of identity that includes your signature and a photograph on your desk for checking. If you do not have photographic ID please raise your hand. Do not write your name on pages 2 or 3 of the desk record, nor on any answer book. If any details on the desk record are incorrect, you must tell an invigilator immediately.
- Write your module code, examination number (as shown on the desk record) and personal identifier clearly on each answer book.
- If you use a calculator, write the make and model number on the front of your answer book.
- If your examination requires completion of a CME form, enter your name, personal identifier and assignment number (as shown on the question paper) in Part 1 of the form, using an HB pencil.
- Read and take note of the instructions on the front cover of the question paper and answer book before the examination begins, but you must not read anything inside the question paper until told that the examination has begun.
- Rough notes must be made in OU answer books. Additional answer books are available on request if you wish to use a separate book for your notes. Cross through any work which you do not wish to be marked. All notes must be returned with your script at the end of the examination, including those written in a separate book. You may mark the question paper, but any information written on a standard question paper will not be marked.
- Raise your hand to attract an invigilator’s attention if you have any questions, wish to leave the room or need additional materials during the examination.
- You may not leave the examination room in the first thirty minutes or last fifteen minutes. If you complete the examination before the end, you must hand your question papers, answer book(s) and other examination materials to an invigilator before you leave the room. You will not be readmitted.
- If you stay until the end of the examination, you must remain seated until all question papers and answer books have been collected and you have been dismissed by an invigilator.
- Watch alarms must not be set to go off during the examination. Please check now that these are switched off.
- If you have brought any food or drink for consumption during the examination, please open it now, to avoid disturbing other students during the examination.
- Finally, you are reminded that your script will not be marked if you remove your question paper or any of your answer books or notes from the examination room. You are responsible for making sure that all your answer books are handed in.
B During the examination
- Announce: ‘The examination starts now. You have three hours’
- Announce the time one hour before the end of the examination, and fifteen minutes before the end for all examinations. Remind students that they may not leave during the last fifteen minutes, unless they are ill.
- If a clock is not clearly visible to all students, announce the time every hour in the three-hour examinations.
- Students who ask about an alleged misprint or ambiguity in a question paper should be told to explain at the beginning of their answers how they have interpreted the alleged misprint or ambiguity. Do not attempt to answer such queries or telephone the University for an answer.
C At the end of the examination
- The examination is now at an end.
- Stop writing and remain in your seats until all scripts have been collected.
- Make sure that you have written your examination number, personal identifier, and make and model number of calculator if used, on each answer book.
- Make sure that the printed desk record on your desk bears your own name and personal identifier number, and that you have signed it.
- Check your desk record has the correct module code. Ensure you have written the questions answered in the grid at the front of your answer book. Assemble your answer books in the correct order and fasten them together with the plastic paper fastener provided, with your signed desk record securely attached to the front. If your question paper has a hole in the top left-hand corner, it must also be attached to the desk record and the answer books using the paper fastener. If there is no hole in the question paper, it must be attached to the desk record and answer books at the back using the flat paper clip. Any CME forms must also be attached using a flat paper clip, please do not make any holes in your CME form.
- Write the number of answer books in the box on the desk record. Include any additional sheets and the question paper if you have recorded answers in it.
- You must not take any examination materials from the room, This includes the examination question paper. You are reminded that your script will not be marked if you remove any examination materials from the examination room. You are responsible for making sure that all examination materials are handed in.
- When all examination materials have been collected and any queries dealt with, students can be dismissed from the examination room. Ask them to leave as quietly as possible if other students have not yet finished their examinations.