The Immaculate Conception & St. Joseph - Newsletter
Part of the Avon Stour Pastoral Area.Registered Charity No: 246871
Rev Tom Grufferty.
67 Purewell, Christchurch BH23 1EH Tel: 01202 483 340
Fr Tom email:Office email:
Deacon Hugh Parry email: Tel: 07971 071 571
Richard Martin Director of Lay Formation for ASP Area. email: Tel: 07990 826 934
Youth Council email: Safeguarding Rep: Reena Kellaher 07802 954936
Christchurch fellowship of churches web site:
Morning Prayer: 9.00am Mon – FriConfessions: After Masses on Saturdays
Mass: Mon - Thurs 9.20am Fri 7.30pm Sat 10amFr Tom’s Surgery Hours: Every Friday 4.30 - 6.30pm
Sunday Masses: Saturday 6.30pmSunday 9.00am & 10.45am
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Monday - Thursday 8am to 9am. Saturday 9am to 10am
Friday 9.00am to 7.30pm, (1st Friday of the month until 10pm)
St Joseph’s School: Dorset Road Christchurch. BH23 3DA 01202 485 976 Headteacher: Miss Louise Buxton.
St Peter’s School: St Catherine’s Rd Southbourne B’mth. BH6 4AH 01202 421 141 Headteacher: Mr David Todd
29th~30th July 17thSunday Year A Page 108
Where is your TREASURE?
Solomon was King of Israel but he is more famously known for his wisdom. There is profound wisdom in the Gospel. This is the last in the series of parables which we have had in the last three Sundays. The Kingdom of God is like treasure, or a priceless pearl which somebody has found. Or it is like somebody with a dragnet looking for valuables. Notice the question, “have you understood all this?” Then the sting in the tail, bring out things both new and old. What will you be bringing out of your storehouse this week?
Fr. John Cooke.
Will arrive in the Parish during the week of September 18th. We have had almost three years focusing on welcome to our community and some of you have done that with great expertise. September this year is a great opportunity to welcome your new priest.
Could I ask you to invite all the Catholics known to you to come to Mass on Saturday and Sunday 23rd and 24thSeptember? It would be great if everyone made a special effort to inaugurate a new start for this community.
Race Night 16th September
7.30pm for 8.00pm start. Tickets will be available from w/e 5th and 6th of August until early September. Name a horse, sponsor a race. There will be a Fish and Chips/Sausage and chips supper. BYO refreshment.
Retreat Day for the Deaf – 9th August 2017
There will be a retreat day for the deaf on Wednesday 9th August 2017 at St John’s Cathedral and Discovery Centre. This event will be fully sign-interpreted. The theme for the event is St. Edith Stein. The day will begin at 10.45am and will include Mass at 12.15pm. If you are interested then please contact Fr Robin Ellwood on email:
Mary O’Callaghan RIP
Many people will be delighted to hear that Mary willed £1,000 to St. Joseph’s Parish from her estate. The cheque has now been received and acknowledged. A plaque in her honour has been recommended by the Pastoral Council. May she rest in peace.
CAFOD Society VOLUNTEER needed
A volunteer is required to assist at the CAFOD Lent and Harvest Day Appeals to distribute envelopes at Saturday evening Mass. This will only be required once/twice a Year. If you can help, please call
Peter Martin on 01425 280281 or Emal:
Saints this Week
Monday 31st July St. Ignatius of Loyola: Founder of the Jesuits.
Tuesday 1st August St. Alphonsus Liguori
Friday 4th August St. John Vianney
Saturday 5th August Basilica of St Mary Major, Rome
Sunday 6th August The Transfiguration (Readings from the Feast)
FAREWELL TO FR TOM (and Malcolm?)
Fr Tom will celebrate his last Masses with us over the weekend of 16th /17th September. There will be an opportunity to say our good-byes at a ‘Bring & Share Supper’ following the 7.30pm Mass on Friday 15th September. Everyone who wishes to join us for both MASS and to wish Fr Tom a fond FAREWELL are very welcome to join us in the Parish Hall after this Mass.
Malcolm, the Parish Cat.I wondered why I was hungrier for the last few years. I am delighted to discover that it was not greed. The chocolate bars have been shrinking and so have I!Although it goes against everything I love dearly I think we should boycott all those things that have been reduced in sizeespecially if Toblerone and Mars have not told us. I do love the word,’Shrinkflation’
Come to the Feast: Watch this space for more information about this exciting opportunity for everyone across all areas of our Pastoral Area to get involved in deepening our understanding and experience of the Mass this coming autumn…
Richard Martin as Lay Director of Formation for the Avon Stour Pastoral Area will speak at Masses on “Come to the Feast” week-end of September 2~3rd
Mass Times and intentions this week.
Saturday 6.30pm Vigil Alice Power RIP
Sunday 9.00am Brian McCarthy RIP
10:45am Thomas, Lizy and Soniya Intentions
Monday 9:20 Holy Souls
Tuesday 9:20am Angela King RIP
Wednesday 9:20am Peter Rutins RIP
Thursday 9:20am Thomas Anthony Intentions
Friday 7:30pm John Symonds RIP
Saturday 10:00am Margaret Kavangh RIP
Saturday 6:30pm Vigil Thomas, Lizy and Soniya Intentions
Sunday 9:00am April Reardon Intentions
10:45am Patrick Mahony RIP + Margaret Kavangh RIP
NB Monday 14th August: 9:20 Liturgy of the Word and Holy Communion
Tuesday 15th August Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady.
Feast Day. Holy day of Obligation. Masses at 9:20 and 7:30
Parish Newsletter.
This week’s Newsletter will be the last one until 2~3rd September. NO SERMONS EITHER FOR AUGUST ~rejoice~alegrarse~magsaya~cieszyc~rallegrarsi~and again.
Christchurch Food Bank
As we gear up for the summer, we are still in need of: Instant coffee, tinned tomatoes, tinned custard and rice puddings, tinned veg (especially peas and carrots), dried and microwaveable rice, ketchup and crisps .
God bless you all.
Bible Alive: For the month of August now available in the Narthex.
Bric-a-Brac: We are pleased to announce that we can now start taking electrical equipment again due to Tony Green offering to check all electrical equipment we receive before we put them on sale.