Chemistry & Society Quarterly Calendar
Mr. Kirk
2008-09 Quarter 1
Week / OGTBenchmark- Indicator /
/ Date Given / Date Due / PointsWorth / Points EarnedWeek 1: 8/18 – 8/22
Course Introduction and Paperwork:
Goals and Incentives
Lab Safety and Equipment
Scientific Measurement / (9) SI – A.2
(9) SWK – A.3 / Personal Information Sheet Signed
Textbook Covered
Activity: Introduction to Chemistry and Reasoning
Lecture: Classroom Procedures and Discipline Policy
Lecture 1: Lab Safety and Equipment
Activity: DHMO
Lab Drawer Check – In
Lecture 2: Introduction to Measurement
Pick up “Introduction to Measurement Notes”
Lab 1: Mini Metric Measurement
QUIZ 1: Safety, Equipment, and Math
- Syllabus
- Quarterly calendar
- Parent Letter
- Discipline Plan
- Lab Safety Rule
- Lab Equipment Sheet
- Personal Info. Sheet
- Textbook
Week 2: 8/25 – 8/29
Metric Measurement and Conversion
Significant Figures and Scientific Notation / (9) SI – A.4
(9) SI – A.3, A.4
A.5, A.6
(9) P – C.9 / Lecture 3: Scientific Notation, and Significant Digits
Scientific Notation W.S. Side 1
Scientific Notation W.S. Side 2
Significant Figures W.S. Side 1
Significant Figures W.S. Side 2
Read Textbook pg. 2-4
Lecture 4: Metric Measurement and Conversion
Metric Unit Conversions W.S. Side 1
Metric Unit Conversions W.S. Side 2
Receive Metric Prefix and Conversions Charts
Demo: Density Column
Lab 2: Density
Chart Group Progress
QUIZ 2: Metric Conversion, Significant Figures, Scientific Notation, Density
Week 3: 9/1 – 9/5
Water Availability and Societal Impacts
Water Purification / (9) P – C.10
(10) E – D.5 / Lecture 5: Intro. To Water Unit
Pick Up “Water Unit Section A Reading Guide”:
Activity: You Decide (pg. 10-11) Keeping A Water Diary
Pre-Lab: Foul Water (pg. 7-10)
Lab: Foul Water (pg. 7-10)
READ and Complete Water Unit Section A.1 – A.7 Reading Guide
Your Turn pg. 12: Regional Water Usage
Article: Water
QUIZ 3: Water Usage and Purification Methods
Week 4: 9/8 – 9/12
Water Purification
Water Usage and Conservation / (9) P-C.9, C.10 / You Decide A.8 pg. : Water Diary Data Analysis
Lab: Distillation
Summary Questions pg. 20
Pick up “Water Unit Section B Reading Guide”
READ and Complete Water Unit Sections B.1 Reading Guide
READ and Complete Water Unit Section B.2 Reading Guide
Week 5: 9/15 – 9/19
Physical and Chemical Properties
Classification of Solutions / (9) P-C.9 / Lecture: Physical and Chemical (B.1)
Demo: Density and Surface Tension
Lab: Physical and Chemical Properties and Changes
Physical and Chemical Properties / Changes W.S. (2 sides)
Lecture: Classification of Solutions (B.2)
Lab: Mixtures
Matter – Substance vs. Mixture W.S. (2 sides)
Demo: Solution, Colloid, Suspension
Summary Questions pg. 40 # 1 - 4
QUIZ 4: Physical and Chemical Properties, Solutions
Week 6: 9/22 – 9/26
Elements, Molecules, Formulas, and Equations / (9) P – F.5
(9) B-B.6, B.7 / READ and Complete Water Unit Section B.4 and B.5 Reading Guide
Element Flashcards
Demo: Separation of Water
Demo: Hydrogen Reaction with Oxygen
Lecture: Molecules, Symbols, Formula, and Equations
Your Turn pg. 30-31
Atom Inventory and Extra Practice W.S. (2 sides)
Receive Periodic Tables
READ and Complete Water Unit Sections B.6 and B.7 Reading Guide
Summary Questions pg. 40 # 5-8
QUIZ 5: Elements, Molecules, Formulas, Equations
Week 7: 10/2 – 10/6
Water Testing / (9) P-C.10
(10) – SI – A.2, A.3, A.4 / READ and Complete Water Unit Section B.8 Reading Guide
Lecture: Electrical Properties of Water and Bonding
Lecture: Water Testing
Week 8: 10/9 - 10/13
10/13 – WOEA Day
– No Classes
Solution Concentration / (9) SI – A.3, A.5, A.6 / Pick up “Water Section C Reading Guide”
Lecture: Solubility (C.1)
Solubility Curves W.S.
Lab: Creating Solubility Curves
Demo: Supersaturated Solution
Read and Complete Water Unit Section C.1 and C.2 Reading Guide
Lecture: Concentration (C.2)
Lab: Solutions
Your Turn pg. 46-47: Describing Solution Concentrations
Solution Concentration W.S.
READ and Complete Water Section C.3 and C.4 Reading Guide
QUIZ 6: Solubility, Concentration
Week 9: 10/16-10/20
Gas Solubility
Acids and Bases / (9) P – B.8 / (Field Trip: Wastewater Treatment Plant)??
Lecture: Gas Solubility (C.3 and C.4)
Demo: Gas Solubility
Practice Problems C.1 – C.4 W.S.
READ and Complete Water Section C.5 and C.6 Reading Guide
Lecture: Acids and Bases
Lab: Natural Acid and Base Indicators
QUIZ 7: Solubility, Acids and Bases
Week10:10/23-10/27 / Quarter 1 Notebook Due
Quarter 1 Exam: Intro. Material – Water Unit Section C.6
Quarter 1 Movie: TBA
- Understand and Use Proper Lab Safety and Proper Lab Techniques
- Be able to report scientific measurements to the proper number of significant digits
- Be able to report, understand proper use, and convert between values given in scientific notation
- Apply the concepts of Precision and Accuracy in reporting data
- Gain an appreciation for the ease of use of the metric system
- Be able to convert between metric units
- Be able to determine the density of substances using D = (M/V), as well as using Archimede’s Principle when applicable
- Understand that the density of any pure substance is an inherent property which can aid in the identification of unknowns
- Use metric units in measuring length, volume, and mass
- Purify a water sample using separation and filtration techniques
- Distillation – how it works, what it does
- Collect and analyze data on family water usage
- Relate the purity of water supplies to community health
- Direct vs. Indirect water usage and their importance in water conservation
- The Hydrologic cycle and the primary storage reservoirs of Earth’s water supply
- Distribution of Earth’s water supply (salt and fresh water)
- Reasons for Regional Water usage differences
- Identify Physical vs. Chemical Properties of Substances
- Determine if a Physical or Chemical change has occurred
- Discuss the unusual Physical / Chemical Properties of water that allow for life on this planet including Boiling Point, Freezing Point, Surface Tension, and Density
- Define the terms solution, solute, and solvent, and apply them in example
- Classify matter in terms of elements, compounds, atoms, molecules and mixtures
- Further classify mixtures as Solutions, Colloids, or Suspensions
- Differentiate between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous
- Elements (name and Symbols) 1-36, and Pb, Hg, Au, Ag
- Differentiate between atoms, elements, molecules, and compounds
- Interpret symbols and formulas in chemical equation, including knowing where you find products and reactants
- The difference between ionic and covalent bonds, and how you can determine this by the position of the elements on the periodic table
- What is a precipitate
- The purpose of a reference and a control in an experiment
- Define the terms saturated, unsaturated, supersaturated, and insoluble
- Calculate solution concentration as a percentage and as Molarity
- Use solubility curves to describe the effect of temperature on solubility, and calculate percent saturation
- Demonstrate the ability to organize data in graphs and tables
- Given the pH of a solution, classify it as acidic, basic, or neutral