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Holy Spirit – red with white descending dove. Hang in chapel Thursday night after team meeting and leave it there all weekend.
Good Morning I Love You – large blue banner with sunburst. Hang in dining hall after team meeting Thursday night and take it down after breakfast. Remember to hand it each night and take it down after each breakfast.
Ideal – large deep blue banner with stars and a ship. Hang it Thursday night after team meeting for first rollo Friday morning.
Jesus Christ, Head Man in Charge – smaller banner with blue background and gold fringe. Coordinate with Rector(a) on when to hang it on the podium.
Grace, the Gift of God – white banner with red flames and “I Chose You”. Hang before Grace rollo.. Also drops pouring from pitcher, dancing figures.
Laity – green banner with Jesus as the vine and you as the branches. Hang before the Laity rollo.
DeColores – there are five of them. Coordinate with Rector(a) and Head Cha Cha as to how many to use and where to hang them. They should be hung after lunch since the song “DeColores” is introduced after the break. They can be rotated.
Faith – there are two banners for this rollo. One is an umbrella on a blue background with a shower of gifts. One is on a tan background and says “He’s got the whole world in His hands.” Coordinate with Spiritual Advisor as to which one to use.
Piety – says “living by faith” with praying hands, chalice, etc. Hang before the Piety rollo.
I Thought I Knew Who I Was – hang immediately after the Piety rollo.
Study – “Don’t be Satisfied with Just Good Books” Hang it Friday night after team meeting for Study rollo which is the first rollo on Saturday.
Alleluia – A white banner with the P-X Christ symbol. This banner is not for a rollo. Hang it in the chapel or somewhere else to start building colors.
Reborn – small banner with a butterfly. Good to use anytime – perhaps in the chapel.
Sacraments – “Do this in remembrance . .has a chalice and a paten. Hang before the first part of the Sacraments rollo.
Alleluia – banner with three trumpets. Not for a rollo. Use anytime to build colors.
Hosanna – small banner with palm fronds. Hang in one of the small chapels before chapel visits in the afternoon.
Before color . . . light – a large rainbow on a blue background. Hang during lunch break in the rollo room.
Action – “Don’t be a chicken . .” Hang before Action rollo.
Fishers of Men - Hang immediately following Action rollo.
Obstacles – cars with road blocks representing the seven deadly sins. Hang before the Obstacles rollo. Also drops pouring from pitchers, figures with umbrella open.
Leaders – “Who Me?” with feet. Hang before the Leaders rollo.
Fear Not for I have Redeemed You – This banner was made especially for Agape. Hang it in the chapel in the area where Agape will be set up. Be sure some light is showing on it.
Environment - “Vivamos” Hang it Saturday night after Agape for the first rollo on Sunday morning.
Christian Life –“Our Unclean Hearts” Hang before the rollo on Christian Life
Christian Community – “We are One in the Spirit” Hang before the Christian Community in Action rollo.
Group Reunion – “Onward” ultreya translates to onward. Hang before the Group Reunion rolla.
Bloom Where You Are – Denim banner with small pot and very large quilted flower. Hang before the Ultreya rolla.