

Our legal system is made up of court systems in the states and the federal government. Read each case below and identify the court that would hear it. Then, explain why that court would hear that case.

Potential Courts: State Trial Court (civil and criminal), State Appeals Court, Federal District Court, Federal Court of Appeals, United States Supreme Court

1.  When Michael was arrested, he confessed to the charges against him. His confession was used as evidence in his trial in a state trial court, and he was found guilty. However, Michael had not been told of his right to remain silent. He appealed the decision. What court will hear the case? Why?

Court: ______

Reason: ______


2.  The Court that hears Michael’s appeal agreed with Michael. It reversed the lower court’s decision and ordered a new trial. What court will hear the case? Why?

Court: ______

Reason: ______


3.  Anthony is cooking dinner on his new barbecue. A neighbor’s dog jumps into the yard. The dog knocks over the grill and attacks Anthony, biting him badly. Anthony sues his neighbor for medical costs and a new grill. What court will hear the case? Why?

Court: ______

Reason: ______


4.  Maria, the editor of the school newspaper, has published an article that includes profanity. As a result, she is suspended. Maria sues the principal and the school district for violating her right to freedom of speech. What is the lowest court that would have original jurisdiction in this case? Why?

Court: ______

Reason: ______


5.  The court that heard Maria’s case agreed with the principal and the school district. Maria decided to appeal her case. What is the highest court to which her case can be appealed? Why?

Court: ______

Reason: ______


6.  The city of Denver cannot meet the air quality standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency to enforce the Clean Air Act. Citizens are taking the city to court. What court will hear the case? Why?

Court: ______

Reason: ______


7.  Two garbage boats owned by the State of Indiana collided on the Ohio River, blocking boat traffic for two weeks. The state of Illinois takes Indiana to court, demanding payment for lost revenue. What court will hear the case? Why?

Court: ______

Reason: ______


8.  Congress passes a law requiring record companies to put warning labels on albums of rock music that might be a bad influence on children. The record companies claim that the law is unconstitutional. What is the highest court that could have original jurisdiction in the case? Why?

Court: ______

Reason: ______
