Destiny 1
Running Head: Qwik Start Guide
Qwik Start Guide
Destiny version 9.5
MEDT 6468, Spring 2010
Robert O. Case II
University of West Georgia
Qwik Start Guide: Destiny version 9.5
Section One: In the Beginning 4
1. Setting up patron types 4
2. Adding or updating patrons 5
a. Creating new patron records by entering them individually 5
b. Importing new patron records from a database 5
c. Updating existing patron records 6
d. Deleting patron records 7
3. Assigning passwords and patron numbers 8
Section Two: Online Patron Access 9
1. How to open the OPAC 9
2. Types of searches and how to perform them 9
3. Reading an OPAC results list 10
4. Reading an OPAC item record 11
5. Sorting “hit” lists by author, title, Dewey # or other category 12
6. Printing “hit” lists 14
7. Reserving materials online 15
Section Three: Cataloging (Maintaining the Collection Database) 16
1. Opening the Cataloging module 16
2. Setting up material types and designators 16
3. Deleting materials 17
4. Adding materials 19
5. Correcting existing MARC records 21
6. Using an authority file for subject headings 22
Section Four: Circulating Materials and Interlibrary Loans 23
1. Opening the Circulation module and using passwords 23
2. Checking out materials 23
3. Checking in materials 23
4. Setting up the system for limited check-out 23
5. Changing the date and time 24
6. Modifying due dates 25
7. Entering fines, reserves, and messages 26
8. Looking up materials and patrons 26
9. Running overdue notices 27
10. Printing bills, fines, receipts 28
11. Using temporary barcodes 29
12. Looking up circulation logs 29
13. Interlibrary loans 30
Section Five: Reports and Utilities 31
1. How to backup the system 31
2. Restoring the system from a backup 32
3. How to run circulation reports 33
4. How to print a shelflist 34
5. How to print barcode labels 35
6. How to print spine labels 37
7. How to do inventory 38
8. How to run a collection age report 41
9. How to run an unused barcode report 41
10. How to run a custom index 42
Section Six: Troubleshooting 42
4A: Sample Overdue Notice 43
4B: Sample Fine Notice 44
4C: Sample Receipt 45
4D: Sample Patron Circulation Log 46
4E: Sample Item Circulation Log 47
5A: Collection Circulation Report – View A 48
5B: Collection Circulation Report – View B 49
5C: Sample Shelf List 50
5D: Sample Collection Age Report 51
5E: Custom Index – Sample Printout 52
Destiny 1
Section One: In the Beginning
Note: For parts 1& 2, Section One, the user must be logged into Destiny 9.5 with administrative rights unless specified otherwise.
1. Setting up patron types
§ Click on the Back Office tab.
§ Click on the Library Policies tab.
§ The following screen will appear.
§ The four patron types (Faculty, Media Staff, Student, and Other) are set by the District and school media specialists are discouraged from modifying them. If you are a District level employee however, here are the steps for adding, editing, and deleting patron types.
a. To add a patron type
§ Click on the Patron Type icon to create a new type of patron.
§ After entering new patron type and assigning variables, click the Save icon.
b. To edit a patron type
§ Select a patron type from the list, and then click on the Edit icon to the right.
§ After entering changes to the patron type’s variables, click the Save icon.
c. To delete a patron type
§ Select a patron type from the list, and then click on the Delete icon to the right.
§ After confirming you want to delete the patron type, click the Save icon.
2. Adding or updating Patrons
a. Creating a new patron record by entering them individually.
§ Click on the Back Office tab.
§ Click on the Manage Patrons tab.
§ Click on the New Patron icon.
§ The following screen will appear.
§ Type in new patron’s information in the text boxes. (see screen above)
§ After entering the new patron’s information, click the Save icon.
§ The text boxes will clear so you can enter another new patron.
b. Importing new patron records from a database
§ Login using a District Administrator password.
§ Click on the Back Office tab.
§ Click on the Import Patrons tab.
§ Verify that your SchoolMAX export file is in comma-delimited ASCII format. If not, use Follett Software Company's Patron Conversion Utility to convert it.
§ If your patron records contain both a barcode and an ID number, choose whether to move the unselected identifier to the User Defined 5 field, to the District ID field, or to discard it.
§ If an incoming record matches an existing record, choose the way you want the import to handle duplicate records. It can preserve your existing record, merge the incoming information with the existing record, or replace the existing record.
§ After specifying how you want the import to manage duplicate patron records, click the Browse button to locate the import file and then click the Import button to start the process. Important: The file you're importing must not be larger than 500 MB.
§ Remain on the Import Patrons page until the message, The patron import you requested has been submitted, appears. Once it appears, you may continue to use Destiny as normal.
c. Updating existing patron records
§ Login using a District Administrator password.
§ Click on the Back Office tab.
§ Click on the Update Patrons tab.
§ Export patron data from SchoolMAX to a CSV text file. Make this text file available to Destiny by copying it to a working folder on your Destiny application server.
§ With the Patron Import Converter, you'll convert data from a CSV format into the Destiny XML format.
§ Customize the Converter by editing its properties file: map the fields in your CSV file to those in Destiny; and set up default values for those fields not in your CSV file. To edit the properties file, you can either open the Destiny Patron Import Converter application that has a graphical user interface, or use a text editor.
§ Convert the patron data from the CSV format to the XML format that Destiny can interpret and upload using the Patron Import Converter. You can run the Patron Import Converter from within the application, through a command prompt, or automatically as a Windows Scheduled Task.
§ Upload the resulting XML file into Destiny: In the Back Office of Destiny; through a command prompt; or automatically as a Windows Scheduled Task.
d. Deleting patron records
1. Global Criteria
§ Login using a District Administrator or Media Staff password.
§ Click on the Back Office tab.
§ Click on the Update Patrons tab.
§ Click on the Delete tab.
§ Select what you want to delete: patron records, or just patron notes.
§ Select Global criteria as the category you want to base the deletions.
§ The following screen will appear.
§ Specify your criteria: Graduation Year, Grade Level, Homeroom, Card Expiration Date, particular Patron Type, or leave it at Any.
§ If deleting patron records, select the check box to delete patrons even if they have outstanding checkouts, fines, or refunds.
§ After you make your selections, click the Delete All button and then click the Yes button on the confirmation message.
2. List of Patrons
§ Login using a District Administrator or Media Staff password.
§ Click on the Back Office tab.
§ Click on the Update Patrons tab.
§ Click on the Delete tab.
§ Select what you want to delete: patron records, or just patron notes.
§ Select List of patrons as the category you want to base the deletions.
§ The following screen will appear.
§ Retrieve the students by searching for them using any of the patron record fields in the IN list such as All, Patron Name, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, District ID, Grade Level, or Homeroom.
§ If deleting patron records, select the check box to delete patrons even if they have outstanding checkouts, fines, or refunds.
§ To include a student listed, click the Select button next to the student.
§ To remove a student listed, click the Remove button next to the student.
§ After you have selected students from the list, click the Delete All button and then click the Yes button on the confirmation message.
3. Assigning passwords and patron numbers
§ Patron numbers are assigned by the county when a teacher is hired or by SchoolMAX when a student enrolls.
§ Patron numbers are the same as student’s ID and teacher’s e-number listed on their pay stub.
§ All patrons can create an account by clicking on the Create Account icon in top of right hand corner of the Destiny home page.
§ Enter your last name and patron number and click the green GO arrow.
§ If you have a birth date in your record, Destiny prompts you to enter it next. Use the menus to select the month, day, and year.
§ Enter your unique user name and password, and re-enter your password again to confirm it. If you don't have an email address on file already, you can enter that also.
§ When you are done, click the Save icon at the bottom of the page.
§ Destiny automatically logs you in with your new user name and password.
Section Two: Online Patron Access Catalog
1. How to open the OPAC
§ Log onto any school computer.
§ From the school computer launcher window, double click on the Destiny icon. From a non-school computer, go to and click on the Wheeler Library Book Search link listed at the top of the home page.
§ No password is needed to access the OPAC.
2. Types of Searches and How to Perform Them
Keyword, Title, Author, Subject or Series Search
§ Enter the keyword, title, author, subject or series name in the text box as illustrated in the screen shot below:
§ You can narrow your search criteria further by specifying Format, Award Winner, Reading Level, Interest Level, and Reading Programs.
§ Click on the most appropriate icon for your search located below the text box.
§ A list of potential materials will appear.
Power Search
§ Click on Power tab along the top right as illustrated in the screen shot below:
§ Enter a word or words on one or each text box displayed.
§ Using the pull down menus to the left, select the specific field (keyword, title, author, subject, series or note) you would like each text box to search.
§ Click on the specific Boolean Logic type to connect the words (AND: check both words, OR: shows all of the titles that include all or just one of the words, and NOT: all titles that include the first word listed but not the next word listed)
§ Using the pull down menus to the left, select the specific field (keyword, title, author, subject, series or note) you would like each text box to search.
§ Using the pull down menus to the right, select whether you would like to search All these words, Any of these words, or This exact phrase.
§ You can narrow your search criteria further by specifying Material Type, Publication Year, Circulation Type, Award Winner, Reading Level, Interest Level, and Reading Programs.
§ Start the Power search by clicking the Search icon to the right of the text boxes.
§ A list of potential materials will appear.
3. Reading an OPAC Results List
§ After the search for material has been completed, you will receive an OPAC results list or hit list. This hit list includes all potential matches based on your search criteria as illustrated in the screen shot below:
§ Notice that the resulting items in the hit list details the title, number of titles available, location by call number, author, add to this list button, year published, interest level, and lexile score. Additionally, if an item has been reviewed by patrons of the district, then a ranking out of five stars is displayed.
§ To see more information about an item, click on the title or details icon.
4. Reading an OPAC Item Record
§ After clicking on the title or details icon of the result item in question, you will receive a detailed OPAC item record. This detailed OPAC item record includes all of information one could possible want to know about the title as illustrated in the screen shot below:
§ Notice that the OPAC item records details title, author, number of titles available, a brief summary of the title, ranking out of five stars, add to this list button, and very thorough publication information including city published, publisher, year published, edition, number of pages, physical description, LCCN and ISBN. Additionally, the OPAC item record includes a section entitled Explore! that allows you to find more titles or websites regarding similar subject headings associated with this title.
§ Two other sections included within the OPAC item record but not shown in the screen shot above are Awards and Additional Info. The Awards section includes all the awards the title has won and the Additional Info section includes publications that have reviewed the title as well as interest grade level, age level, and Lexile score.
5. Sorting Hit Lists
§ After the search for material has been completed, you will receive an OPAC results list or hit list. The patron can sort this hit list by call number, title, author, date, type, status or relevance. While in an unsorted hit list, the patron uses the drop down menu at the top center to sort by title as illustrated in the screen shot below:
§ Once the patron has selected title from the drop down menu, they then click the Go button to the right of the drop down menu to perform the sort action. The OPAC result list is then arranged by title as illustrated in the screen shot below:
§ Notice that the OPAC result list is now arranged alphabetically by title.
Using Resource Lists
§ Patrons can place items in a resource list by clicking on the Add Page button in the upper right hand corner or by clicking the Add to this List button next to title or titles of interest. Patrons can then sort, edit, and print the resource list. Although no password is required to access the OPAC, patrons must be logged into their account in order to save multiple resource lists. The resulting resource list page is displayed as illustrated in the screen shot below:
§ Notice that the resource list has to buttons out to the right of each title in the list. The Citation button allows you to review and edit the citation of the title, while the Remove button allows you to delete that title from the resource list.