Aviation Education Expo 2017 Participation Agreement

Sussex County Airport, Georgetown DE 19947

Friday, October 6, 2017

Dear Vendors:

We are very excited to invite you to the fourth annual Aviation Education Expo, which will take place at the Delaware Coastal Airport, Georgetown DE.

This event is targeting high school juniors and seniors throughout the State. The focus of this event is to introduce young people to the vast array of career opportunities within the aviation industry. We want to educate students on the brink of making college and career decisions, about some of these exciting options!

The day is packed with industry leaders, vendors, aircraft displays, guest speakers, amazing prizes, demonstrations, growing scholarship opportunities, and most of all…information that could literally change their destiny!

Vendor registration is attached.

Vendors will include organizations and companies that are looking to exhibit aviation related products and services

This event is FREE of charge to all vendors, and includes breakfast & lunch! That’s right! The day is on our corporate sponsors entirely! Thank you in advance for sharing your talent and expertise with these promising young people. Together, we can have an amazing impact on their future!


Linda Price

Wings & Wheels Chairperson


Friday, October 6, 2017

The organization below agrees to exhibit at the 4th Annual Aviation Education Expo and agrees to the guidelines outlined below:



Organization Name Contact Person


Address City, State, Zip


Phone Email Address (for further updates)


We will be joining you this year ______

We would like to reserve a FREE 8ft.table ______

We will be bringing an aircraft static display ______

*If yes, what type of aircraft/vehicle? ______


Booth Space: There is no charge for booth space; however, we are requesting the donation of one premium item to be used as a door prize.

Occupancy: Set up will begin at 7:30am and tear-down will begin at 1:00pm. The exhibit hours are 9 am –12:30pm.

Indemnification and Release: Exhibitor hereby expressly releases Wings & Wheels, Delaware Coastal Airport, Sussex County Council, Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and all co-sponsors, and any of their agents, shareholders, representatives, officers or directors from any and all liability for any injury, damage, or loss to any person or property that may arise from Exhibitor’s occupation of booth space, and agrees to pay all defense costs related to any claim against Wings & Wheels, Delaware Coastal Airport, Sussex County Council, Georgetown Chamber of Commerce or co-sponsors. Exhibitor further agrees to indemnify and hold Delaware Coastal Airport, Sussex County Council & The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce, and its agents, shareholders, representatives, officers and directors harmless from any loss or damage arising out of or in connection therewith, including without limitation, any damages to the exhibit booth/table. Exhibitor releases and discharges all sponsors and their respective agents, shareholders, representatives, officers and directors from any and all liability for any loss, injury, or damage to persons or property that exhibitor may sustain while participating in the Education Expo.

Insurance: Exhibitor shall, at its own cost and expense, obtain all necessary insurance coverage to enable it to meet its obligations associated with exhibiting at trade shows and other events.

Contract Acceptance: I, the duly authorized representative of the organization listed above, have read and agree to the guidelines and regulations associated with this exhibitor agreement.

Signature Date

Please email your participation agreement by September 1, 2017 to or fax to 302-856-1577

We thank you in advance for you participation in this year’s event! We are very excited about sharing our passion for this industry, with young people. We could not do it without you, and appreciate your ongoing support and encouragement!

The Aviation Education Expo Planning Committee