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Title / Demonstrate knowledge of telecommunications radio frequency systems
Level / 4 / Credits / 20
Purpose / This unit standard covers underpinning knowledge for people engaged in installation and maintenance of telecommunications radio systems including cellular radio.
People credited with this unit standard are able to demonstrate:
–basic knowledge of the telecommunications Open System Interconnection (OSI) model;
–knowledge of radio transmitters and receivers;
–knowledge of cellular mobile telephony;
–knowledge of radio systems;
–knowledge of common radio support services;
–knowledge of radio systems installation and maintenance practices;
–knowledge of plans and specifications used in the installation of telecommunications radio systems; and
–knowledge of retrofitting telecommunications radio installations.
Classification / TelecommunicationsTelecommunications - Service Delivery
Available grade / Achieved
Guidance Information
Electricity Act 1992;
Electricity Safety Regulations 2010;
NZS 2772.1:1999 Radiofrequency fields – Maximum exposure levels – 3 kHz to 300 GHz;
Radiocommunications Act 1989;
Telecommunications Act 2001;
and all subsequent amendments and replacements.
AM – amplitude modulation.
AMPS – advanced mobile phone service.
CDMA – code division multiple access.
COFDM – code orthogonal frequency division modulation.
DAMPS – digital advanced mobile phone service.
FM – frequency modulation.
GSM – global system for mobile communications.
Industry practice – those practices, which competent practitioners within the industry recognise as current industry best practice.
OSI – open system integration model.
QAM – quadrature amplitude modulation.
QPSK – quadrature phase shift keying.
r.f. – radio frequency.
Radio frequency services and radio equipment – may refer to radio and/or cellular radio applications.
TDMA – time division multiple access.
UHF – ultra high frequency.
UPS – uninterruptible power supplies.
VHF – very high frequency.
The phrase in accordance with current industry practice is implicit in all performance criteria in this unit standard.
Outcomes and performance criteria
Outcome 1
Demonstrate basic knowledge of the telecommunications Open System Interconnection (OSI) model.
Performance criteria
1.1The seven layers of the OSI model are defined in terms of their attributes.
Rangelayers – physical, data link, network, transport, session, presentation, application.
1.2Typical examples of applications and types of transmission media are outlined for the seven layers of the OSI model.
Outcome 2
Demonstrate knowledge of radio transmitters and receivers.
Performance criteria
2.1The principles of modulation are explained with the aid of waveform sketches and with reference to typical circuits.
RangeAM, FM, digital modulation, QPSK, QAM, COFDM.
2.2The operation of radio transmitters and receivers is described with the aid of block diagrams showing all major components and support services, and typical frequencies and signal levels.
Rangetransmitters and receivers – AM, FM, digital modulation, QPSK, QAM, COFDM.
Outcome 3
Demonstrate knowledge of cellular mobile telephony.
Performance criteria
3.1Mobile systems infrastructures are described in terms of components, interfaces, and transmission media.
3.2Principles of cellular switching are explained with the aid of block diagrams and reference to all major components and their attributes.
Rangereference to – software management, signalling systems, switching parameters, dimensioning, hierarchy, trunking, diversity and redundancy, routine testing, monitoring, management.
3.3Base station functions are described.
Rangereference to – base station control, call handover and management, network parameters, signalling, trunking, time slot management.
3.4The objectives and benefits of radio frequency planning are described.
Rangereference to – frequency allocation and ownership, cell planning, frequency re-use, planning tools, radio parameters, mobile field testing, optimisation.
3.5The management of the mobile network is described, with particular reference to the management of alarms, faults, and configurations of a typical fault and alarm telemetry system.
Outcome 4
Demonstrate knowledge of radio systems.
Performance criteria
4.1Typical radio systems are explained with the aid of block diagrams detailing typical frequencies and signal levels for all major components including typical antennae.
Rangepoint to point fixed wireless links; point to multi-point for AM radio, FM radio, VHF and UHF TV, satellite; radio telephone; multi access radio; personal communication system.
4.2The principles of a typical supervisory system are described with reference to operation and functional components.
Outcome 5
Demonstrate knowledge of common radio support services.
Performance criteria
5.1The objectives and benefits of power supply systems are described.
Rangetypical objectives – simplicity, reliability, manageability;
typical benefits – security, availability;
power supply systems – UPS, emergency generators.
5.2The operation of security access and fire protection systems are described with reference to purpose and function.
Rangefire protection – gas suppression, sprinklers, smoke alarms.
5.3The purpose and function of air-conditioning systems are described in relation to equipment rooms.
Outcome 6
Demonstrate knowledge of radio systems installation and maintenance practices.
Performance criteria
6.1Safety precautions for working near antennae are stated.
6.2The principles of earthing and shielding for safety and for minimisation of noise and interference are described.
6.3Installation requirements for location, space, and support services for a small installation are described.
6.4Commonly used radio tests and measurements are described with reference to measurement principles, methods, and types of instruments.
Rangetests and measurements – signal strength, antennae testing, signal and carrier measurement, bit error rate, spectrum analyser, site testing.
6.5First line maintenance techniques are described with reference to appropriate instruments and typical management protocols for remote plant and equipment.
Outcome 7
Demonstrate knowledge of plans and specifications used in the installation of telecommunications radio systems.
Performance criteria
7.1A typical set of plans is interpreted.
Rangecorrect identification from the plans of type, location, and interconnections of frames, cabinets and other equipment racks, cables, cable trays, terminating boxes, antennae.
7.2A typical specification is interpreted.
Rangeall practical installation requirements are identified.
Outcome 8
Demonstrate knowledge of retrofitting telecommunications radio installations.
Performance criteria
8.1The elements for planning a retrofit installation that will integrate with existing equipment infrastructures are explained.
Rangetypical elements – scope of work, site survey, locating cables and feeders, verification of existing infrastructure and documentation.
8.2Factors influencing re-use or replacement of existing equipment are outlined.
8.3Methods for the recovery and disposal of existing radio equipment, feeders, and cabling are described.
Planned review date / 31 December 2020Status information and last date for assessment for superseded versions
Process / Version / Date / Last Date for AssessmentRegistration / 1 / 20 September 2002 / N/A
Rollover and Revision / 2 / 25 February 2008 / N/A
Rollover and Revision / 3 / 23 November 2017 / N/A
Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) reference / 0101
This CMR can be accessed at
Comments on this unit standard
Please contact Infrastructure ITO you wish to suggest changes to the content of this unit standard.
Connexis Infrastructure ITOSSB Code 101813 / New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2018