“Gin Triplet” Card Game (based on Gin Rummy)
Source: Nanci Smith, Ph.D., Educational Consultant ()
To play the game with two players:
- Each player will always have 6 cards by the end of a turn. The object of the game is to have two sets of “triplets” (3 cards that have equivalent values).
- To start the game, deal 6 cards to both players. Put the rest of the cards face down in a pile and put the top card into a discard pile.
- The first player decides whether to choose the card showing or draw another card. Their turn ends when they put a card in the discard pile.
- Players take turns, either choosing the discard or drawing off the top of the pile. (If the pile gets used up, the discard pile is shuffled and becomes the pile.)
- The first person who collects two triplets will put their discard on the pile upside down and say, “Gin”.
- The winner shares their triplets with their partner, who checks for accuracy.
- At the end of the game, both players record all triplets that they came up with on the accountability sheet. The accountability sheet is checked by the teacher.
To create the game:
- Choose six “answers”. For example, if the game is being used to reinforce practice on integer operations, write down the answer in the top row of the table below. Then write down in the column below each answer, write down 5 different ways that this answer could be derived. You can add some wild cards, but the students must define the wild card in their accountability sheet.
-5 / 6 / 2 / 13 / 0 / -27
-12 + 7 / (-2)(-3) / (-1)(-1)(6 – 4) / -39 / -3 / -8 – (-8) / 9 (-3)
-2 + -3 / -(-8 + 2) / -13 + 15 / - (-25 + 12) / 4 (-1 + 1) / -9 -9 -9
-5 (-1)(-1) / -10 – 2
-1 -1 / (0)(14) – (-2) / Wild Card / 14 * (6 – 6) / 81 ÷ -3
-25 ÷ 5 / 2 – 8 + 12 / [-4 (3)]÷(-6) / (-6)(-2) + 1 / Wild Card / 27 - 54
1 - 6 / 1 – (-5) / 32 – (-2)(-15) / -18 + 31 / [-15 – (-15)] ÷ 36 / Wild Card
Copy into two word tables (1 table of 3 columns x 5 rowsper page)) with equal sized boxes (see next page…I used Calibri 16 font and Curlz MT 18 font), print off on card stock, cut up cards. (see next page) Place deck in zip lock bag or envelope.
For the accountability sheet, make a sheet with place for student name/date/game and then a blank table with multiple rows of three columns each. Students will write their matching triplets in each row. If they use a wild card, they must fill in an equivalent expression.
While playing, students will need to be looking at their cards in private. Create a privacy shield similar to the one used in Scrabble out of construction paper or card stock. Fold a piece of construction paper “hot dog” style (fold along longest dimension), but leave one half of the paper about ¾ inches longer. Fold the extra ¾ inch strip the other direction, forming a Z with the 3 sections of paper. Staple each end of the ¾ inch and, for stability, staple both ends and the middle of the other fold. The cards can be placed in the ¾ inch strip, facing the player and not seen by the other player.
-2 + -3 / -(-8 + 2) / -13 + 15
-5 (-1)(-1) / -10 – 2
-1 -1 / (0)(14) – (-2)
-25 ÷ 5 / 2 – 8 + 12 / [-4 (3)]÷(-6)
1 – 6 / 1 – (-5) / 32 – (-2)(-15)
-39 / -3 / -8 – (-8) / 9 (-3)
- (-25 + 12) / 4 (-1 + 1) / -9 -9 -9
Wild Card / 14 * (6 – 6) / 81 ÷ -3
(-6)(-2) + 1 / Wild Card / 27 - 54
-18 + 31 / [-15 – (-15)] ÷ 36 / Wild Card
Accountability Sheet for Gin Triplets
Name ______Date ______
Enter your triplets in each row below: