Program Closure
Graduate Program in [PROGRAM NAME, e.g. Education]
[List the specific degrees being modified
Doctorate in Philosophy Education
Master of Arts Education
Graduate Diploma Program Evaluation]
Submitted to:
Council on
Graduate Studies
Section 1:Overview
1.1Academic unit
1.2Brief program overview
Section 2:Program Closure Rationale
2.3University of Ottawa mission and strategic plan
Appendix A: Program Modification Report
Appendix B: Calendar Text
Appendix C: Letters of Support
In accordance with the University Institutional Quality Assurance Process (IQAP), major modifications to graduate programs include significant changes to the requirements, intended learning outcomes or human and other resources associated with the program. Major modifications also include program closure.
The uOttawa Quality Assurance Office reports program closures to the Council of Ontario Universities on an annual basis.
For additional information on program closure,see the Ontario Universities Council on Quality Assurance Framework and Guide.
Use the template provided as a guide forwriting a program closureapproval request. Content, resources, formatting and writing suggestions are provided throughout the template as guidelines. Each program closure is a unique request, so it is possible that some sections may need to be added to the template while others may need to be deleted.The proposal can be submitted in English, French or a combination. However, use just one language within each section.
Within the template and guide, note that:
- The text written in black is part of the request and should be retained in the final document.
- The text written in grey is information that will guide you to complete each section of the request. Delete the grey text prior to submitting the request to the Office of the Vice-Provost, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. The final document should have no grey text.
If you have questions about the template or about program modifications, contact the Quality Assurance Office at or .
Once the program closurerequest is complete, please forwardit to the Quality Assurance Office for an initial review.
Section 1:Overview
Program Closure
Graduate Program in [NAME OF PROGRAM]
Last Cyclical Review Year [YEAR OF LAST REVIEW,e.g. 2014]
Approved by the Council on
Graduate Studies
Meeting of [DATE OF MEETING]
Prior to thisprogram closure requestbeing submitted to the Council on Graduate Studies, itwas reviewed and approved by the[NAME OF THE ACADEMIC UNIT]and the [NAME OF FACULTY]. The modification was preparedin consultation with the Graduate Studies Office of the Faculty of [NAME OF THE FACULTY] and approved by the Vice-Dean.
Internal approvals fromthe faculty and/or the Coop office:
1. Name of the committee, date of the meeting when the approval was received
2. Name of the committee, date of the meeting when the approval was received
3. Name of the committee, date of the meeting when the approval was received
Effective date: Date when the program closure will come into effect.Note that program closure typically begins with the suspension of admissions and that the complete closure of the program cannot occur until all enrolledstudents have graduated. (Typically, the effective date is May,but this may change with the new student information system, uoCampus.)
1.1Academic unit
Information / Explanation and sampleProgram managers and authors of the program closure request / In this section, list the names of those managing the program.
- D. Perron, Chair, Department of Economics
- F. Lisé, Supervisor, PhD Program
- S. Beauchamp, Supervisor, Master’s Program
Support staff / In this section, list the names of support staff members who have helped prepare the program closurerequest.
- R. Boutin, Operations Coordinator
- S. Lavoie, Administrative Assistant
Web address / In this section, listthe web addresses of the program.
1.2Brief program overview
Information / Explanation and sampleName of program / In this section, indicatethe name of the discipline in both English and French.
- Be sure to use the correct name.
- Epidemiology / Épidemiologie
Degrees / In this section, list the names of the graduate diploma and/or degree programs that will cease to be offered.
- Use the exact title (for example, “Master of Fine Arts” is correct, whereas“Master in Fine Arts” is incorrect).
- There is no need for paragraphs; bullets suffice.
- Master of Science (MSc) in Epidemiology
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Epidemiology
Responsible academic units / In this section, list the participating units,if the program is collaborative or joint.
- There is no need for paragraphs; bullets suffice.
- If appropriate, this section can be deleted.
- Ottawa-Carleton Institute of Mathematics and Statistics
Summary of program requirements / In this section, briefly describe the high-level program structure.
- There is no need for paragraphs; bullets suffice.
- 21 credits with thesis
Fields / In this section, include the names of the fields that were approved by the Ontario Council on Quality Assurance.
- If appropriate, this section can be deleted.
- Be sure to use the correct names.
- There is no need for paragraphs; bullets suffice.
- There are two fields at the PhD level:
- Descriptive and Analytic Epidemiology
- Applied and Clinical Epidemiology
Number of students currently registered in the program / Sample:
- Graduate Diploma: 2
- Masters:0
- Doctorate:0
Current number of core faculty members / Sample:
- 16
Other data deemed appropriate / An example of information that can be added is the number of students who have graduated since the start of the program (total and/or by degreetype). If no additional data is deemed appropriate to include, this section can be deleted.
Section 2:Program Closure Rationale
Content suggestions and resource suggestionsIn this section, briefly describe the rationale for closing the program. Refer to the calendar text(Appendix B).
Content suggestions:
- Include information about why the program should be closed.
Resource suggestions:
- Refer to Appendix B for guidance on preparing calendar text.
- For additional information on program closure, consult the Ontario Universities Council on Quality Assurance Framework and Guide.
- If you have questions about program modifications, particularly in terms of what constitutes a minor modification, a major modification or a new program, contact the Quality Assurance Office at .
Content suggestions, resource suggestions and formatting and writing suggestionsIn this section, explain the impact of the program closure. If there is an impact on other programs,it is best to include explicit evidence that they are in agreement with the closure.
Content suggestions:
- Describe how the program closure will have an impact on the following:
- Overall Program — for example:
- Program goals
- Degree-level expectations
- Learning outcomes
- Teaching, learning and/or evaluation methods
- Participation in one or more collaborative programs
- Students — for example:
- The student profile
- Enrolment
- Admission requirements
- Students’ level of preparation
- Resources and governance — for example:
- Facilities
- Faculty resources
- Material or financial resources
- Administrative structure
- Other existing programs — for example:
- the University of Ottawa
- Saint Paul University
- International partners offering dual degrees with the University of Ottawa
- Add any additional information that would be helpful.
- Check the general regulations for graduate studies.
- Discuss each point. Where necessary,provide supporting evidence that the impact of the program closure is appropriate and acceptable.
- Provide evidence of consultation with and/or secure letters of support from programs that may be affected by the program closure. Include any letters in the appendix section andrefer to them in this section.
- Use separate paragraphs for separate ideas.
- Use sub-headers if appropriate.
2.3Universityof Ottawa mission and strategic plan
Content suggestions, resources suggestions and formatting and writing suggestionsIn this section, briefly explain how the program closure is in line with the University’s mission and the strategic plans of, preferably, both the University and your faculty or unit. Note that, for programs offered by Saint Paul University, these comments can be framed in terms of SPU’s mission and strategic plan.
Content suggestions:
- Explain how the closing of the program is in line with the University’s mission and the strategic plans of, preferably, both the University and your faculty or unit.
- Add any additional information that would be helpful.
- Destination 2020 strategic plan
- Strategic Mandate Agreement (SMA)
- Strategic Areas for Development in Research (SADR)
- Strategic plan of your faculty or academic unit
- Write no more than a half page.
- If the program has more than one degree type, ensure that the specific degree or diploma being described is clearly noted.
- Write with a forward focus; indicate where this program is heading in the future.
- Re-read the entire proposal prior to submission.
Appendix A: Program Modification Report
- The Quality Assurance Office prepares a brief report of recent program modifications.
- The Quality Assurance Office inserts the report here.
Appendix B:Calendar Text
- The academic unit inserts the calendar text here.
Sample section of calendar text:
Sont admissibles au programme de M.A. en études du bilinguisme les titulaires d'un (1) des suivants:
- Un baccalauréat spécialisé ou l'équivalent en Second LanguageTeaching / Didactique des langues secondes, en Linguistique appliquée ou dans une discipline connexe.
- Un baccalauréat de trois ans en Linguistique appliquée ou dans une discipline connexe en plus d'un certificat de niveau universitaire avancé en enseignement de l’anglais à ceux qui parlent d’autres langues, comportant au moins 30 crédits.
To be admitted to the MA program in Bilingualism Studies, candidates must haveone (1) of the following:
- An honours bachelor's degree or equivalent in Second Language Teaching / Didactique des languessecondes, in Applied Linguistics or in a related discipline.
- A three-year bachelor’s degree in Applied Linguistics or a related discipline in addition to a university-level, university-administered advanced certificate in TESOL (Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages), representing a minimum of 30 credits.
Appendix C: Letters of Support
- The academic unit inserts copies of support letters here. This section can be omitted if support letters are not required for closing the program.
- If the proposed program closure relies significantly on the contributions of other stakeholders then letters of support are required from the appropriate department chairs and/or deans, or service directors.
University of Ottawa
General Regulations for Graduate Studies
Strategic Mandate Agreement
Destination 20/20strategic plan
Strategic Areas for Development in Research (SADR)
Teaching and Learning Support Service
Regulation on Bilingualism at the University of Ottawa (“The students” – Part VI, section 4)
Graduate and Professional Student Survey (GPSS) — Questionnaire Sample
Graduate and Professional Student Survey (GPSS) — Results
Ontario College and University Library Association quality assurance brief
Province of Ontario
Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities
Ontario Human Rights Code
Council of Ontario Universities
Ensuring the Value of University Degrees in Ontario: A Guide to Learning Outcomes, Degree Level Expectations and the Quality Assurance Process in Ontario
Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario — Learning Outcomes
Accessible Campus
Canadian Association for Graduate Studies
Accommodating Graduate Students with Disabilities