PHNA April 16 2015 Meeting Minutes

PHNA Board members present

Virginia Hammer

John Hammer

Jonathan Duda

Laurie Lieman

Gene Solan

Marilyn Douglas

Eric Schadow

Public Officials

Leah Golby

Doug Bullock

Judy Doesschate


Luke Rumsey

Albany Police Department

Kyle Parker

Joe Acquaviva


Scott Jarzombeck - Director Albany Public Library (APL) - Discussed APL budget. Increase of 1.65% - equates to $3.71 on a house assessed at $150,000.00. Vote on Budget is May 19th.

Scott mentioned that 61% of library staff live in Albany. He is looking a changing library hours. Library is not only books but is also used as a meeting space and technology.

Nnenna Ferguson - Capital Car Share - Discussed agreement between Capital Car Share and CDTA. CDTA bus pass holders can receive discounts to Capital Car Share memberships. Capital Car Share is looking to add additional vehicles to the fleet and a parking spot in the western part of Albany.

George Benson - RISSE - Refugees and Immigrant Support Services of Emmaus Inc.

RISSE has been active for 10 year teaching English as a Second Language and serves 80 families. Dec 2, 2014 fire destroyed their building. Insurance settlement was just paid and the rebuilding can begin.Building interior to be re-worked for a more educational focus vs residence.

Fund drive at the end of May to support the rebuilding.

Bob Phaneuf - Parking Problems near AlbanyMedicalCenter

Bob presented information on the impact of AMC employees parking on residential streets near AMC. Residential parking permits discussed as a possible solution with input of residents and elected officials. Pros and cons mentioned.

DrGialanella - Dental Practice at 523 Western Ave - Member of PHNA

He and brother own 523 Western Ave and are building a dental practice.


Special use permit for a yoga studio in the building where the St Peters Dental Clinic on Upper Madison is located. Permit application is related to the building setback. Hearing April 22, 2015.

Public Safety

graffiti with a shark mouth has been painted several dozen times.

Use see-click-fix to report graffiti

CUCR - Committee of University and Community Relations - Luke - Discussed midtown neighborhood watch - Need members for the summer as many students leave.

SUNY graduation is May 16th/17th

518-482-4888 is the number to call for SUNY Albany Off Campus Issues. - Luke handles these calls.

PHIG - Pine Hills Improvement Group - Carolyn reported on bi-weekly cleanup. Purple and Gold trash bags from SUNY Albany. Beautify Midtown with plantings under trees.

Upper Madison Improvement - Report by Marilyn Douglas - Meets at Madison Pour House 3rd Thursday at 2pm

Upper Madison Street Fair September 20, 201

Street scape and planting flowers project to beautify Upper Madison Ave.

Flood Group - Judy Doesschate

Meeting April 28th 1st Congregational Church on Quail St.

Judy Doesschate

Judy mentioned her concerns regarding Albanys bonding issues.

Doug Bullock - AlbanyCounty

Doug mentioned AlbanyCounty banning fracking fluid from the landfills.

Albany county voting on redistricting of county legislative districts.

Nursing home finances are looking better with new director in place.

Other notes:

Tierra sponsoring a small weekly farmers market.

May - Environmental Film Festival at the MadisonTheater

Adjourned 9:30