FBSA Monthly Meeting

Monday 30th October 2017 8pm

8 Lovelinch Gardens, Long Ashton


Attendees: Lisa Campbell (LC), Sally James (SJ), Sarah Manning (SM), Sara Watson (SW), Rebecca Cordina (RC), Monica Ogborne (MO), Amanda May (AM), Leanne Gregory (LG), Nicola Carter (NC), Lucy White (LW)

Apologies: Suzi Ferguson (SF), Anna Gravelle (AG), Carmen Meira-Garcia (CM-G)

1. Welcome

LC was delighted to be able to welcome some new members - Nicola Carter (Beech), Sara Watson and Lucy White (Chestnut). SW and LW were presented with FBSA T-shirts and everyone introduced themselves.

2. Minutes 3/1017

Actions completed/superseded unless updated below or later in minutes

LC will continue to advertise the Treasurer role and will look to find a volunteer from the new Chestnut cohort in September.

Update: No longer need to advertise this role as RC is currently sorting out the accounts and then will hand them over to Katherine Falconer (Maple parent) and Nick Markham (Chestnut & Willow parent).

Tarmac funding:

Update: Funds expected in the next couple of weeks. AM also suggested that we apply for Waitrose funding. LC added that we had done this in the past but that we could apply again as it was a few years ago.

School road-crossing:

Update: SJ fed back to Governors the discussion had at the last meeting regarding this proposal. Regarding the suggestion of providing a map of where parents could park, Governors felt that this wouldn't be appropriate. SJ added that Governors are establishing closer links with the local Community via the Parish Council and regular neighbourhood meetings.

FBSA Award - At last year’s leavers’ assembly LC decided that she would like the FBSA to provide a trophy, possibly for a pupil who lives the new vision/values. All in agreement.

LC to discuss rationale for trophy with JB - carry forward

Tea Urn - RC mentioned that the handle was broken at the last event.

RC to investigate buying a new urn - carry forward (aim to get one by Christmas Fayre)

FBSA Noticeboard - RC suggested that this would be useful for parents to see what events are coming up. Suggested it’s situated near the chickens

Update: JB agreed and suggested that we consider a weatherproof board

Facebook page / Website - RC given Facebook Page admin rights. Discussed it would be good to share with parents what funds we’ve raised and what it’s being spent on.

Update: LC included info in newsletter

LC to go through website – carry forward

3. Financial Standing

Pending some receipts from school, we currently have an excess of £2700.

£1000 of which will go towards the ongoing garden project.

LC gave an overview of items we fund each year and also mentioned the recently agreed funds for musical instruments. SW mentioned that her Dad supplies musical instruments and may be willing to get involved.

LC stated that after the fireworks event, we can review funds and consider future requests, although we may need to delay expenditure until after the build. SM and NC asked about netball posts. LG added that these have been ordered but have not yet arrived despite numerous chasers.

RC to provide updated financial spreadsheet so that SJ can claim matched funding from work

4. Fireworks - Friday 3rd Nov

The event is now sold out (755 tickets) however, 50 adult/children tickets will be made available on the gate for non-Flax families. LG & JB will be provided with tokens to count numbers of tickets sold on the gate.

The cost of the event is roughly £4000 so we have already covered our costs.

Volunteer needed for bar during fireworks display - SM volunteered Spencer.

Toffee apples - as Cafe Mama hadn’t responded to LC’s request, LC has ordered 200 toffee apples and popcorn, which will be bagged up and sold from a stall next to the bar.

Signs needed for recycling bins - Glass/Plastic/Cans. Bar staff to be made aware that they will need to replenish bin bags as they fill up.

Stewards -14 volunteers so far, another 4 needed

First Aid - based in Maple classroom. This year Jo Smith has eye-washes and a mirror.

Crafts - AG/MO will set up initially and then the stall will be self-serve with a donation box

Raffle prizes - AM, RC and LC have done a grand job in obtaining some great prizes including an iPad (Alexander May), Bristol City Football tickets, Bristol Rugby tickets, David Lloyd pass, meal at The Princes Motto, Bottles of wine from the Jubilee Inn, a free MOT, golf bag etc. NC suggested asking Backwell House/The George for prizes. It was also suggested that we display a list of the prizes on the night.

Set-up in hall - 5 tables along the kitchen-side of hall for bar, 2 tables at back of hall for crafts, table outside hall for raffle tickets, chairs scattered around hall

Vendors - will arrive from 4.30. Ruby & White in front of chickens, coffee van outside hall, pizza van in front of Willow

LG stated that JB has had phone calls from residents regarding parking, so JB has asked whether we can promote that people walk/park in Farleigh Green.


•  LC to produce tokens and give to LG/JB

•  RC to provide floats for stalls and gate ticket sales

•  Class Reps to send out updated event volunteer rota to ensure volunteers know where they need to be when and push for more Stewards

•  AM to purchase bar supplies (50 bottles mulled wine, 10 cases cider, 12 cases John Smith/Speckled Hen, 25 cases lager, 12 bottles white wine, soft drinks - coke, diet coke, lemonade, squash, juice cartons, pint and wine glasses, bin bags, disposable gloves)

•  AM to produce signs for recycling bins and bar price list

•  NC to ask Backwell House and The George for raffle prizes

•  All to sell raffle tickets between now and Friday and bring stubbs, money and unsold tickets on Friday evening (large part of ticket to buyer – contact details and small ticket number to be returned)

•  Anyone who has obtained raffle prizes to let LC know by Thursday what the prizes are and who has provided them so she can display them on a list

•  LC to let Shine know they cannot use the hall on Friday - completed

•  LG/SJ to find hig-vis jackets for Stewards - completed

•  LG to ensure all external lights are on

•  LG/JB to confirm whether raised beds should be cordoned off, given recent application of weedkiller

•  LC to provide wording re parking so that class reps can share on facebook/whatsapp etc - completed

5. Film Night - Friday 1st Dec

LC proposed £5 per child to include film, hot dog, drink, popcorn and Christmas cracker.

LG stated that the staff and children in their Planet houses, will decorate the hall on Friday morning.

All to think of Christmas films which will be suitable for all year groups.

6. Christmas Fayre - Saturday 2nd December 2-5pm

LC said that it would be good to open up this event to the wider community. RC asked whether we could email people who had bought fireworks tickets to promote the event but it was felt this may breach Data Protection rules. SW suggested flyers to give to people as they leave the fireworks event.

RC has arranged 9 trader stalls

Entry price £1 per person (under 4s free)

Other stalls to include: Toy sale, mince pies and mulled wine, chocolate tombola, Lucy Dip, crafts, second-hand uniform sale, Santa’s grotto


SW to produce flyer and send to LC/SJ for SJ to print - complete

AG to obtain Christmas Tree again

LG to confirm re choir

AG to run crafts

AG to produce poster

7. Christmas general

Christmas cards:

Designs have been sent off today and will be due back within 7-10 days (ie next week). Agreed that a quick turnaround of getting samples out to parents and getting orders back in will be needed to ensure cards arrive by early December.

Toy sale:

Toy sale will start at the Christmas Fayre and any leftover items will be sold in the mornings in the week after the Fayre.

Christmas show:

LG requested £300 for a whole school Christmas production which will be provided by a visiting theatre company.

9. Next meetings

Tuesday 14th November – this will be our AGM as well as a general meeting to cover our Christmas events and will take place in the staff room.

FBSA Christmas Night-out - Friday 8th Dec


RC went to the village Dance Band event which was very good and the band are keen to run an event with us at little or no cost.

Cake sale dates:

Oak 10 Nov

Beech 2 Feb

Willow 16 Mar

Maple 27 Apr

Chestnut 15 Jun