Appendix for RSA Handbook
- Enlisting Influential People
- Job Descriptions
- Meeting Agenda Template
- Monthly Checklists
5. RSA Checklist
6. Volunteer Recruitment
7. Training
7.2Team Captains and Report sheet
7.6Receipt Books
- Child protection and Under 15
- Incidents
- Returns
- Collection Buckets and Tins
- Statutory Declarations
- On The Day
- Counting House
- Banking
- Portal
- Security
- Schools
- Sample forms and letters
- Launches
- Banking
Forms and Resources
- Enlisting Influential People
We need to enlist INFLUENTUAL people to be involved in our Red Shield Appeal.
Start at the top – Influence flows down not up.
What is it you are seeking
- A successful person
- A business or community Leader
- A person who gets things done
-A leader who influences others
When enlisting a potential chairman
- Respect their time
- Make sure they know the task you are asking them to do
- Ask the person face to face
- Present a positive challenge, not a chore – but as an opportunity and a responsibility.
- Inform and Train
People like to be involved and feel good about what they are doing.
Help them to feel good.
- Job Descriptions
The Doorknock Chair is enlisted by the Appeal Chair and assisted by the Appeal Director and Divisional Communications and Public Relations Secretary or their Divisional Representative
- Leadership ability
- Outstanding community leader
- A financial leader in their own right
- Member of Appeal Committee
- Overall responsibility for the Doorknock (house-to-house solicitation)
- Develops and implements a plan to achieve 100% coverage
- Identifies and enlists helpers (with the assistance of the Appeal Chairperson and Appeal Director.)
- Liaises with Salvation Army personnel who are responsible for various divisions
- Makes a standard setting gift
- Liaise with Residential Appeal Coordinator to set dates for four Residential Doorknock meetings
- Liaise with the Residential Coordinator on Policy and Procedure
- Enlist Area Chairpersons
- Attend all Appeal Committee Meetings. Give up to date progress report of the Residential Appeal
- On Doorknock Day be available to tour an area, visiting counting houses with Residential Appeal Coordinator
- Chairs all meetings of Doorknock Committee
- Enlist Area Chair who in turn
- Enlist Zone Chair who in turn
- Enlist Team Captains who in turn
- Enlist Collectors
- To have a member of the Appeal organisation call at every home.
BENEFITS of Doorknock
- Calling during a concentrated period
- Best way of contacting general public
- Enables members of entire public to participate in privilege of giving
The Area Chair is enlisted by the Residential Appeal Chair in consultation with the Residential Appeal Coordinator.
- Leadership ability
- Community leader
- Liaise with Residential Appeal Coordinator on policy and procedure
- Selects and enlists suitable influential people to become Zone Chairpersons
- Sets dates in consultation with Residential Appeal Coordinator for four area meetings
- Attends and reports at Residential Committee Meetings
- Attends at least one meeting per zone
- Assists the Zone Chairpersons in the enlistment of personnel and work forces as necessary
- Reports progress of Appeal in his area to the Residential Appeal Committee
- Doorknock day visits Counting Houses with Area Director
- Chairs all meetings of Area Committee
- Enlist Zone Chair who in turn
- Enlist Team Captains who in turn
- Enlist Collectors
- To have a member of the Appeal organisation call at every home.
BENEFITS of Doorknock
- Calling during a concentrated period
- Best way of contacting general public
- Enables members of entire public to participate in privilege of giving
Appointed by the Divisional Commander in consultation with the Residential Appeal Coordinator
To work with the Area Chair and Residential Appeal Coordinator to plan the Appeal strategy their area
- Attends all Area meetings and act as a meeting secretary
- Forward a copy of the minutes from every Area Meeting to Residential Coordinator
- Attends at least one meeting in every Zone in your area
- Attends and reports at Residential Committee Meetings
- Be prepared to assist with the enlistment of personnel in Zones if necessary
- On Doorknock Day accompanies Area Chairman to Counting House
- After Appeal Day ensure that all Zone Director’s return materials PROMPTLY to Residential Appeal Coordinator at DHQ.
- Attends all meetings of Area Committee
- Enlist Zone Chair who in turn
- Enlist Team Captains who in turn
- Enlist Collectors
- To have a member of the Appeal organisation call at every home.
BENEFITS of Doorknock
- Calling during a concentrated period
- Best way of contacting general public
- Enables members of entire public to participate in privilege of giving
Enlisted by the Area Chairman in consultation with the Residential Appeal Coordinator
To work with the Area Chair and Zone Director to plan the Appeal strategy for their area
- Convenes 3 – 4 Zone meetings and act as a meeting secretary
- Report to all Zone meetings and act as a meeting secretary
- Attends and reports Zone progress at Area Meetings
- Select and enlist suitable influential people to become Team Captains
- Liaise with Zone Director visitation of schools, support from Service Clubs, Churches, Community Groups, Local Businesses
- Arrange staff for Zone Counting House
- On Doorknock Day, be available with the Zone Director to give general oversight on location and deal with organisation
- Brief, train and motivate Team Captains
- Work with Zone Director regarding up to date zone and area maps
- Work with Zone Director regarding lists of collectors, workers and volunteers from previous years
- Location of Counting House confirmed
- Banner placement confirmed
- Work with Zone Director to train Team Leaders on Appeal procedures
- Chairs all meetings of Zone Committee
- Enlist Team Captains who in turn
- Enlist Collectors
- To have a member of the Appeal organisation call at every home.
BENEFITS of Doorknock
- Calling during a concentrated period
- Best way of contacting general public
- Enables members of entire public to participate in privilege of giving
Appointed by the Divisional Commander in consultation with the Residential Appeal Coordinator
To work with the Area Director and Residential Coordinator, the Zone Chair and Team Captains to plan the Appeal strategy for their area
- Attends ALL Area Committee Meetings
- Brief and assist the Zone Chairman
- Attends all Zone meetings and acts as secretary, sending reports to all members, Area Chairman, Area Director and Residential Coordinator
- Assists the Zone Chairman in the enlistment of Team Captains and Volunteers
- Liaise with Zone Chairman visitation of schools, support from Service Clubs, Churches, Community Groups, Local Businesses
- Assist Zone Chairman to arrange staff for Zone Counting House
- On Doorknock Day, be available to assist the Zone Chairman in every way possible
- Assist brief, train and motivate Team Captains
- Work with Zone Chair regarding up to date zone and area maps
- Work with Zone Chair regarding lists of collectors, workers and volunteers from previous years
- Work with Zone Chair to train Team Leaders on Appeal procedures
- Ensure all Red Shield materials are returned PROMPTLY to the Residential Appeals Coordinator at DHQ
- Secretary at all meetings of Zone Committee
- Enlist Team Captains who in turn
- Enlist Collectors
- To have a member of the Appeal organisation call at every home.
BENEFITS of Doorknock
- Calling during a concentrated period
- Best way of contacting general public
- Enables members of entire public to participate in privilege of giving
Appointed by the Divisional Commander in consultation with the Residential Appeal Coordinator
To work closely with the Zone Director sharing responsibilities for the zone organisation in a manner of cooperation worthy of our belief and commitment
- Attends ALL Area Committee Meetings
- Attends all Zone meetings and is supportive of the Zone Director
- Assists in the enlistment of voluntary workers as required
- On Doorknock Day, support the Zone Chairman and Zone Director to ensure an efficient Appeal result
- The clarification of your specific responsibilities is a matter for discussion and planning with the Zone Director
- Enlist Team Captains who in turn
- Enlist Collectors
- To have a member of the Appeal organisation call at every home.
BENEFITS of Doorknock
- Calling during a concentrated period
- Best way of contacting general public
- Enables members of entire public to participate in privilege of giving
Enlisted by the Zone Chair and Zone Director who will brief you of your responsibilities
You are responsible to the Zone Director
- Responsible to make contact with each collector
- Ensure all volunteers know in advance what arrangements have been made
- Check that all volunteers are wearing volunteers badge
- Ensure all volunteers have bags, pens, receipt books etc
- Explain clearly how to ask for a donation and brief them of expectations. DON’T ASSUME THEY KNOW
- Reinforce how to complete the receipt books and the collectors green slip in front of book. Make sure ALL monies received are receipted and signed even if donor refuses to take receipt
- Ensure prior to leaving you have a mobile number for each person with you to contact and ensure that they work in teams
- Ensure record has been kept for each volunteer of map area, receipt book no and final tally collected
- Collect all green slips and hand in to Counting House prior to them leaving
- Explain to collector to work according to the map supplied
- Ensure Students and under 18’s accounted for at all times
- Return team back to Counting House
- When collecting is complete, supervise collectors in adding receipts and money and ensure front sheet is completed with AT LEAST a total of collection
- Collect back from collectors ALL equipment and Receipt book and cash
- Return monies and equipment to Counting House
METHOD - Enlist Collectors
AIM - To have a member of the Appeal organisation call at every home.
BENEFITS of Doorknock
- Calling during a concentrated period
- Best way of contacting general public
- Enables members of entire public to participate in privilege of giving
- Meeting Agenda Template
Wednesday 26 February 2014
Meeting Room, 126 Mary Street, Brisbane, 10.00am
Chairman: Mr John Brown
Director: Captain Jim Smith
1.Welcome and Apologies Chairman
2. Opening Prayer Captain Jim Smith
3.Matters Arising from Jim
5.Developments for this AppealJim
6.Area/Zone Status Report and Items Outstanding
Confirmation of: Statics booked, schools approached, level of community involvement, matters
6.1 Ashgrove Kevin Smith, Major Graham Tamsett
6.2 Inner CityJoan Smith, Major Bryce Davies
6.3 SouthMary Smith, Captain Phil Staines
6.4 Milton Kerry Smith, Major Harry Johns
7. General BusinessVarious
8. Brisbane RSA Breakfast LaunchJim
9.Next MeetingChairman
Date: Wednesday 16 April,
Venue: DHQ Boardroom,
Time: 12.15 for 12.30
10.Chairman’s Closing RemarksChairman
11. Closing Prayer Captain Derek Whitehouse
Action Points
Description / Person Responsible / Due Date1.
- Monthly Checklists
Activity Checklist for February
Area / Zone
Houses / Collectors / Directors / Team Captains / Static Collectors / Other StaffRequired
To date
1.Database of Collectors / Drivers and other Personnel.□ Yes□ No
2.Have you checked the contact lists for schools, clubs etc?□ Yes□ No
3. Do your maps need updating?□ Yes□ No
4. Have you set Area/Zone meeting for the course of the appeal?□ Yes□ No
Location: ______
Day / Time: ______
Dates prior to Residential Meeting Dates.
Email out to attendees and Residential Appeal Coordinator
Month / Feb / March / April / May / JuneDates:
5. Please provide your Zone Committee:
Name / Address / Email / Phone No.1
6. Have you booked statics?□ Yes□ No
Complete Form 2 for Residential Appeal Coordinator
Activity Checklist for March
Houses / Collectors / Zone Directors / Team Captains / Static Collectors / Other StaffRequired
To date
1. Has contact been made with schools, clubs, organisations etc?□ Yes□ No
- Distribute list of previous volunteers to be followed up
3. Has contact been made to local media? □ Yes□ No
4. Please confirm details of:
Counting House location□ Same as last year□ Change
Static collection point locations□ Same as last year□ Change
Banner locations□ Same as last year□ Change
Please complete information into Forms 2-4 and return to Residential Appeal Coordinator
5. Have you prepared this year’s Expense Budget?(Form 1) □ Yes□ No
If yes, submit it to Residential Appeal Coordinator at DHQ.
6. Forms 1 – 4 to be returned to DHQ by due date in March
7. Hold Area Meeting prior to Residential Meeting and forward minutes out to all attendees.
Activity Checklist for April
Houses / Collectors / Zone Directors / Team Captains / Static Collectors / Other StaffRequired
To date
1. Are the dates for addressing school assembly, clubs and organisations locked in?
□ Yes□ No
2. What process are you putting in place to enlist previous appeal volunteers to help with this
years appeal?
□ Mail□ Phone□ Email□ Other: ______
3. How are you preparing to brief the Team captains?
4. Have you commenced allocation of maps to Team Captains? □ Yes□ No
5. Have you recruited Counting House staff? □ Yes□ No
6. Have you notified the local Police about the appeal and Counting House location?
Police Station: ______Ph: ______
Name: ______Date: ______
7. Who will be responsible for RSA data entry?
Available for training?
1.Name: ______Ph: ______□ Yes □ No
2.Name: ______Ph: ______□ Yes □ No
3.Name: ______Ph: ______□ Yes □ No
4.Name: ______Ph: ______□ Yes □ No
8. Hold Area Meeting prior to May Residential Meeting and email minutes out to attendees.
Activity Checklist for May
Houses / Collectors / Zone Directors / Team Captains / Static Collectors / Other StaffRequired
To date
1. What areas will be collected on dates other than the Doorknock weekend?
2. To Do List
Kits made up□
Kits Distributed□
Banner/s Placement□
Posters Placed□
Team Captains Briefing□
Distribution of Appreciation Certificates□
Static Points organised and staffed□
Contact made with Westpac Branch Manager□
3. Any major concerns:
- RSA Checklist
Timeline / / To do / NOTESTERM 4
this year / Make initial Contact with all schools to get into their calendar for next year
Book static shopping centres or find earliest date can book for next year
Check maps are in order – do they need updating?
FEB / Ring or visit Primary Schools to confirm/book date to talk Re Gold Coin Day
Ring or visit Secondary Schools to book date to talk to assembly
Shopping Static collection Leasing Agreements to DHQ to be signed
Contact Service clubs confirm support for Doorknock
Book Meeting dates for course of Appeal – notify attendees and Residential Appeal Coordinator
Recruit new Team Leaders from Corps
MARCH / Contact Zone Chairman prior to 1st meeting
Call and attend 1st Zone Meeting
Send Minutes of Meeting to DPRS
Ring all Service Clubs/Groups to book date to address Club - collectors
Review Team data base and adjust
Print & send out Team Leaders request letters
form 1, EXPENSES BUDGET to DHQ PR – 21 March
form 2, BANNER LOCATIONS to DHQ PR – 21 March
form 3, COUNTING HOUSE to DHQ PR – 21 March
form 4, PUBLIC LIABILITY to DHQ PR – 21 March
APRIL / Address School Assemblies
Contact all last year’s collectors
Contact Zone Chairman prior to 2nd meeting
Call and attend 2nd Zone Meeting
Send Minutes of Meeting to DPRS
Notify police re appeal & Counting House Location
Recruit Counting House Staff
Appoint person responsible for RSA data entry
Erect Banners where necessary
Erect Posters where necessary
Collect RSA Information Kit (Tub and materials)
Arrange distribution of RSA Kits
Arrange static point rosters
MAY / Contact Zone Chairman prior to 3rd meeting
Call and attend 3rd Zone Meeting
Brief Team Captains
Send Minutes of Meeting to DPRS
Speak to all Secondary Schools assembly re collectors
Speak to all Primary Schools re Gold Coin Day
Speak to all Service Club Meetings re collectors
Allocate Maps to all Team leaders
Hold Doorknock Appeal and report to DCPRS
JUNE / Contact Zone Chairman prior to 4th Meeting
Attend 4th Area Meeting
Send Minutes of Meeting to DPRS
Send Form 5 to PR Dept School Awards – 13 June
Send Form 6 to PR DeptExpenses Claim Form – 13 June
Send Forms 7 to PR Dept RSA Order Form 2014 – 13 June
Post RSA Committee meeting
Statement & auditor’s report to DHQ
Return ALL receipts books and banner/s to DHQ
Return ALL Receipt Books, Credit Card vouchers, Bank Deposit books, child protection & Incident Report Forms, Volunteer information.
Visit Zone Chairman to Thank him/her for their assistance
- Volunteer Recruitment
- Corps people
- Business Community
- Business staff
- Corporates
- High Schools
- Scouts, Rangers and Guides
- Military, Airforce
- Service Clubs – Lions, Apex, Rotary Clubs
- Sporting Clubs
- Churches
- SES, Rural Fire Brigade
- Fire Brigade
- RSL Clubs
- Mens Sheds
- Councils
- Universities
- Senior Citizens Clubs
- Training
7.1 Team Captains
You should have your maps and collector kits and know what you are doing the day prior to collection so you are not rushed and know where you are going and what you are doing.
Brief your team prior to leaving (see briefing sheet)
Some points to make note of:
- Only collect in map area, do not cross boundary streets
- Deploy the volunteers from either end of the team area
- Encourage volunteers to collect block by block, one each side.
- Be prepared to allocate collectors who just show up on the day
- Ensure no team is under manned or over worked
- Target as most those areas most promising to give money
- When teams of collectors return approach them to collect an area not yet covered
- Make a note that teams went out more than once and take into consideration that larger volunteer numbers may be required for next year.
- Recover maps, money, receipt books and resources
- With good planning and light refreshment after the collection it is hoped the volunteers have enjoyed themselves and are willing to assist again next year