Gippsland Cricket – Region 7

Inc. A0039834S.ABN. 48 728 684 724

Registered Address: 26 Birch Drive Churchill VIC 3842


Affiliated Associations:

Alberton, Bairnsdale, Central Gippsland, Leongatha, Sale-Maffra, Traralgon, Warragul,


Wayne Collins Garry Goodman

26 Birch Drive


Ph. 5122 3656

Date: 20/07/2011

Venue: Dalmondo Café- Post Office Place Traralgon



Garry Goodman, John Hehir, Kevin Lanigan, Mick O’Neil, Trevor Vardy, Wayne Matthews, George Munro, Grant Duncan, , John White, Gavin Foenander, Rodney Bidmade, Tim Cavanagh,


Wayne Collins, Rob Wood, Neil Meredith


Ashley Taylor, Warwick Heyes, Bob Baldry


Ordinary Business:

(i)Confirmation of Minutes:

Gavin Foenander/Russell MatthewsCarried


Presidents Report: as tabled & read. The Board noted the absence of Wayne Collins who is gravely ill. George Munro and Garry Goodman will visit him shortly.

GCL& JCW Report: as tabled & read

Treasurer’s Report: as tabled & read

JDC Report:as tabled & read

RCM Report:as tabled & read

No Boundaries Report: No report received. Peter Flahavin to assist next season. Patrick Kilday has resigned and Wellington Shire representative will oversee

Umpires Report: as tabled and read by John Hehir

Russ Matthews / Grant DuncanCarried

(iii)Election of Office Bearers:

President George Munro

SecretaryGarry Goodman

TreasurerGarry Goodman

Nominated Board Members:

AlbertonTrevor Vardy

BairnsdaleRodney Bidmade

Central GippslandJohn Robinson

LeongathaRuss Matthews

Sale – MaffraKevin Lanigan

TraralgonNeil Meredith

WarragulGrant Duncan

Election of Representatives:

VCCL Board-George Munro

VCCL Selector-Kevin Lanigan

Mick O’Neill / Gavin FoenanderCarried

Member Protection Officer:-Peter Chapple

Garry Goodman / Russell Matthews Carried

Election of Umpires Secretary:-John Hehir

Mick O/ Neil / Kevin LaniganCarried

Director of Umpiring:-Tim Cavanagh

Russell Mathews / Rodney BidmadeCarried

JDC Chairman:-George Munro

Kevin Lanigan/Russell Matthews Carried

JDC Appointments:

as per RCM Report as tabled previously

Gavin Foenander / Trevor VardyCarried

(iv)Receipt and consideration of the statement submitted by the Region in accordance with Section 30 (3) of the Act.

5.General Business:

Rule changes:

George Munro read a report of recommendations in changes in Junior Country Weekand GCL Junior games as distributed earlier.

Kevin Lanigan / Rodney Bidmade Carried

Warragul recommended that no more than two (2) overseas players can play in GCL matches at any one time. Warragul were asked to review their Rule change at a further special meeting.

Traralgon suggested a change in clearance procedures. A change will be made for next season.

Traralgon recommended a change of Rounds of GCL games andto 20/20 games John White / Gavin Foenander Motion Lost

It was agreed that all GCL matches would follow International rules with no Power plays from this season

Moved:Kevin Lanigan Seconded: John White Carried

Bob Baldry was presented with a certificate in appreciation of his twelve (12) years at the helm as Coach of the Under 18 team. His swansong was the ultimate prize as a Premiershipwas duly won this past season.

Warragul presented a new one day shirt which was approved.

Moved: Mick O’Neill Seconded: Russell MatthewsCarried

George Munro gave a vote of thanks to Mick O’Neill for filling the breach as Acting President throughout the year.

Schedule of meetings and venue:

September 7, 2011

October 5, 2011

December 7, 2011

February 22, 2012

May 16, 2012

July 18, 2012

6.Meeting Closure:
