Web Plus Death Clearance - Screenshots
To accompany Standard Detailed Instructions
- Access Web Plus with the following link:
At the Login Screen enter your MCR assigned ‘Username’ and ‘Password’. If you have trouble logging
in, or have questions about the DC process, refer to the bottom of page 9 for MCR contact information.
Select ‘Death Clearance Follow-back Requests.’
Web Plus automatically times out after 30 minutes of inactivity so remember to save your work frequently.
- A patient list with a subset of follow-back information as reported by the death certificate will open.In the example below, make note of the last column on the right - this is the Status of the case.Keep in mind, when cases are first received for processing, the status column for all of them will state 'Incomplete.' When cases have been processed appropriately, the Status column should state 'Released' OR if cases were 'Rejected' they no longer appear in this listing.
A case stating 'Complete' after you have processed itis not finished. That means the textinformation was enteredand saved but it was not released to MCR.You must open the case and, after verifying that all of the information you wanted to enter is in the textbox,select ‘Yes’ at the 'Release to Central Registry'prompt(shown in a later screenshot.)
Select ‘Open’ and then ‘View’ to go to the main resolution screen with full case details.
The next two screens (pgs. 2 – 3) are visuals of the‘Release’ and ‘Reject’ follow-back screens and functions.
Please review before starting the actual case processing instructions on pages 4 – 9.
Web Plus Death Clearance - Screenshots
To accompany Standard Detailed Instructions
After selectingthe ‘Open’ and‘View’options, the incomplete case will appear on the main resolution screen.
The screen shot below shows the entire main resolution page if it were visible all at once; however, in Web Plus you must actually scroll down to see the bottom half of the patient data with the 'Release Case Resolution' textbox and the ‘Save’ function on the lowerleft of the screen. Important to note:All of the processing for Steps 3.a - b of the standard Detailed Instructions will be done on this screen. If a case is rejected (Steps 3.c-f of standard Detailed Instructions), the 'Reject' tab will be selected and a second screen will open to process the rejected case. These screens may be printed.
First Screen – To Release a Case
Second Screen – To Reject a Case
Web Plus Death Clearance - Screenshots
To accompany Standard Detailed Instructions
A. Patient death certificate data– do not change E.Reject – Opens the ‘Reject’ resolution screen
B. ‘Release Case’ Documentation textbox F.‘Reject Follow-back Request’ textbox
C.Save Function G. Submit the rejected case
D. ‘Release Case’ Documentation Edit
Note:Use of theAdd/Review Comment box has beendiscontinued - do not enter data there
First Screen
Second Screen - RejectCase
Web Plus Death Clearance - Screenshots
To accompany Standard Detailed Instructions
- a-b PROCESSING CASES THAT CAN BE RELEASEDindicates sufficient information is available in the medical recordas described in Steps 3. a – b in the standard Detailed Instructions.
Select 'Open' then the 'View' option for the case you want to process and release.
The main resolution screen will open. Maneuver to the bottom of the screen using the middle scroll bar until the 'Release Case Documentation' text box and 'Save' function is visible.
Web Plus Death Clearance - Screenshots
To accompany Standard Detailed Instructions
Click anywhere in the ‘Release Case’ Documentation textbox and a prompt with tips will appear.
Enter the follow-back information found in the medical record and select 'Save.'
At the edit prompt asking if you want to ‘Release the Case to the Central Registry’,select ‘Yes’if text has been completed or select‘No’ if you need to go back and finish the text later.
Web Plus Death Clearance - Screenshots
To accompany Standard Detailed Instructions
After releasing, this screen will open stating the case has been released to the central registry.Select ‘Follow-back Requests’ to return to the patient follow-back listing.
The Status column will now indicate the case has been released and it is finalized.
Proceed to the next screen for instructions to Reject a case
Web Plus Death Clearance - Screenshots
To accompany Standard Detailed Instructions
Indicates insufficient information as described in Steps 3.c-f in thestandardDetailed Instructions.
Select 'Open' then the 'View' option for the incomplete case you want to process and reject.
Select 'Reject.'
Web Plus Death Clearance - Screenshots
To accompany Standard Detailed Instructions
The ‘Reject Follow-back Request’ screen will open.
In the textbox, enter supporting documentation for the reason the case is being rejected.After completion of the text, select ‘Submit.’ Note:Once submitted, the case is no longer available to you.If not finished, select ‘Cancel’ and complete the case later (any entered text will not be retained.)
After submission, this screen opens indicating the case has been rejected. Select ‘Follow-back Requests’ to return to the patient listing.
Web Plus Death Clearance - Screenshots
To accompany Standard Detailed Instructions
The rejected case no longer appears in the ‘Follow-back Request’ listing.It has been removed from your system and a message sent to MCR.
Started with 5 cases - now only 4 listed.
- Repeat the steps in instruction 3 above for any remaining cases – Step 3.a-b for cases that can be released OR 3.c-f
for those that are rejected.
5. After all cases have been processed the Status column should appear as in the example below, with all non-rejected
cases stating 'Released.'All 'Rejected' cases will no longer be listed. Your initial DC Followback responses are now
complete and all cases have been finalized; however, keep in mind that anytime during the DC process you may
receive new cases for processing from referral information MCR receives from other facilities.