Kenton County Schools

Gifted and Talented Program

Primary Talent Pool Data Form

Student Name______Date_____/_____/_____Age______

Homeroom Teacher______Grade______

School______School Year______/______

This student has been selected for participation in the Primary Talent Pool as a high potential learner. A minimum of three informal measures were used to determine the student’s eligibility.


Please check below the recognized area(s) of strength for this student.

_____General Intellectual _____Creative Thinking

_____Leadership _____Visual/Performing Arts

___Visual Art

_____Specific Academic Area(s) ___ Music ___ Instrumental ___ Vocal

___Language Arts ___Drama

___Math ___Dance


___Social Studies

Ö  (To be completed in October)

Beginning services include:

1._____ Acceleration to higher grade level for content

2._____ Differentiation
_____Individualized _____Cluster Group
_____Curriculum Compacting
_____Differentiated Learning Centers
_____Independent Project
_____Tiered Assignment
3._____ Enrichment Activities
4._____ Creativity Opportunities
5._____ Leadership Opportunities
6._____ Resource Services-Special Classes
7._____ Other (Give Brief Description)
______/ Ö  (To be completed in May)

Ending services include:

1._____ Acceleration to higher grade level for content

2._____ Differentiation
_____Individualized _____Cluster Group
_____Curriculum Compacting
_____Differentiated Learning Centers
_____Independent Project
_____Tiered Assignment
3._____ Enrichment Activities
4._____ Creativity Opportunities
5._____ Leadership Opportunities
6._____ Resource Services-Special Classes
7._____ Other (Give Brief Description)

End of School Year Evaluation. Student should _____ should not ____ continue in the Primary Talent Pool.

Teacher/Committee Comments:


