QAP for Open quarantine areas for rose scion wood for budding
Quarantine Approved Premises
6.3 - Open quarantine areas for rose scion wood for budding
Version 2.1
© Commonwealth of Australia
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This publication (and any material sourced from it) should be attributed as: Approved Arrangements section, 2016, QAP Open quarantine areas for rose scion wood for budding - Criteria, (QAP for Open quarantine areas for rose scion wood for budding - Criteria prepared for the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources), Canberra.
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Updates to this document will occur automatically on the department’s website and the revision table below will list the amendments as they are approved.
Date / Version / Amendments / Approved byJun 2014 / 2.0 / Uploaded to the Department of Agriculture website / Approved Arrangements section
Apr 2016 / 2.1 / Rebranding / Approved Arrangements section
Table of contents
Guide to using this document
Other documents referenced
Contact details
Non-conformity guide
QAP criteria
1 Purpose
2 Premises location
3 Isolation
4 Security
5 Quarantine area
6 Building and storage areas
7 Inspection area
8 Hygiene
9 Fumigation
10 Live animal holding areas (mandatory CTOs only)
11 Wash bays
12 Dunnage and waste disposal
13 Waste disposal
14 Office and record requirements
15 Administration
Guide to using this document
This document sets out the requirements that must be met before the Director of Quarantine will consider approval of a premises to operate as a place for the performance of quarantine under section 46A of the Quarantine Act 1908, otherwise known as a Quarantine Approved Premises (QAP).
This QAP criteria specifies the requirements to be met for the approval, operation and audit of this class of QAP. Compliance with the QAP criteria will be assessed by audit.
In the event of any inconsistency between the QAP criteria and any Import Permit condition, the Import Permit condition applies. If the Applicant chooses to use automatic language translation services in connection with this document, it is done so at the Applicant’s risk.
Unless specified otherwise, any references to ‘the department’ or ‘departmental’ means the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources. Any references to contacting the department mean contacting your closest regional office.
Further information on QAPs, QAP regional contact details and copies of relevant QAP documentation is available on the department’s website:
Definitions that are not contained within the Approved Arrangements Glossary can be found in the most recent edition of the Macquarie Dictionary or in the Quarantine Act 1908.
Other documents
The QAP Conditions of Approval and QAP General Policies should be read in conjunction with this QAP criteria. They will assist in understanding and complying with the obligations and requirements for the establishment and operation of a QAP.
Nonconformity guide
The nonconformity classification against each criterion is provided as a guide only. If more than one nonconformity is listed against a criterion, the actual nonconformity applied will correspond to the gravity of the issue. The nonconformity recorded against any criteria remains at the discretion of the Quarantine Officer.
Nonconformity classifications are detailed in the QAP General Policies.
QAP criteria
Criteria / Nonconformity guide1 Purpose
1.1These criteria apply to any areas that are to be used for the performance of post-entry quarantine (PEQ) of rose budding eyes. / N/A
2 Premises location
2.1Premises must generally be located within the metropolitan area of a declared port that has a permanently based Quarantine Officer. Applications are subject to approval by the Director of Quarantine and will be considered on their individual merits with consideration being given to the quarantine risk and serviceability associated with the location of each premises. / N/A
3 Quarantine area
3.1The area dedicated to the post-entry quarantine of rose budding eyes (not rose plants) must be isolated from other members of the Rosaceous family by at least 30 m. / Critical
A 1.5 m high, wire-netted fence must enclose the area with provision for locking the entrance gate. / Major
The quarantine area is to be maintained free of weeds by a distance of at least 3 m, whilst imported plants are subject to quarantine. / Major
The quarantine area must be of a sufficient size to hold the normal number of root stocks used by the importer for imported rose budding eyes. / Major
Access to the quarantine area in which the plants are grown is to be restricted to those persons required to carry out essential work only. Members of the public and persons other than nursery staff are not permitted entry. / Major or critical
4 Building and storage areas
4.1Areas where goods subject to quarantine are stored, handled or treated must display a sign to effectively convey that status. / Major
5 Waste disposal
5.1Quarantine waste must be disposed of in a manner approved by the department. / Critical
Sufficient containers of an appropriate size labelled: Quarantine Waste, are to be provided for loose items, residues, spillages or material of quarantine concern. Such containers must have lids that remain closed and are to be emptied and, if required, disinfected in accordance with any provisions set by the department. / Major
6 Office and record requirements
6.1Records are to be made available, within a reasonable time, for inspection by Quarantine Officers. In addition, these records must be retained at these premises for a minimum period of 18 months during which time they will, upon request, be made available to a Quarantine Officer / Minor or major
A register must be maintained recording incoming and outgoing plants, plant deaths and inspection dates. / Critical
Records for each consignment of goods subject to quarantine must include:
- Quarantine Direction
- Import Permit number (if applicable)
- description of the goods subject to quarantine (including scientific names and quantities, if applicable)
- date of receipt of goods and country of origin
- details of any treatments
- method and date of disposal/destruction of goods subject to quarantine and/or quarantine waste
- the date of movement and the department's permission for any movement of goods subject to quarantine
- comprehensive details of any breaches of goods subject to quarantine from the facility.
7 Administration
7.1Premises must be securely locked when unattended and after hour access to the premises must be limited to authorised persons only. / Major or critical
Control and security of the quarantine area is the responsibility of the nominated senior person of the company. The name, designation/position title and contact details of the nominated person must be supplied with the application and at each renewal. / Minor or major
The department is to be notified in writing at least 15 days prior to changes in ownership, senior management, operating procedures/arrangements relating to goods subject to quarantine or where modifications to those parts of the premises where goods subject to quarantine are stored or treated are planned. / Minor, major or critical
Department instructions and relevant department Import Permit conditions must be complied with. Where goods are handled for a third party, it is a requirement of approval that establishment operators have an arrangement in place that ensures they are aware of any relevant permit conditions. / Major or crucial
Applications are to be accompanied by scale drawings of the proposed area and quarantine storage, treatment/processing facilities including parking for Quarantine Officers. In the case of new constructions these plans must be approved before any construction is undertaken. / Minor or major
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