NEWSLETTER3rd March 2017

Grangewood School: 01895 676401

Dear Parents /Carers,

The children had a fantastic day celebrating world book day and we were very impressed by all the wonderful costumes. We would like to thank you all for your continued support.

Parents Evening

Parents Evening for the Spring Term will be on Wednesday 8th March 2017 between6.30pm-8.30pm.Pleasecan you ensure you have returned your reply slips indicating your attendance and preferred time slot. We look forward to meeting with you all.

Family Services Sibling Group

Family Services will be running a new sibling group for

brothers and sisters of the children who attend our schools. For full details please see attached letter.

Autumn Term Annual Review Meetings

Thank you to all parents who attended their child’s Annual Review meeting this term and we hope to have such a good attendance for next term’s annual reviews.

Annual Reviews are statutory meetings and are essential to your child’s Education, Health and Care.

It is very difficult to offer alternative dates and times to what is given, therefore we are unable to rearrange meeting dates to be assured of attendance by other professionals.

Diary Dates:

08/03/17Parents Evening

21/03/17School Photographs

30/03/17Term Ends(close 1.30 pm)


  • Family Services Sibling Group

Grangewood School: 01895 676401

Family Services Siblings group

Dear Parents,

We will be beginning a new Sibling Group for the brothers and sisters of the children who attend our schools. The sibling group is for your child who does not have a disability. The purpose of the group is to encourage the children to think about the different challenges and enjoyments of having a sibling with a disability. As well as this, the sibling group will be lots of fun for your child. We offer the opportunity to take part in activities that might sometimes be difficult for them to do with their sibling; such as going out for dinner, cinema, ice-skating, cooking, movie nights, music, arts and crafts.

The group will be held on a Thursday evening, for 10 weeks from 27th April to 6th July.

The children will be grouped according to age and the group will be held at Pentland Field School, Pentland Way, Ickenham, UB10 8TS.

If you have a child who would be interested in coming along to the group please could you fill out the questionnaire and send it back to school as soon as possible. We will then contact you with further details.

If you would like to discuss this further, please contact Louise Mullins at Pentland Field School on 01895 609 120/ or Sophia Gordon at Alexandra School on 0208 864 2739/


Please return to return to Louise Mullins & Sophia Gordon as soon as possible

Child’s name (Sibling not child attending Eden academy school): ......

Age (of sibling): ………………………..

I would like my child to attend the Sibling Group: Yes ……… No …….. (Please tick)

Child’s name (who attends an Eden academy school) Grangewood, Moorcroft, Sunshine House, Alexandra, Pentland Field:

Name:…………………………………………………. School: …………………………………………….

I would like to talk to you. I can be reached on ……………………………… (Please provide telephone number).

The best time to reach me is ………………………………………………...

Signed: ______Parent / Guardian (please delete) Date: ______

Grangewood School: 01895 676401