Guidelines on completing a
Pre-Qualification Questionnaire
For Suppliers and Contractors
Contents Page
The main purpose of the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) is to ensure all companies invited to tender can meet the minimum financial and technical capacities to undertake the work. Additionally, if the number of companies meeting the minimum standards is greater than would be reasonable to invite tenders from, the PQQ may be used to reduce the number of suppliers to a manageable amount.
When buyers advertise a requirement asking suppliers to express an interest in tendering, the buyer will usually include an initial PQQ stage in the overall tendering process. This serves the purpose identified above and is particularly appropriate where buyers anticipate that a large number of suppliers are likely to want to bid.
In order to evaluate suppliers’ ability to meet the advertised requirement the buyer will ask them to submit information about themselves, usually focussing on the supplier’s capabilities and resources. As with all selection processes a PQQ should be evaluated consistently and objectively. Buyers, technical representatives and other stakeholders carry out their evaluation of completed questionnaires and exclude those suppliers who do not meet the minimum requirements of suitability to do business with. If the number meeting the standard is high, the buyer may select the higher scoring submissions to invite tenders from.
The manner in which buyers undertake the PQQ evaluation may vary somewhat depending on the nature of the contract (for example, value and importance). We will endeavour to make clear what is important to us so that potential supplier can make their offer fit the requirement clearly.
Further to the evaluation process, the buyer decides which suppliers they will issue the Invitation to Tender (ITT) to on the basis of the evaluation.
When a buyer wants to assess suppliers’ suitability to tender for a particular contract they will need to consider a wide range of information about the interested suppliers. The PQQ tries to gather all of the necessary information whilst not making too much work for those responding to it.
The specific areas in which the PQQ seeks information are described in detail below;
Section 1 – Company Information, Organisation Identity and Basic Details
A buyer will need some basic contact details for each supplier and some background information about who they are.
Section 2 – Company Financial Details
In requesting financial information from tenderers we are looking to establish their latest trading performance, for evidence that the contractor is financially stable and that they have the necessary financial resources to complete the contract.
Tenderers are asked to submit financial accounts/information for the past 3 years of trading, or for the period available if trading for less than three years. Private Limited companies and public limited companies must submit full accounts as registered with Companies House. Where these are not available, we require a statement of the organisations turnover, Profit and Loss and Cash Flow position for the most recent full year of trading and an end period balance sheet.
Further information may be requested should it be needed to enable us to fully assess a tenderers financial position and suitability for the contract.
Depending on the nature of the work, West Yorkshire Police may require the selected company to hold a parent company bond or guarantee.
Section 3 – Insurance Details
You will be advised of the insurance requirements in the pre-qualification questionnaire and insurance cover must be in place before a supplier/contractor can commence work for West Yorkshire Police. We may elect to consider a company that doesn’t have the necessary insurance at this stage, but only on condition that the appropriate levels required are in place, and evidenced, prior to the commencement of the contract.
All contractors need to have Public Liability (£10 million) and Employers Liability (£5 million) insurances, to cover against negligence causing injury, loss or damage to third parties, third party property and employees, etc..
Consultants are also required to have professional indemnity insurance which covers them or their firm should a third party sustain injury, loss or damage as a consequence of poor design or poor professional advice – this is usually set at £2 million but may be amended dependant upon the requirement.
Section 4 – Diversity
When procuring works, supplies and services West Yorkshire Police must ensure that contractors do not discriminate in either their employment practices or in contract delivery.
There is a legal framework surrounding equalities, which all employers have a duty to follow.
West Yorkshire Police remains responsible for meeting the duties and complying with legislation even where functions are carried out wholly, or in part, by external suppliers. We therefore expect everyone working on our behalf to practise equal opportunities.
To help us assess the diversity of suppliers bidding for contracts West Yorkshire Police request suppliers/contractors to provide information on Company Size, Business Category and Business Practices.
We ask whether tenderers have had any finding of unlawful discrimination made against them by any court or industrial tribunal, or whether they have been subject of formal investigation. We emphasise however, that we will not exclude contractors just because they answer yes to these questions. Where you do have a finding or investigation to report, it is important to provide evidence that the issue had been rectified and that reoccurrence has been prevented.
We also ask potential contractors about their equal opportunities policy, which should clearly detail the procedures and practices in operation designed to secure equality of opportunity.
Where equality is a core requirement of the contract, we may ask for further information at the pre-qualification stage.
Section 5 – Health & Safety
West Yorkshire Police needs to ensure that only competent contractors are employed to undertake work on its behalf. We therefore look at contractors’ system for the control of health and safety.
All employees have a legal duty under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all employees whilst at work and to ensure that their business is conducted in such a way that risks to the health and safety of anyone who could be affected by their activities are minimised.
You will be required to submit a Health and Safety policy, which sets out how you manage health and safety in your organisation. The policy must be specific to your firm. Setting out who does what, and when, and how they do it. By law, if you employ five or more people you must have a written health and safety policy. If you employ fewer than five people less formal documentation is usually acceptable, although we still need to be sure of your commitment to health and safety and your understanding of health and safety legislation as it applies to your business.
You will be asked if your company has been prosecuted for contravening Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 or other Health and Safety legislation, or if your organisation is subject to a formal investigation at the time of tendering. Full details including preventative measures taken should be detailed.
Section 6 - Quality Assurance
We will ask about your organisations Quality management policy, all contractors / suppliers will be required to show that work is done in a planned, controlled way to ensure that the results are satisfactory. There are various schemes and standards that define how a firm can make sure it meets its customers’ needs.
West Yorkshire Police will ask you to evidence that suppliers have thought about how they can make sure their work is up to the mark in terms of quality. This may mean the firm indicating it has been formally checked against a recognised standard (benchmarked) or it may involve the firm giving a description of how it makes sure its work is done repeatedly to high standard.
Where a supplier has neither accreditation nor quality system, we would expect at a minimum to see evidence that suppliers / contractors have considered the implementation of appropriate controls to achieve and ensure consistent performance and intend to adopt such processes where appropriate.
Section 7 – Client References
You are asked to provide details of similar contracts you have worked on over recent years as well as providing contact details of referees with whom confidentiality references can be directly obtained by West Yorkshire Police.
Please ensure referees you nominate are able to verify that you have carried out the type of work you are applying for.
Section 8 -Supply Chain Management
Tenderers are asked to detail and provide evidence of the processes and strategy’s used to manage and measure areas such as:
- Management, control and supervision of subcontractors
- Qualifications and experience of subcontractors
- Ensuring compliance inline with Legislation
- Customer satisfaction and measurement
- Communication network and protocols
In addition we will also request details of all known companies who will be used to provide services by your company to facilitate this contract.
Section 9 -Experience and Technical Ability
In addition to nominating referees we may ask further questions tailored to the need of the individual contract. Your response to these questions will be used to assess whether you have the required level of resources, skills and abilities to tender.
Your technical ability and competence to deliver the contract will be assessed further should you be short-listed and invited to tender. At this stage it may be a requirement for West Yorkshire Police to visit your site and you may be invited to give a presentation to a panel
Section 10 -Environment
Our Procurement decisions must take into consideration the impact of today’s decisions on people and the environment, both now and in the future. The organisations from which we buy our goods and services, must share our commitment to sound environmental performance and improvement.
If found relevant to the contract, suppliers / contractors may be asked to demonstrate their technical capacity in relation to the environment. This could be in the form of EMAS (Eco-Management & Audit Scheme), this is a voluntary system which commits to following environmental legislation, to the prevention of pollution and to continuous environmental performance. Qualifications may also be required but only where environmental issues are directly related to the contract in question.
Format and return of the PQQ
It is essential that pre-tender documentation is returned by the date and time stipulated, any documentation received after the deadline will be disregarded.
Please make sure all documentation is attached and uploaded in the correct manner via the Due North system.
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