Jr. Gambler Hockey Association Board Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
7:00 P.M. Midway motor lodge
Present: Rick Nell, Chris Verbeten, Kipp Karakas, Diane Pavek, Ann Guelig, Nick Glander, Jimmy Guinn, Steve Letwin, Chris Gruber, Cliff Watson, Micki Klemencic
Absent: Bill LaBelle, Peggy Campbell
Meeting called to order at 7:12 P.M. By Rick Nell
Update of Team Apparel: All team apparel as well as general apparel orders will be coordinated by Micki Klemencic this season. The plan is to order black RBK wind suits with association logo and Easton winter jackets for all players and coaches. Micki is getting quotes from Goal-line in Schofield as well as Promotional designs in Green Bay. She will check with Coach Coughlin for a cost comparison as well. A cost basis will be presented at next month’s board meeting.
Review of Approval of Annual Meeting Minutes: Motion made to approve minutes by Kipp Karakas. Seconded by Chris Verbetin. Motion Passed.
Treasurers Report: Handout given by Ann Guelig, Club Treasurer. Balance of $8944.14 as of 5-31-07. Financial accounts are planned to be converted to computer starting in July by Peggy Campbell. Fund overages from last season teams will be transferred to the Association general funds. The Pee Wee Major team from last season reported an overage of $4637.75. A proposal was made to credit this coming season Bantam Minor Team (PW Major 2006-2007) $2100 toward bus trip expenses for next season. A motion was made to approve the $2100 travel credit for the 2007-2008 Bantam minor Team by Chris Verbeten. Seconded by Kipp Karakas. It is noted that Rick Nell opposed the motion. Motion Passed.
Director of Hockey Operations Report:A coaches meeting is being planned for the upcoming week. Steve Letwin will be stepping down as the head coach for the Pee Wee major team due to family and job commitments. Midget Major and Midget minor try-outs will be taking place June 16-17 at the Cornerstone. Eric Smith has accepted the position of Midget minor coach for the coming season. Don Chilson, Gm of the Cornerstone, has advised that we on are track for ice in the new third sheet on November 1st. The Jr. Gamblers will have 2 lockers rooms in the new facility as well as an office and storage space. Kipp has a conference call on Saturday with the MAHL League to discuss the upcoming season.
Secretary’s Report: Awaiting delivery of electronic registration software. Delivery is expected id July. Diane will forward registration info once received. Diane will send handbook updates to the webmaster i.e. Association officers, fee’s and fundraising. Review of By-Laws tables until next board Meeting.
Individual Player Sponsorship Program: Individual sponsorship letters will be released immediately to the teams. Diane will forward Rick’s sponsorship letter along with individual sponsorship forms to all team mangers so they can distribute. Updates will be sent to the web master so forms can be accessed from the website as well. Individual sponsorship program will remain unchanged with the exception of a September 17th cut off date for submission. Team sponsorship updates will be updated in the future. Motion made by jimmy Guinn to approve updates. Seconded by Nick Glander.Motion Passed.
Hampton Inn Update: An agreement has been reached with the Hampton Inn to provide lodging for all away games. The association will receive $6.00 per room rebate for eachroom booked for away games as well as any room used by visiting teams in Green Bay. Weekly rebates will be given from visiting team stays. We will be able to bank free rooms for future use. A rate of $79.00 will be guaranteed at all Hampton facilities and they will locate a competitively priced facility if a Hampton is not available. Jimmy Guinn will do the bookings for all of the teams. Managers will submit travel needs to him. A coach’s room, bag room, early breakfast and party room will be proved as well. A coupon booked will be developed for visiting teams to use as well. Motion made to approve Kipp Karakas. Seconded Chris Verbeten. Motion Passed.
Major Midget Tournament Status: A 16 team Midget major tournament is being planned for December 14-15-16 2007 at the Cornerstone. The tournament committee is Nina Nell, Laurie Davison, Bob Barden and Gregg Belonger. Recruitment is in the process for teams to fill the tournament. The cost is anticipated to be $1200 per team with no gate fee. Silent auction, concessions and t-shirts sales will be available as well. Plan to advertise as a showcase Tournament with scouts and USHL presence. Plan to have all other Jr. Gamble association teams’ home that weekend to volunteer work hours toward the success of the tournament.
Corporate fundraising update: Marc Davison to chair this committee. Focus on contacting KI and Time Warner for corporate Fundraising. Fees for upcoming season can not be set until fundraising efforts are completed.
Other Committees: Chairperson being sought for sponsorship coordinator for association. Rick will speak with Shirley Cleeremen to discuss her commitment to doing the yearbook next year. Chris Verbeten will chair the poinsettia fundraiser. Peggy Campbell will chair the Banquet committee.
Other Business: Team Reps have been chosen for selected teams. Squirts: John Piette, Pee Wee minor: Dave Seeliger, Pee Wee major: Tom Routheau, Bantam minor: Diane Pavek, Midget: Jimmy Guinn. A meeting will be held June 21st , 7 PM at Rick Nell’s office to discuss sponsorship, Hampton contract and team book assembly.
Jimmy Guinn will keep the Association video camera at this time.
Next Board Meeting will be Thursday June 28th, 7 PM at the Midway Motor lodge.
Motion made by Chris Verbeten to adjourn meeting at 9:15 P.M. Seconded by Nick Glander. Motion Passed.
Submitted by Diane Pavek/Association Secretary