Motley, MN November 11th, 2017

Pursuant to due call and notice thereof Mayor Yoder called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with the following Council Members present: Jace Carlson, Steve Johnson, Pat O’Regan, and Amy Hutchison. The meeting took place at City Hall.

The following persons were present for all or part of the meeting: Clerk-Treasurer Lacey Smieja, 1st Assistant Chuck Gerads, Police Chief Ron Smith, Public Works Director Bruce Brotherton, and other interested individuals.

The pledge of allegiance to the flag was given.

Additions were made to the agenda for additional claims and City of Motley policy updates.

Carlson moved with a second by O’Regan to approve the consent agenda as follows:

A. Claims - check #030586-030645, EFT #030116-030122, and payroll EFT #1000078-1000094

B. WEX fuel/mileage report – October

C. Minutes of the Regular October 9th, 2017 Council Meeting

D. Minutes of the Special October 16th, 2017 Council Meeting

E. Minutes of the Special October 30th, 2017 Council Meeting

F. October Employee Hours Report

G. October Employee Leave Report

All aye, none nay. Mayor Yoder declared the Motion carried.

Summary of October 30th, 2017 Closed Meeting

Mayor Yoder gave a summary of Clerk-Treasurer Lacey Smieja’s review. She received 43 out of 56 possible points.

Planning & Zoning Department/Committee Business

O’Regan informed the Council that Planning & Zoning approved a Conditional Use Permit to add used auto, motorcycle, and RV sales along with associated signage to an existing trailer sales business in the C-2 commercial zoning district.

Hutchison moved with a second from Johnson to approve the Conditional Use Permit. All aye, none nay. Mayor Yoder declared the Motion carried.

The Council tabled the Zoning Administrative Proposal until the next meeting.

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Building Department

The Council discussed the Rental Housing Ordinance. They decided to form a committee to discuss the ordinance in detail. The committee members consist of Hutchison, Johnson, and Smieja. It was discussed to ask Fire Chief Judd to be a member. The committee plans on having a meeting with Building Inspector Scott Sadusky.

Old Business

Carlson moved with a second from Johnson to approve the Public Purpose Expenditure Policy, Fund Balance Policy, and Council Liaison Policy updates. All aye, none nay. Mayor Yoder declared the Motion carried.

Bob Jenkins said about 20-30 people attended Music in the Park. He asked the Council for a donation of $3,000 that he would use for Music in the Park in 2018 for four days. O’Regan moved to deny the donation. The motion did not get a second. Motion was denied. Jenkins said the money would go to LEAP who would then give him the money to pay for expenses. The Council requested that Jenkins get more information from LEAP and what exactly the money would be used for.

New Business

Hutchison moved with a second by O’Regan to waive the $25 meeting room fee for Cass County 4H Federation meeting and the Busy Bee 4H meeting. All aye, none nay. Mayor Yoder declared the Motion carried.

Johnson moved with a second by Carlson to accept Resolution 2017-16: A Resolution Certifying the 2017 Unpaid Utilities to the Morrison County Auditor. All aye, none nay. Mayor Yoder declared the Motion carried.

Carlson moved with a second by Hutchison not to waive the LMCIT Liability Coverage limits. All aye, none nay. Mayor Yoder declared the Motion carried.

Public Forum

No resident wished to make a comment.


No committee business.

Fire Department

October 2017 fire report was given by 1st Assistant Chuck Gerads.

Carlson moved with a second by Hutchison to accept Chuck Gerads request for a leave of absence from the fire department. All aye, none nay. Mayor Yoder declared the Motion carried.

Gerads informed the Council that the fire department would like to increase their pension from $1,600 to $2,000. They have to have a minimum of $264,608 in their account for 2018 in case of mass casualty, and currently they have a surplus of $96,639. With the increase of $400 to their pension they will have a surplus of $50,231.

O’Regan moved with a second by Johnson to approve the increase of the pension from $1,600 to $2,000. Carlson abstained from the vote since he is a member of the fire department. All aye, none nay. Mayor Yoder declared the Motion carried.

Police Department

October 2017 police report was given by Police Chief Ron Smith.

Smith informed the Council that the Crown Victoria squad car was operational, and now they had a backup squad if need be. He said that the cost to fix the squad was more than he thought it was going to be, and he requested to use some money from a donation from the sheriff’s office to pay for the extra costs.

O’Regan moved with a second from Carlson to use the donation money to pay for the remaining amount on the squad repair. All aye, none nay. Mayor Yoder declared the Motion carried.

Smith mentioned to the Council that Officer Borash was able to use his Drug Initiative Training to administer a drug test.

He also mentioned that they have had many more calls this year compared to past years.

Public Works Department

October 2017 maintenance report was given by Public Works Director Bruce Brotherton.

Brotherton got a thank you letter from Tom and Robin Kramer thanking the City for their new driveway.

Brotherton informed the Council that the skid steer needs to be repaired. He has got some quotes already.

Carlson moved with a second by O’Regan to approve Brotherton to get the skid steer repaired. All aye, none nay. Mayor Yoder declared the Motion carried.

Brotherton informed the Council that they had old street signs, and he had the idea to sell them for $5/$7 apiece. The Council approved of that idea.

Administrative Department

October 2017 water usage report was given by City Clerk Lacey Smieja.

The Council discussed when to have the next Budget Meeting. It was decided they would have it on Tuesday, November 28th at 5:30 p.m.

O’Regan moved with a second by Hutchison to approve joining the Morrison County Regional Safety Group and permit staff to attend training session as necessary. All aye, none nay. Mayor Yoder declared the Motion carried.

Smieja informed the Council that they City Credit Cards have arrived.

Council Forum

Carlson informed the rest of the Council that he would be gone for the December 11th, 2017 and February 12th, 2018 meetings.

Yoder thanked everyone who showed up to the tree dedication at the Dog Park.

Upcoming Meetings/Important Dates

City Hall is closed for the Thanksgiving holiday: Thursday, November 23rd and Friday, November 24th, 2017

Budget Meeting: Tuesday, November 28th, 2017 at 5:30 p.m.

Planning & Zoning Meeting: Tuesday, November 28th, 2017 at 6:30 p.m.

Truth in Taxation: December 11th, 2017 at 6:00 p.m.

Regular Council Meeting: December 11th, 2017 at 6:30 p.m.


Carlson moved with a second from Johnson to move the meeting to a closed meeting at 7:53 p.m. for Public Works Director Bruce Brotherton’s performance review. All aye, none nay. Mayor Yoder declared the Motion carried.

Performance review started at 7:58 p.m. and ended at 8:47 p.m.

O’Regan moved with a second by Carlson to adjourn the meeting. All aye, none nay. Mayor Yoder declared the Motion carried. The meeting was duly adjourned at 8:48 p.m.

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