VT EMS District #5
December 5, 2016
Present: Deb Bach, Danville Rescue; Michael Wright, CALEX; Will Rivers, StJFD; Jerry Senturia, Peacham; Lillian Young, Newark; guest – Becky Petelle, VDH
Meeting called to order at 1830
Deb agreed to record minutes for this meeting. Discussed future minute recorder; this position is an appointed position and can either have some specifically appointed or someone different each meeting. Will need to make a decision next meeting for process to be documented in minutes.
Secretary’s Report:
Minutes from September 12, 2016 accepted as presented
Treasurer’s Report:
No report available as Kristen is out on medical leave. Deb will make attempt to contact her to ensure closing out of 2016.
District Training Coordinator’s Report:
Groton EMT Class: Class is complete with testing in process. Discussion regarding method to evaluate the course. Have had one student with concerns regarding ‘time allotted for practical’. Further discussion included possibility of development of a class survey to get feedback for every class we do to ensure quality.
ACTION: Deb will contact IC for the class to provide feedback and ask for a summary of the class
Deb will contact Jillian to discuss development of class evaluations, possibly getting samples from other districts, state office, etc.
CALEX Refresher: Michael reports it has been approved by Vermont with NH approval pending.
ACTION: Michael will get exact start date and cost of class out as soon as possible.
EMT Class: Advertisement has been done as requested. Approximately 12 students have shown interest. May need to set it up for start date in February to decrease overlap of refresher course and resource overlap. Michael has agreed to do coordination with Jillian serving as IC.
ACTION: Michael to work on dates, venue etc. and will get paperwork to Chair to process.
Depending on timing paperwork may be distributed via e-mail for submission.
EMS monthly Training: Next training scheduled for December 21st. Discussion regarding timing with the holidays.
ACTION: Deb to contact Jillian to see if we should cancel December training with email follow
up after a decision is made.
Medical Director’s Update: Dr. Sexton not present. Jerry indicated that we have not had chart reviews in some time and would like to see them worked back into the schedule.
ACTION: Deb to follow up with Jillian and Dr. Sexton to follow up and discuss options
Old Business:
Licenses: All licenses have been processed and sent to services. If you have not received it follow up
should be made with Ray Walker, EMS Office
MCI Trailer: Michael reports the trailer in Danville is up and running. However, concerns voiced
regarding how it will be moved should it be needed. No specific plan in place at this time.
Discussed options and possible agencies to be approached. Liability issues also were
discussed as the trailer belongs to the district not Danville (only housed at their station) and
would we be responsible.
ACTION: Deb to follow up on insurance issue
The trailer in Waterford still has not had appropriate paperwork done. Michael reports
that Mark has the paperwork and has to have it changed over at DMV.
ACTION: Deb will follow up with Mark regarding paperwork process
New Business:
Flu Shots: Deb reported that the hospital held its flu clinics and EMS was not notified as in the past.
When contacted, EMS was referred either to their PMDs, Occupational Medicine, or to make
arrangements with ED Staff (would depend on volume/acuity). Services also reminded of
mandatory vaccines at the hospital and need to wear masks if not compliant.
State Training Coordinator: The position has been reclassified and posted.
Meeting Schedule: Our by-laws do indicate the Board will meet on a monthly basis; however, cancelling
the meeting can be done by the board as deemed appropriate. Due to pending
business . . . the NEXT MEETING will be held on February 6, 2017. Deb reminded
the board they would need to have a nominating committee in place to discuss
elections for the April meeting.
Respectfully Submitted,
Debra Bach, RN, AEMT