Course Syllabus---Spring of 2012
Instructor: Clete Edmunson, Murtaugh High School
Text: Magruder’s American Government
Class Times: 3rd Hour: 10:28-11:24 am
Office Hours:
· 8:00 – 9:30 am Monday-Friday
· 1:45 – 2:30 pm Monday – Friday
· By appointment, I am willing to meet before/after school or during lunch
Contact Information:
· Email:
· School Phone: 208-432-5233
· Home/Cell Phone: 208-871-3930
College of Southern Idaho (CSI) Mission Statement:
The College of Southern Idaho, a comprehensive community college, provides quality educational, social, cultural, economic, and workforce development opportunities that meet the diverse needs of the communities it serves. CSI prepares students to lead enriched, productive and responsible lives in a global society.
General Education Criteria: This course satisfies all eight criteria for general education and is designed to:
1. Provide a broad-based survey of a discipline and show the interconnectedness of knowledge.
2. Develop a discerning individual.
3. Practice critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
4. Promote awareness of social and cultural diversity in order to appreciate the commonality of mankind.
5. Foster the balance between individual needs and the demands of society.
6. Reinforce reading, writing, speaking, and/or quantitative skills.
7. Encourage and inspire life-long learning.
8. Encourage creativity.
Social Science Department Mission Statement:
The mission of the Social Science Department is to provide educational, social, and cultural opportunities which encourage enriched, productive and responsible lives primarily by instructing students to understand, interpret, and apply Social Science discipline coursework.
Social Science Department Goals: This course addresses the following Social Science Department goals, which are to:
1. Help students understand important facts, concepts and theories of Social Science subjects.
2. Help students acquire techniques and methods used to gain new knowledge in the disciplines.
3. Help students learn to distinguish between fact and opinion.
4. Teach students to use evaluation, analysis and synthesis to interpret and solve problems.
5. Teach students to use different perspectives from the social sciences to make better-informed decisions.
6. Help students acquire an informed understanding of various cultures.
7. Prepare students to transfer to a university.
Political Science Program Mission Statement:
The Political Science Program prepares students to examine the theory and practice of politics and the description and analysis of political systems and political behavior.
Political Science Program Objectives: Students will:
1. Comprehend political theories, structures and processes.
2. Think, integrate, and logically organize, not just memorize, political information.
3. Gather knowledge from other disciplines to interpret political situations.
4. Apply insights from the study of political science to understand local, state, national and international developments.
POLS 101 CATALOG COURSE DESCRIPTION: A basic course in political science introducing the basic concepts and major structural elements of the national government. Many aspects of American government are introduced and discussed in a way that will make the study of government more a part of the students’ world.
Course Outcomes Aligned with GE criteria (GE) Social Science Goals (SS) and Political Science Objectives (POLS):
Students Will: / GE / SS / POLS1. Understand the basic structure of American Government. / 1, 2, 3, 6 / 1, 2, 3, 4 / 1, 2, 3, 4
2. Be able to critically interpret and articulate thoughts about American Government and politics. / 1, 3, 5, 6 / 1, 2, 3, 4 / 1, 2, 3, 4
3. Apply course concepts in a personal an everyday context. / 1, 2, 3, 4 ,5, 6, 7, 8 / 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 / 1, 2, 3, 4
Rules and Expectations:
1. RESPECT: earn it, show it, and never lose it.
2. ACCOUNTABILITY: Be accountable for yourself and your actions
3. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILTY: You are responsible for your own conduct.
4. DO YOUR JOB: Be on time, do what is asked of you, earn your pay.
5. WORK HARD: Hard work always pays off!
Anticipated Breakdown of the Grades for the Semester:
1. Unit Tests ……………………………………………………….. 1,000 points (40%)
2. Daily assignments and study guides………………… 500 points (20%)
3. Special Projects……………………………………………….. 500 points (20%)
4. CAP Points………………………………………………………. 250 points (10%)
5. Midterm and Final Exam………………………………… 250 points (10%)
Total:………………...... 2,500 points (100%)
Grading Scale:
A 90-100%
B 80-89 %
C 70-79%
D 60-69%
F Below 60%
Honesty Policy:
The CSI honesty policy explained on page 15-16 of the College Catalog applies to this class. Students must produce original work. Although the instructor encourages the honor system, any cheating and plagiarism will result in failure for the class.
Late Work:
Papers and/or assignments must be turned in on or before the stated deadline. Late work will not be accepted.
WK / DATE: / UNIT / CHAP. / TOPICS / ASSIGNMENTS19 / Jan. 16-20 / 5 / 10,11,12 / Legislative Branch / Lecture/Notes
Handouts/Study Guide Unit Test
20 / Jan. 23-27 / 6 / 13,14 / Executive Branch / Lecture/Notes
Handouts/Study Guide Unit Test
21 / Jan. 30-Feb3 / 8 / 18,25 / Judicial Branch / Lecture/Notes
Handouts/Study Guide Unit Test
22 / Feb. 6-10 / 9 / 19,20,21 / Civil Liberties
Protection of
Civil Rights / Lecture/Notes
Handouts/Study Guide Unit Test
23 / Feb. 13-16
24 / Feb. 21-24 / 10 / Participatory exercises in civil liberties and court systems. / Mock Trials
25 / Feb. 27-Mar2
26 / Mar. 5-9
27 / Mar. 12-16
28 / Mar. 19-23 / 11 / State and
Local Gov’t / Introduction
29 / Apr. 2-6 / 11 / 24,25 / State/Local Gov’t / Lecture/Notes
Handouts/Study Guide Unit Test
30 / Apr. 9-13 / 12 / Participatory Projects / Idaho HOPE Project
Senior Projects
31 / Apr. 16-20
32 / Apr. 23-27
33 / Apr. 30-
May 4 / 13 / 15,16,17
22,23 / Foreign Policy
U.S. Defense
World Political Systems
World Economic Systems / Lecture/Notes
Mock U.N. Projects
World Mock U.N. Meeting
Senior Projects
Final Exams!!
34 / May 7-11
35 / May 14-18
36 / May 21-25
36 / May 28-June1
MHS---POLITICAL SCIENCE 101---2011-2012
Citizen Action Points (CAP) Program
We have the privilege of living in the greatest example of a representative democracy in the history of the world. This type of government works best when the citizens get involved. You will be required to get involved at all levels of the political spectrum from school boards, to city councils, to the state level. You will also learn that the greatest reward is giving back to the community that has taken care of you and will be required to volunteer at the community level. We will all learn together that getting involved is the key to keeping our community, state and country strong!
· Attend a school board meeting, take notes, secure signature, type summary report
· Attend a city council meeting, take notes, secure signature, type summary report
· Attend a meeting of the Idaho State Legislature, both committee meeting and floor session, type up summary report
· Volunteer two hours of service to your community, secure signature, type summary report
· Correspond your views with an elected official, either your State Senator, your State Representative, or a statewide elected official such as the Governor, Lt. Governor, State Superintendent, etc., receive correspondence back, type summary report.
Points Awarded:
· School Board Meeting 100 points Due End of First Quarter
· City Council Meeting 100 points Due End of Second Quarter
· State Legislature 100 points Due End of Third Quarter
· Community Service 100 points Due End of Fourth Quarter
· Letter to Elected Official 100 points Due End of Fourth Quarter