June 16, 2009

Detailed Agenda

8:30 a.m. Workshop Registration

9:00 a.m. Welcome

Joan Sollenberger, Chief, Division of Transportation Planning, Caltrans

9:15 a.m. Opening Panel

(Moderated by Martin Tuttle, Deputy Director of Planning and Modal Programs, Caltrans)

Will Kempton, Director, Department of Transportation

Lynn Jacobs, Director, Department of Housing and Community Development

Julia Lave Johnston, Senior Planner, Governor’s Office of Planning and Research

Gregg Albright, Deputy Secretary for Environmental Policy and Integration, Business, Transportation and Housing Agency

10:00 a.m. Introduction to the Smart Mobility Handbook

Ellen Greenberg, AICP, Senior Consultant

Description and Purpose: The purpose of this session is to introduce the overall project and the Smart Mobility Framework to workshop participants.

Structure: Presentation by Ellen Greenberg, with slides

·  About the Smart Mobility Project

·  Why Smart Mobility?

·  Smart Mobility Principles

·  Handbook Overview

·  Concepts of Location Efficiency

·  Brief Question Answer (Q&A)

10:45 a.m. Break

11:00 a.m. Smart Mobility Tools

Ellen Greenberg, AICP, Senior Consultant

Jerry Walters, P.E., Principal, Fehr & Peers

Description and Purpose: This session will introduce Smart Mobility Place Types and Performance Measures as tools for use by California public agencies making investment decisions.

Structure: Presentations by Ellen Greenberg and Jerry Walters, with slides, followed by discussion/Q&A

·  Introduction to the Place Types

·  Introduction to Guidance for Place Types

·  Q&A on Place Types

·  Introduction to the Smart Mobility Performance Measures

·  Q&A on Performance Measures

12:00 p.m. Lunch – provided (Room 204)

Handbook Contributor’s Track

1:00 p.m. Focus on Place Types (Room 203)

Ellen Greenberg, AICP, Senior Consultant

Joan Chaplick, Project Manager, Moore Iacofano Goltsman, Inc.

Description and Purpose: This session will give participants an opportunity to provide detailed feedback on the Smart Mobility Place Types (Chapter 3) and their use as a decision support tool.

Structure: Presentation by Ellen Greenberg on place types, place type transitions, guidance for the place types, and facilitated full-group discussion (45 min); small group discussion on guidance for each place type (30 min); group reports and graphic recording (15 min).

2:30 p.m. Break

2:45 p.m. Smart Mobility Performance Measures (Room 203)

Jerry Walters, P.E., Principal, Fehr & Peers

Joan Chaplick, Project Manager, Moore Iacofano Goltsman, Inc.

Description and Purpose: This session will give participants an opportunity to provide detailed feedback on the Smart Mobility Performance Measures (Chapter 4) and their use as a decision support tool.

Structure: Presentation by Jerry Walters on 5 organizing themes and 12 new performance measures (25 min, including 5 min for clarifying Q&A); small group exercises – each table asked to apply conceptually the Smart Mobility performance measures to an actual or hypothetical Caltrans project (40 min); group reports, with open facilitated discussion (25 min).

Tools & Techniques Track

1:00 p.m. National Perspectives Supporting Smart Mobility (Room 202)

John Thomas, PhD, Development, Community & Environment Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Sue Kiser, Director of Planning and Air Quality, California Division, Federal Highway Administration

Description and Purpose: Provide an opportunity to learn about the latest policy, program, and research developments at the federal level related to Smart Mobility.

Structure: Presentations by U.S. EPA and FHWA on federal agency initiatives; followed by facilitated Q&A; followed by presentation by U.S. EPA on state and local best practices.


·  The Transportation Provisions in the proposed Cap and Trade Bill

·  Criteria for supporting Smart Mobility in a range of programs not directly under the U.S. DOT

·  Key National Initiatives - Collaborative work with other professional organizations (e.g., Institute of Transportation Engineers, International Code Council, etc.)


·  DOT Secretary LaHood’s Livability Initiative, and the federal Housing & Urban Development (HUD) / DOT Sustainable Communities Partnership

·  American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 implementation at U.S. DOT – themes of livability and sustainability.

·  Relevant Themes / Proposals Emerging from the Re-authorization Debate


·  State and local best practices in linking transportation decisions to smart mobility performance measures

2:30 p.m. Break

2:45 p.m. Smart Mobility Planning Charrette (Room 202)

Eliot Allen, AICP, Principal, Criterion Planners

Description and Purpose: Provide an opportunity for participants to improve their understanding of how Location Efficiency Factors (community design and regional accessibility) affect travel choices and environmental impacts

Structure: Participatory exercise led by Eliot Allen, using Criterion’s INDEX/Cool Spots software tool. Group will split into two teams, each with a computer running INDEX applied to a hypothetical community. Teams compete to make land use, design, and transportation changes that achieve Smart Mobility outcomes.

4:15 Closing Session: Moving Forward (Room 202)

5:00 Adjourn