Small Farm Planning program 2017 Guidelines

Small Farm Planning Program 2017 – Tasman Catchment


March – May 2017


Small Farm Planning program 2017 Guidelines


Small Farm Planning program 2017 Guidelines

NRM South and the Tasman Catchment

NRM South is responsible for integrated natural resource management (NRM) in Southern Tasmania. We work with others to manage both native and productive land, diverse flora and fauna, complex river and coastal ecosystems and everything that makes up our unique southern Tasmanian landscape. We do this by sharing knowledge and resources, and through supporting the community in practical, on-ground initiatives.

We also have Local Area Facilitatorswho work in priority areas, such asTasman and Sorell, and whoprovide assistance to meet particular local needs.

In the Tasman Catchment (defined by the water catchment that runs from Forcett through to the Peninsulas of the Tasman region) there arean increasing number of smallholdings, hobby farms and lifestyleproperties. These productive landscapes located within commuting distance of Hobart bring both a variety of opportunities and a diverse range of landholder needs.

About the program

Property Management Planning (PMP) is a process for developing and documenting your visions and goals for your property, recording natural resources and planning the management of your property with a focus on those natural resources. The process includes:

  1. Identifying your property’s natural assets, capability and management needs
  2. Identifying your property vision and goals relating to your lifestyle, family, environmental and financial aspirations
  3. Assessing your resource and management risks
  4. Using maps to plan management options
  5. Preparing an action plan
  6. Implementing your plan

Small farms have different needs to larger properties and this program has been designed specifically for small propertiestypically ranging in size from 2 to 100 Hectares.

Threepractical workshops will be held during weekends at participant properties. Workshop details are still to be finalised but will cover the following themes: Workshop 1 – What and Why? - Articulating the vision and goals for your property, Workshop 2 – Vegetation and land management –Workshop 3: Enterprises and implementation. Some content will be defined after the registration process but will cover topics such as; identifying the decision makers and existing resources, understanding the natural assets, built assets and regulatory frameworks, mapping and sector analysis, pasture and grazing management, nutrient cycling, weed ID and management, biodiversity management, vegetation management and browsing animal management. The program will accommodate 10- 15 properties, and will provide opportunities for networking with other landowners from the Tasman Catchmentarea.

Workshop dates:

  • Workshop one: What and Why?Sunday 26th March 2017
  • Workshop two:Vegetation and land managementSunday 30th April 2017
  • Workshop three:Pasturesand livestockSunday 28th May 2017

At the end of the program, you will have the knowledge to implement your plan for your property which can be used to guide management decisions as well as demonstrating your commitment to the environment and natural resources. You will also have developed your skills and knowledge in a range of topics from property planning to grazingand soil management.

Participants are required to make a small contribution towards the cost of the program: $120 for a single individual or $165for two individuals per property, which includes individual property maps, a workbook, three one-day workshops and catering.

This project is supported by NRM South through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Programme and Tasman and Sorell Councils.

Application process

All participants must complete an Expression of Interest form. The form can be completed online or downloaded from the NRM South website

Completed forms can be emailed to

Applications close at 5pm,February 27th 2017

NRM South will assess the applications based on information provided in the Expression of Interest form. Priority will be given to applicants with properties ranging from2 to 100 ha situated in the Tasman Municipality and in the Sorell Municipal areas of Copping, Bream Creek, Marion Bay, Dunalley, Connelly’s’ Marsh and Carlton River.This program is directly supported by Both Tasman Council and Sorell Council. Places are limited and some applications may be unsuccessful.

Successful applicants will be notified in writing by March. Participants will then receive further information about the program e.g. venues and timings.

Unsuccessful applicants will be notified in writing by March and NRM South will advise them of any other opportunities to participate in field days or access relevant information.

Key dates:

  • Applications openJanuary 28th 2017
  • Applications closeFebruary 27th 2017
  • Applicant notificationMarch 1st 2017

Further information

The closing date for applications is 5pm, February 27th. To submit an expression of interest or to find out more about the program, please visit or contact:

Jennifer Milne, Tasman NRM Facilitator (Tasman), 036250 9205, 0481 393 175,