Candidate Name: / Student No:
Assessor Name: / Date of assessment:

Please note: Underpinning knowledge for this cluster have been tested in the self assessment completed in class and are inherent within the itemised components detailed below. If your test results identified areas for further learning then these will be re-assessed through a 1:1 discussion if not clearly assessable through the evidence you provide for this task.

Element / Marking Guide / MR/
FER / Comments
401A/01 / Step 1: Context of the assessment
See Assessment Plan (Tab 3a)
TAB 1 / Step 2: Supply a copy of the unit / curriculum doc / workplace standards you are using for this assessment
Step 3: Unpack the ‘standards’ you are using for this assessment
Ensuring all components of the ‘standards’ have been reviewed
401A/02 +
TAB 2 / Step 4: Evidence matrix supplied that covers:
ÿ  Elements & Performance criteria
ÿ  Underpinning knowledge & skills
ÿ  Critical aspects of evidence / Specific evidence requirements as specified in the evidence guide of a unit of competency or the workplace std
ÿ  Employability skills
ÿ  Dimensions of competence
Integrates assessment tasks where possible
Follows the rules of evidence /
401A/01 +02 + 03
TAB 3a / Step 5a: Assessment plan is developed (FOR THE ASSESSOR)
The plan describes the assessment for all assessors and should include
ÿ  Candidate and assessor details
ÿ  Date the candidate briefing (see Tab 6) is likely to happen
ÿ  Relevant unit(s) and elements / learning outcomes & nominal hours
ÿ  Details of assessment - tasks / evidence / methods
ÿ  Venue date and time for assessment (including any timeframe for evidence gathering)
ÿ  Conditions of assessment
ÿ  Any legal / organisational / ethical requirements to be considered
ÿ  OHS requirements to be considered
ÿ  Special needs/additional information (allowable adjustments)
ÿ  Assessment results and what happens if NYC
ÿ  Appeals process
ÿ  Resource requirements
ÿ  Confidentiality and security of information and the content of their evidence
ÿ  How their evidence may be used in the validation process
ÿ  When feedback will be given to the candidate
ÿ  Discusses RPL/RCC process / options
The plan should also:
ÿ  Use a RANGE of assessment activities that cover
ÿ  A RANGE of situations (as indicated in the range statement)
Includes any supporting documentation from the organisation (that is available to you) that will give context to the assessment eg vision/mission/strategy documents, assessment/promotion policies and procedures etc.
401A/03 +
403A/01 + 02 + 03
TAB 3b / Step 5b: Assessment tools are developed for the assessment
Each set of tools needs to include marking tools, instructions to candidate and assessor and a final record of assessment (or results sheet). If role plays or other assessment activities are used the tool set MUST include the activity & a marking guide/feedback form (checklist)
Appropriate Instruments for at least 2 methods described in the plan are provided. YOUR INSTRUMENTS MUST:-
ÿ  Have a clear title that matches the assessment methods detailed in the matrix, plan and candidate briefing document
ÿ  Have clear instructions
ÿ  Clearly identify
□  Purposeful tasks to be performed relevant to the assessment,
□  the underpinning knowledge & skills that the assessor should look out for AND
ÿ  cover a RANGE of situations as identified in the range statement
ÿ  Detail the course name and code (where learning is required)
ÿ  Specify the standard & outcomes to be addressed +code(s)
ÿ  Have version control
ÿ  Are practicable and user friendly
ÿ  Reflect the assessment environment
ÿ  Provide choice where appropriate
ÿ  Reflect the principles of assessment & rules of evidence
ÿ  Incorporate principles of access & equity
ÿ  Use appropriate style & format
ÿ  Are sensitive to audience diversity and have appropriate Language, Literacy and Numeracy for the level and the focus of the assessment
ÿ  Are developed using appropriate media
ÿ  Address the evidence to be collected (as specified in the matrix and assessment plan) / Assessor lists the tools supplied here:
Comments on tools:
404A/01, 02, 03
TAB 3c) / Step 5c): Tools have been critiqued or trialled by another assessor
ÿ  Completed validation (critique) checklist/report signed & dated by the assessor(s) who critiqued the tools and any tools that may have been written on during this process
ÿ  Amended tools as per recommendations made if appropriate
TAB 4 / Step 6: Candidate/s is briefed & prepared for the assessment
This document has similar information to the plan but is for the CANDIDATE
Very clear instructions to the candidate on:-
ÿ  The unit & elements & nominal hours
ÿ  How they are going to be assessed on the whole unit, when & assessor
ÿ  Information on competency based training expectations (*)
ÿ  Any specific evidence requirements of the unit (*)
ÿ  How their results will be shown (*)
ÿ  How to apply for their certificate (*)
ÿ  Appeals processes
ÿ  If it is a learning & assessment pathway, then the learning program needs to be included (*)
ÿ  If there is any workplace component this needs to be explained / This document can be the assessment plan as long as the assessment plan also has the additional information required (*)
TAB 5 / Step 7: Organise the people & resources for the assessment
Completed organising checklist
402A/04 + 05A
TAB 6 / Step 8-11: Support candidate and conduct the assessment
Evidence should include:
ÿ  Any evidence of communication you have had with the candidate other than the candidate briefing
ÿ  The completed assessment tools used in the assessment signed & dated by both assessor & candidate (if appropriate) including WRITTEN FEEDBACK TO THE CANDIDATE
ÿ  Copies of students/candidates marked work supplied
ÿ  Evidence of the results having been recorded (in final record of assessment / results sheet or however the organisation records results)
ÿ  Completed candidate feedback form
402A/04 + 05A
TAB 7 / Short written self reflection
o  What went well (explain your reasoning)
o  What did not work as well as you’d hoped and why
o  What you would do differently next time
o  Discuss what you have gained most from this learning process
o  The feedback you gathered from the candidate must be clearly referred to and used to analyse the assessment as well as your own reflection skills.
·  Open questioning of candidate during initial interview (where relevant), planning & evidence gathering process and assessment (Steps 1, 6, 8-11) and listening skills
·  Professional business language & presentation in all documentation that is easily understood by all parties, writing to the needs of the audience & negotiating a responsive & appropriate assessment (Throughout)
·  A variety of forms of communication media used to gather information in preparation for assessment (Throughout)
Problem solving:
·  Choosing the appropriate ‘standard’, unpacking it and identifying appropriate assessment methods for the individual/group being assessed (Steps 1-4)
·  Identifying any ‘allowable adjustments’ and implementing them (Steps 1 & 5)
·  Finding appropriate people to assist in the process within the given timeframe (Steps 1, 5, 6, 7, 8-11)
Planning and organising:
·  Planning the assessment – establishing clear assessment strategies & aligning with performance criteria (goals & deliverables), adapting resource allocations to cope with contingencies, planning the use of resources, collecting analysing and organising information, understanding basic business systems & their relationships (Steps 1-7)
·  Organising the assessment – allocating people and other resources to tasks (Steps 6 & 7)
·  Participating in continuous improvement and planning processes (Steps 5, 8-11)
·  This is a big workplace project with many components, it takes considerable self management to be able to complete all tasks within the given timeframe. (Throughout)
·  Evaluating and monitoring own performance, having knowledge & confidence in own ideas and visions, articulating own ideas and visions through the consistency of documentation and taking responsibility (Throughout)
·  Students are required to present their information in typed format, presented professionally and in a layout that is easy to follow – using IT to organise data (Throughout)
·  Students may also have to use relevant technology in relation to the unit they are assessing (where relevant)

Assessor signature:

G:\TAFE\SSF\Depts\CVP Ed Prac\2010\Programs\CIV TAA\COMPETENCIES\3 Assessment\1 FACILITATOR FOLDER\Assessment\Task 3 - Marking Guide July 2010 .doc Author: CRoach Updated 07/10 1