The second regular monthly meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Wrightstown was held at the Village Hall, 352 High St, on Tuesday 06/16/15 and was called to order by Village President Dean Erickson at 6:26 pm.
Roll Call: Present – Dean Erickson, Sue Byers, Quinn Cavanaugh, Karen Curry, Mark Leonard,
Scott Reignier, Village Administrator Steve Johnson
Absent – Terry Schaeuble
Also present: Ed Byrne (Brillion News), Tom Collins (Wrightstown Area Spirit), Public Works Director Travis Coenen; Fire Chief Mike Schampers.
MINUTES - - None at this time.
VOUCHERS - - Motion by Q Cavanaugh, second by S Byers to approve the vouchers as submitted. Motion carried.
FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - - Acknowledge receipt and review of April 2015 financials.
WALK-INS - - Ed Byrne – Indicated the Brown County Library has a huge movie collection for free that could be utilized for the “outdoor movie night”. Further stated the Wrightstown High School bank is interested in playing for the bridge dedication.
VILLAGE ADMINISTRATOR - - S Johnson provided the following report:
1. Staff will be meeting with a Web development firm rep. on June 17th.
2. 2016 Budget worksheets have been distributed to Department Heads for their completion and return by August 13th.
3. Invitations have been sent out to Village employees to a luncheon/meeting on June 17th.
4. I have been called for jury duty June 22-25th. We will see how that shakes out.
Director of Public Works Comments – a) The Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) for water quality has been completed and will appear in the newspaper this week. As there is natural fluoride in the water, the Village does not add any additional amounts. b) Inspection at the Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) has also been completed with a DNR representative. Everything was good for documents and up to par for maintenance with the facility. The Village should know the new phosphorus limits by this fall. Any additional costs could be added to the 2016 budget.
How waste water plants are classified has been changed. Prior 1-4 with Village at 2; currently basic (lagoon style setting treatment like an agricultural pit) or advance with Village at “advance”. Village operators will also be grandfathered as “advance” due to their years of training and background. Some further education may be necessary for some employees.
Just about complete bringing back lab testing in-house. Waiting for a response to the submitted application to be registered to test phosphorus. Hope by next year to have comfort level in place to obtain other DNR required certifications to contract out with other waste water plants in the area to perform their testing.
Letter of Support for Bicycle/Pedestrian Trail along CTH ZZ – S Johnson and T Coenen explained this is part of a Brown County project to connect with the Town of Rockland for the Brown County Trail System when the CTH ZZ road is restructured.
Motion by S Reignier, second by K Curry to approve a draft letter of support for the bicycle/pedestrian trail along CTH ZZ as part of a Brown County project to restructure the road. Motion carried.
Proposed Vacation Policy Amendments – Motion by K Curry, second by Q Cavanaugh to approve the proposed vacation policy amendments. Motion carried. (Two extra days for new hires).
Signage for Zirbel Park – Motion by Q Cavanaugh, second by M Leonard to approve signage for Zirbel Park not to exceed $3,000 for stone, lettering, plaque and pedestal. Motion carried.
Dedication Ceremony of Zirbel Park – Motion by Q Cavanaugh, second by S byers to approve the dedication ceremony of Zirbel Park for Wednesday, August 12th with the ceremony at 7:30 pm followed by an outdoor movie at 8:00 pm. Motion carried.
(Date is dependent on availability of Arthur & Ardena Retzlaff – Zirbel family.)
Completion of New Mueller Park Rest Rooms and Raze Obsolete Buildings Therein – Motion by Q Cavanaugh, second by S Reignier to approve the completion of the new Mueller Park rest rooms and to raze the obsolete buildings with a cost not to exceed $10,000. Motion carried.
Fire Dept Report – Chief M Schampers submitted with best regards the following May 2015 report:
For May the department had 3 calls for response, motorcycle accident, smell of smoke in a residence and a mutual aid call to Town of Buchanan.
The usual business meeting, truck checks and inventories where completed for May. Engine 1312 (2nd Pumper) is going to need some attention to paint around cabinet doors starting to bubble. Also work of putting a replacement plan for all the apparatus into a report is underway for budget reasons and future planning to replace apparatus while they have a resale value and not have to look at multiple truck purchases in a short time frame also to avoid excessive maintenance costs of keeping them too long. Also more of the Confined Space Rescue equipment has arrived.
Training for the month was “Confined Space” and the department participated in the Memorial Day Parade and Safety Day event at the middle school.
M Schampers and T Coenen followed with more discussion on the 20-year capital budget list for vehicle replacement. Schedule will be discussed at the next meeting.
Police Dept Report – None at this time.
REGIONAL PLANNING - - Nothing to report at this time.
Resolution No. 06162015 Authorizing Issuance and Sale of Water System Revenue Bonds – Motion by S Byers, second by M Leonard to approve Resolution No. 06162015 Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Up to $7,244,797 Water System Revenue Bonds, Series 2015, and providing for other details and covenants with respect thereto. Roll call vote: Ayes – S Byers, Q Cavanaugh, K Curry, M Leonard, S Reignier, D Erickson; Nays – None; Absent – T Schaeuble. Motion carried unanimously.
An explanation was provided for the difference between Water System Revenue Bonds and Safe Drinking Water Fund Loan.
Approve Updated Escrow Agreement with Associated Trust – Motion by S Byers, second by M Leonard to approve the updated Escrow Agreement between the Village of Wrightstown and Associated Trust Company, National Association, Green Bay, WI to administer disbursement of the Shared Revenue Utility Payments. Motion carried.
An explanation was provided of where the shared revenue utility payments are generated and how the distribution of the funds occurs.
Approve Change in Decorative Coloration of New STH 96 Bridge – Motion by S Byers, second by M Leonard to approve the change in decorative coloration of the new STH 96 Bridge using the balance of CSD (Community Sensitive Design) Funds and Village assigned funds. Roll call vote: Ayes – S Byers, Q Cavanaugh, K Curry, M Leonard; Nays – S Reignier, D Erickson; Absent – T Schaeuble. Motion carried 4-2.
Approve Authorization to Negotiate Land Sales and/or Acquisitions; Future Infrastructure – Motion by S Byers, second by S Reignier to approve authorization to negotiate land sales and/or acquisitions; future infrastructure. Nay – K Curry. Motion carried.
Operator’s Licenses for 2015-2017 License Years – Motion by S Byers, second by Q Cavanaugh to approve operator’s licenses for the 2015-2017 license years for Donna Diener and Amanda Fenn with contingency on approval for finalization on background checks from the Wrightstown Police Dept for Emily Luedtke, Nicole Schuelke, and Nicole Vande Hey. Motion carried.
ADJOURN - - Motion by S Reignier, second by K Curry to adjourn. Motion carried. (Adjourned 7:18 pm)
Jean A Brandt Clerk/Treasurer
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