Revelation Part 4
Kay Arthur
Lesson 12
Where is the church in the book or Revelation and where is she when Christ comes again?
Rev. 1:1, 11 Those bondservants were the church of Jesus Christ
Rev. 1:2-5 Faithful Witness and the First born from the dead
Rev. 1:5-7 He is king of the rulers of the earth
Rev. 1:19 Write the things which you have seen, the things which are and the things which must take place AFTER these things.
Revelation Chp. 1 What John saw on the Isle of Patmos.
Revelation Chp. 2-3 Letters to the 7 churches “The things which are”
Rev. 2:7 Tree of Life promised to overcomers
Rev. 2:11 He who overcomes shall not be hurt by the second death
Rev. 2:17 He who overcomes will be given some of the hidden manna, a white stone and a new name
White stone was given to people with a special insignia/seal that got them into special events. There is a special event coming and that is the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ.
Rev. 2:26-28 He who overcomes and keeps my deeds until the end: they get a right to rule with a rod of iron
Rev. 3:5 He who overcomes gets white garments, and his name will not be erased from the book of life.
Rev. 3:10-12 This overcomer will be made a pillar, given a new name, the Lord’s name and confessed in heaven.
Rev. 3:10 Kept fromthe hour of testing that will come upon the whole earth
Rev. 3:21 The overcomer is granted to sit on Jesus’ throne
“He who has an ear, let him hear.”
Remember each church reads all the letters.
Things that come to pass AFTER these things Chp. 4-5
Rev. 4:1 What must take place after these things
When the 6th seal is broken, the men run and hide and want to be hidden from the wrath of God and the Lamb.
Rev. 6:12-17 Men on earth say, “The Great Day of Wrath has come”
144,000 Jews are sealed BEFORE the 7th seal is broken.
Out of the 7th seal comes 7 trumpets.
Rev. 11 At the 6th trumpet, 2 witnesses are killed by the beast. They have been witnessing for 3 ½ years. (goes all the way back to the 1st seal)
7th trumpet says the mystery of God is finished.
The 7th trumpet marks the middle of Daniel’s 70th week. The time the Antichrist comes to power. The beast who was killed and raised from the dead, now begins to reign. He is inhabited by Satan.
Rev. 12 Israel flees into the wilderness and The Antichrist goes off to war with her offspring.
The Antichrist rules over all the earth for 3 ½ years and causes people to receive his mark, 666, which is symbolic of his name.
ANYONE who receives that mark, will never go to heaven.
The overcomers do NOT have that mark, but they have a new name.
The 7th trumpet is the pivotal point of the book. The Antichrist is revealed.
Where is the church? Is the church going through the Day of the Lord?
The church is the “ekklesia”; the called out ones.
The church is not mentioned after chapters 4 & 5.
Rev.19:1, 6-9The destruction of Babylon is being celebrated in heaven.
Eph. 5:22-25The church is His bride
2 Cor. 11:2-3 Stand fast with the simplicity and devotion to Christ
Rev. 19:7-8, 11-14He is clothed in a robe dipped in blood. The bride is clothed in fine linen, the righteous acts of the saints.
Who are the armies?
Rev.17:14 The called, chosen and faithful are with Him.
Genesis 12 God the Father’s wife was the nation of Israel; the elect/saints
When Christ comes, sheds His blood, Christ has a body, the church, made up of Jew and Gentile. This church is marked by one specific thing. This church is indwelt by the Holy Spirit.
A promise to the church was made in John 14. I am preparing a place for you and I will return and take you back with Me.
2 Cor. 5:10; Rom. 14:10 The church is told they must stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ to give an answer for the deeds done, whether good or bad.
Sometime before the church comes down to earth, there seems to be a time for the Judgment Seat of Christ.
Phil. 1:9-10 …..until the Day of Christ. The time when Jesus Christ comes for His church, takes them to heaven, and the church is with Him, goes through the Judgment Seat of Christ and comes back down to earth with Him.
How did the church get to be in heaven and When did they get there?
I Thess. 4:13-14…even so God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus.
WHEN does He bring the spirit of those who have died back with Him?
I Thess. 4:14-18When a person dies, their spirit goes to be with Jesus. When Jesus comes back, just because that person wasn’t living, doesn’t mean he will miss that resurrection.
Together with the person that is still alive, they will be caught up with Jesus.
I Cor. 15:21-24
When Christ comes to earth to establish His kingdom we have the 1st Resurrection.
When are believing Jews resurrected?
When is the church resurrected?
When are those that suffer/believe during the Great Tribulation resurrected?
ALL of these make up the 1st Resurrection. NO OTHER resurrection will happen after that which results in eternal life with Jesus.
I Cor. 15:51-54A mystery; something that has been hidden.
Death is swallowed up in victory. We WILL get new heavenly bodies like Jesus.
I Cor. 15 and 1 Thess. 4 are talking about the same time.
Rapture: to snatch, to catch up
Kay believes this happens BEFORE the Day of the Lord begins.
2 Thess. 2:3-4
The restrainer is the Holy Spirit indwelling the believer.
The church has to be raptured before the 7th trumpet because the 7th trumpet starts the Day of the Lord.
I Thess. 5:1-5 During the first 3 ½ years there IS going to be peace and safety for the Jews.
Overtake you means to take ahold of you; seize you like a thief.
The church is looking for the Day of Christ
I Thess. 5:5-9 God has not destined US, the church, for wrath, but for obtaining salvation.
The Day of Wrath begins with the blowing of the 7th trumpet.
I Thess. 1:9-10 Jesus delivers us from the wrath to come, which is the Day of the Lord.
We are to be ready! That is our responsibility.