Introduction to edTPA in the Visual Arts
1. What will I be asked to do in the edTPA?
- Task 1: Planning for Instruction and Assessment
- Develop a series of 3-5 interconnected lessons known as a learning segment. (a 3-5 day Unit).
- Write an in-depth commentary of your reasoning behind the decisions you have made in developing these lessons. This is known as the “planning commentary” and there is a template with specific questions that you will complete.
- Provide lesson plans, instructional materials, and assessment materials to support your planning commentary.
- Complete the “context for learning” which describes the setting in which you are teaching.
- Task 2: Instructing and Engaging Students in Learning
- Obtain permission from your students’ parents/guardians to video.
- Teach your learning segment.
- Video your instruction.
- Select 1-2 video clips (no more than 20 minutes total) that best show student engagement and learning. Use rubrics 6-9 and the questions in the instruction commentary to help guide your choice.
- Analyze the learning that occurred during the learning segment based on the video evidence.
- Write an in-depth commentary about the learning that occurred during the learning segment and support your conclusions with evidence from the video. This is known as the “instruction commentary” and there is a template with specific questions that you will complete.
- Convert (if necessary), trim, and compress your video clip(s).
- Task 3: Assessing Student Learning
- Select an assessment from your learning segment. Make sure that this is a formative assessment.
ii. Collect and analyze student work from the selected assessment to identify quantitative and qualitative patterns of learning within and across learners in the class.
iii. Select 3 student work samples to illustrate your analysis of the patterns of learning within and across learners in the class. At least 1 of the samples must be from a student with specific learning needs. These 3 students will be your focus students.
- Write an in-depth commentary about student learning as evidenced in the assessment. This is known as the “assessment commentary” and there is a template with specific questions that you will complete.
2. Where should I start?
- Read your handbook and look at the following things…
- What needs to be seen in my video? (look at rubrics 6-9 for this).
- What things does my chosen assessment need to address? (look at the assessment commentary questions and rubrics 11-14 for this).
- Pay particular attention to edTPA handbook pages 5-7 (overview) and pages 39-42 (evidence chart).
- Based on what you discover in part a, talk to your cooperating teacher as to when appropriate content for such lessons may be occurring during your placement and plan for your learning segment to be taught at that time.
- Identify what class you will feature in your edTPA portfolio and distribute/collect the video permission forms.
- Sign and submit your teacher candidate release form.
- Read “Making Good Choices”.
- Determine what equipment you will use to record your learning segment and make some practice videos. Note: If you are going to make practice videos in the classroom, you will need to wait until you have signed permission forms.
3. What supports are in place to help me?
- Video guides.
- Video assistance (DeGarmo Exploratorium and COE Help Desk).
- Writing organizers and review forms.