/ CopLaneC.E.Primary School
Cop Lane, Penwortham, Preston, Lancashire PR1 9AE
Tel: (01772) 743131
Headteacher: Miss P Carter BA (Hons) PGCE NPQH
This half term’s value is; SERVICE. Based on 1 Corinthians 12:5

Onesie or PyjamaDay

Thank you all so much for your donations to the Manchester Children’s Hospital we raised £296.

PTFA AGM Monday 7th November

Please come and help us plan our fund raising events throughout 2016/17 and organise our Christmas fund raising events on Monday 7th November at 7.00. ALL families with a child in our school are automatically members of our PTFA and are very welcome to come to our meetings.

Year 4 ‘Rainbow’ Tuck Shop

On Wednesday 9th November it is Year 4s turn to run the Tuck Shop along with the School Council. They have chosen a rainbow theme – plea to Y4 parents, please could the rainbow theme reflect the packaging and not the contents lest we have uber-active children!Please could all other year groups bring 50p if they would like to buy something at break time.

Young Voices

All children who wish to participate in Young Voices 2017 brought home a CD and set of lyrics this week to help them start learning the pieces that will be performed. Rehearsals for this wonderful event start on Wednesday 9thNovember from 3.15 - 4.15

Author visit

On Thursday 10thNovember our Y6 pupils will be attending PGHS to share in an author visit. We hope they will have the most amazing time and be inspired to become writers.

Children in Need

Please note that as we are supporting a number of charities this year and trying to fund our project iPads, we do not wish to keep asking our families for constant donations. We will therefore not be undertaking any fundraising this November for Children in Need and ask families to make individual donations if this is a charity that is close to them.

What’s on?


Thurs 27thReading meetings for Reception parents 2.15pm and 6pm

Fri 28thSchool closes at 3.15pm for the half term holiday


Mon 7thSchool reopens at 8.45am


Wed 9thY4 Tuck Shop

Wed 16thY6 Class Worship


Mon 5thChristmas Lunch for children

Wed 7thY5 Tuck Shop

Mon 12thInfants Production Dress Rehearsal

Tues 13th 10am Infant Production

Wed 14th10am Infant Production

Mon 19thParty Year 5 and 6 – Children may wear their own clothes

Tues 20thParty Year 3 and 4 – Children may wear their own clothes

Wed 21stCarol Service at St Mary’s Church 10am approx.

Party for all infants – Children may wear their own clothes

Thurs 22ndSchool closes at 2pm for Christmas Holiday. Reopens on Mon 9th January 2017