The Passion and Death of Christ

Plot Against Jesus

Matthew 26:1-5

- ______was high priest

- Arrest Christ after Passover

Matthew 26:14-16

- Judas betrays Jesus; ______pieces of silver

- “The one who has dipped their hand in the dish with me, will betray me”

The Last Supper

Jews traveled to ______in order to celebrate the Passover

Night of remembering the “passing over”of the ______prior to the Israelites Exodus of Egypt.

Washing of the Disciples Feet

John 13

______= the dirtiest part of body

What part of the person might be dirtier than the feet?

______“you will never wash my feet

Washing of feet is the job of a ______

Jesus shows great ______and ______. The God of the entire UNIVERSE is washing the feet of fisherman and tax collectors!

Washing of the Disciples Feet

Identifies a betrayer.

Jesus told ______to betray him quickly.

The New Commandment


The Last Supper Discourses John 14-17

-JC = ______

-Father = ______

-Humanity = ______

-Branch is fruitful = ______

-Branch is dead = ______(hell)

-Branch can’t bear fruit by itself, must be part of the vine = we must be part of ______in order to ______


Celebrated with 4 cups

  1. After blessing, 1st cup was drunk followed by ______that symbolized the bitterness of captivity in ______
  2. Passover story read from ______12, Psalm 113 sung and 2nd cup drunk
  3. Main meal of ______and ______, after which the 3rd cup, “cup of ______”was drunk
  4. Psalms 114-118 were sung and Passover came to its climax when the 4th cup the “cup of ______”was drunk


Jesus changed 3rd cup “______…”

V. 28“Blood of this covenant”(Ex. 24:8) ratification of ______between Israel and God; Jesus introduces new covenant ratified by His blood

V. 28 references Isaiah 53 “______”

Jesus is the Passover ______of the new covenant

He establishes a new covenant from His body and blood this anticipates his death on the cross


Genesis 14:17-20

--Melchizedek is the first man in the Old Testament to be called a ______. It is the pre-Levitical form of the priesthood.

--Melchizedek’s offering ______and ______, NOT goats or sheets or doves which were the common offering at that time

--Melchizedek is the King of Salem

Salem Jerusalem

New Testament

“Take and eat, this is my body, drink from it all of you for this is my blood of the covenant which will be shed for the forgiveness of sins. I tell you I shall not drink from the fruit of the vine until the day when I drink it with you new in the kingdom of my Father”

“______”in Greek = diatheke

Diatheke (Greek) = berith (Hebrew) = ______

Jesus is using the term “New Testament”before the New Testament is even written!

Remember Covenant?

Covenant: an agreement, usually formal, between two or more persons to do or not do something specified. A bond of sacred kinship

A covenant was normally marked by a solemn ritual oath, sealed with a blood sacrifice and often with a shared a meal.

Jesus is establishing a “new and everlasting covenant”

What about the 4th cup?

4th cup: “Cup of consummation”

- sung psalms but then left to mount of Olives

- Gethsemane “______”

- took ______, ______, and ______to keep watch

Where else did he take them?

Matthew 26: 29 –“______”

4th cup = ______

Agony in the Garden - Luke 22:39-46

Greek – ______

Agoniarefers to the “______” sweat that athletes work up before a game or event.

Location- Why is a garden important?

-Echoes ______(______)

-Full of ______ contrasts ______

-Place for ______

Sweats blood – actual condition ______. Body essentially becomes a giant bruise.

At this moment Christ is bearing ______sin that was, is and will be.

Immense spiritual battle.

Apostles sleeping because of ______

Jesus is Arrested

Jesus betrayed by a ______.

Annas sent JC to son-in-law, Caiaphas

- charged with blasphemy

- ______= crime of insulting God or of claiming Godlike attributes.

Jesus is Denied

- ______denied Him ______times

- Judas ______himself

Peter’s and Judas sin is the same- both ______Jesus.

What is the difference between the two? ______

What is Peter standing next to? ______

Pontius Pilate

Matthew 27:11-44

- Pilate was persuaded JC was threat to ______

- sent to King ______because Galilee was under his jurisdiction

John 18

- “What is ______?”

- custom of releasing one man, Barabbas

- Barabbas= “______”

Crowning of Thorns

Mockery of Christ

Crown – ______

Purple – ______

Reed – ______(scepter)

“Hail King of the Jews!”

Crucifixion of Christ

John 18 & 19

-______= place of the skull

-“Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews” vs “Jesus of Nazareth, this man said I am King of the Jews”

-Tunic – ______, same as a Jewish ______wore; cast lots

-______– wiped face with veil, left image

-Gesmas – bad thief

-Dismas – good thief

On the Cross

Christ was on the cross for ____ hours

Offered Jesus sour wine on a branch of a ______--- same used for sprinkling blood of the Passover lamb in Exodus

“______” = the 4th cup he said he wouldn’t drink until the time came

______was torn

 tearing pre-figured end of ______; outer curtain was decorated with pictures of whole creation = ______

Broke ______of criminals before Sabbath

Psalm 22 – The Crucifixion Psalm

Mary at the Cross

“Woman, behold your son…” “Behold your mother”

John took Mary into his home – ______

Jesus is talking to John. Who else is he talking to?

Last words of Christ








Passover Lamb

1.One yr. old lamb w/o blemish

2.No broken bones

3.lamb’s blood smeared on doorposts

4.Lamb’s flesh would be eaten

5.Unleavened bread was to be eaten

6.Memorial feast is established.

a. when event is reenacted

b. participants are truly part of the original event.

7. Passover = sacrifice, meal, God’s saving blessing

If Israelites don’t eat lamb’s flesh, then they are not saved

  1. Entering of Lambs

Jesus Christ

  1. He is unblemished lamb
  2. No broken bones during crucifixion
  3. Blood was on the cross
  4. Flesh of Christ is eaten under form of bread and wine in the Eucharist.
  5. Hosts is made of unleavened bread
  6. Last Supper- Jesus makes memorial feast

a. Mass reenacts Last Supper

b. we truly believe we are part of the original event

  1. - Mass = Last Supper (meal), Crucifixion (sacrifice), Resurrection (God’s saving blessing)
  2. Palm Sunday


______birth (Sarah)

Only Son

Mt. ______“up a hill and sacrificed”

Arrived on a donkey

Carried wood on his back

“laid him upon the wood”


Sacrificed ram instead; stuck in ______

Isaac called for Abraham, “My Father”

Miraculous birth (Virgin Mary)

Only Son

Calvary- SAME ______!

Arrived on a ______

Carried cross (wood) on his back

Christ was laid on cross before being nailed

Christ was ______

wore crown of thorns

Christ, while on cross cries, “Father”