Paradigm Shifts 1
Chapter Nine
Paradigm Shifts
Among serious minded people the Middle English word paradigm is taking on important modern meanings. There is much talk about expectant paradigm shifts, about some new compelling Philosophy of selflife and the meaning-fullness of human existence.
The first meaning that the Macquarie Dictionary gives to the word paradigm is from the point of view of grammar - the set of all forms containing a particular element, especially the set of all inflected forms of a single root, stem, or theme. Language analysts study the paradigm of case. Another listed meaning of paradigm is - a set of concepts shared by a community of scholars or scientists.
In English Grammar, case is defined as the relation in which a noun stands to some other word, or the change of form, if any, by which this change is indicated. There are three cases in modern English – the Nominative, the Objective and the Possessive.
A noun used as the subject to a verb is said to be in the Nominative case: Birds fly. When a noun is the object to a verb it is said to be in the Objective case: Children fly kites. The Possessivecase usually denotes the possessor or owner. It is formed by adding ’s to a noun: A child’s toyor by the use of the preposition of as in The toy of a child.
With personal pronouns, we have the singular case paradigm or set {I, me, mine}, and the plural case paradigm {We, us, ours}. The members of the human race must adopt the paradigm shift from singular to plural, from a singular individual unit to a set or unity of pluralized individual units, if they are to survive the lessons of History in Biological and Cultural Evolution - Privatize and Perish.
Feedback trial and error processes are foresighted means to certain determined ends. In all eras preceding the advent of human self-consciousness in this planet's evolutionary development, the eventual fate of any new parts, through success or failure, would have been judged by their feedback effect on the whole system, for better or worse, for richer or poorer. As stated on Page 40, the degree of symbiotic incorporation into an ecologically favourable plural environment measures success, but rejection by such as unsuitable or detrimental determines failure.
In his book, MALICE IN PLUNDERLAND the author expresses concern that the vast majority of human beings are completely ignorant of the planned abuse by the banking system of the role of money in Consensus Economics. This is not an isolated occurrence in the course of human cultural evolution. There are still many contrived fictions in which an aberrant patriarchal make believe has implicated human thought over the last few millennia. Much of the development of male monotheism has been sired by the father of lies (John 8/44). Not the least among these topics of false male indoctrination is the role of sexuality in the propagation of the human species and in human social behaviour. For many proud arrogant male ecclesiastical intellectuals in the past, woman was merely a necessary humbug. Today, it is pregnant woman who experiences and understands the full implication of the paradigm shift from the singular {I, Me, Mine } to the plural {We, Us, Ours}.
Ancestral Stone Age sexual love and life
knew not a death-yoked one-one husband-wife:
knew not divorce, nor laws' adult'rous gaze.
Morality's ‘mine-thine’ postscripts the phase
of matriarchal feedback system rule,
where everything was held in common pool.
Such primitive simplicity of life
could not progress in haste without the strife
which only male ambition could create.
Priest-usurped role of lord from servant state
was needed now in Evolution's plan
to expedite Self's consciousness in man.
Pride's lust for power and goods and pleasured thrills,
although accompanied by a train of ills,
preludes in revolution's discord mode,
a new Jerusalem for Self's abode.
Possessiveness is linked with father-rule.
One's rights of ownership boasts sterile school,
where individuality's the goal
and self-life's spent erecting one's own pole.
Shared common wealth, communal mind and might,
associates with fertile mother-right.
Here selves are saved in pluralizing "ours".
Togetherness of ones knows many's powers.
The emergence of an elegant, highly intelligent and dignified feminism in academic and political arenas and a sense of global pluralism associated with being the children of the same Great Earth Mother are not passing New Age intellectual fads. They are instituting valid paradigm shifts destined to be the salvation of allhumankind.
Both physically and psychically, woman is much further advanced in the evolutionary procession and progression to increased complexity and human development. The prime cause and subsequent course of civilization owes almost everything to her ministrations.
Ecclesiastical and legislative authorities still act as if ignorant of Harvey’s definitive words Omnia ex ovo, Everything from an egg. For men, pregnancy in woman is an externality. For them it is another’s experience of something outside their own male self-consciousness. For pregnant woman, however, they are made aware of both distinction and union within their own very being. A woman’s mindset is far betterdisposedby nature than a man’s to think in terms of “We,us,ours”. The habit of implosive recollection must first be acquired before entering into Aseity’s Queendom of psychical delights.
Freedom from the slavery to interest burdened debt will eventually be achieved when women once more take control of the course of human affairs as in the millennia of the highly civilized matriarchal eras preceding the invasion of the Middle East by semi-barbaric brutish herdsmen some 3000 or more years ago.
The yearning for increased conscious self-awareness and inner perceptual experience of the numinous, are laying the foundations of cultural movements to replace the outknown myths and outgrown cults of conservative male-dominated thinking in the realms of religion and morality, politics and economics.
The motherless child of asame-sex divine sire-son (homosexual) union is being abandoned by its former spirit of masculine despotism and uniformity. Stranded, alone, such motherless child awaits its call to return metaphorically to the womb from whence it first came.
The Methodology which Scientists follow in their research of quantifiable natural phenomena is to try, where possible, to postulate a construed mathematical model which helps to explain present observations and to predict future ones.
Reflexively, we humans experiencethe possession of selflife. We also are aware transitively of self-other life. This author has ruminated all his life on what else may be going on in the Universe, metaphysically behind the scenes. He hasconstrued what he enunciates is a consistent Hypothesisof Everything, aTheory of Existential Self-Other Relativity.
How this world began is a subject discussed inCreation Theology and inCosmology. What is even more important to us today in our concern for global climate change is the topic of the sustainability of selflife in the past, in the present and in the future.The certain fact of our human existence is self-evident. Self-sustainability is a far more profound and complex situation to be contemplated.
The writer has already come to grips with the concept of creation in his treatment of the word nothing. Theologically, the term is meaningless to him. When we use the word nothing, we really mean no other thing than our own knowing self. The author writes about a so-called Creatrixof the Universe. Knowing of her reality, he opts to name her, Aseity - the pregnant Mother Self of the Cosmos.She does not make, nor does she sustain her creation out of nothing. She makes it and sustains it out of no other thingthan her ownpregnant selflife.What we have been accustomed to call All Creation is in reality her spaced time becomingness, her enwombed“You are” otherself. In her we live and move and have our being and becomingness. Aseity’s own quintessence is Self↔Other Existential Relativity.
Mathematical logicians do not have to search for long in their own mind and its memory to be reminded of a near-perfect metaphysical model of Aseity. Over and over again in this and his other books, the writer has insisted that the goal of Biological Evolution on Mother Earth is the Pregnant Human Female Placental Mammal. It seems logical to him to infer that the latter is the closest image and likeness that our human intelligence can get to comprehending the algebraic abstraction of which Stephen Hawking hoped one day to become aware.The last paragraph of Page 87 read -
Those who comprehend X ≡ {X, iY}, and identify X as the maternal Selfset of the ever pregnant "I AM" and iY as the set of all her begotten "You", her spaced time "i am" image otherselves, would anticipate the concluding sentence of Stephen Hawking's book, A Brief History of Time. They would know the mind of the Self of the Cosmos, Mother of us all, gods and goddesses alike.
Theologians of the old patriarchal school, may voice their protests of such as “pantheism”. They would change their tune, if they should become as little children and learn about unity and infinity as taught in Elementary Set Theory.
Most mythologies contemplate somewhere in their exposition a situation dealing with “In the beginning”. For a being whose essence is selfexistence, some state of being must always exist. Aseity’s “I AM” has never had a beginning, nor will it ever have an end. Ever-pregnant as“We-Us-Ours” through, with and inself-other-life fertility, she knows the becomingness of either an otherself or of otherselves in spaced time’s ovoidal confinement. The Hen Bird Spirit which hovered over the primeval void was an Egg-laying Hen Bird, an Ego-Egg-laying pregnant Hen Bird. Her clutch of other-selves intentionally includes specimens that exhibit a wide spectrum of either good or evil behaviour. Many will be mixtures of both.
Existential Self-Other Relativity is the “STUFF” that is responsible for everything that exists.STUFF is an acronym of Set Theory Underlying Feedback Functions. It is given another name in human speech: it is called LOVE.
The existential relations of self and other are subject to freedom’s axioms of choice.The existence of true free choice and its ultimate perfection demands situations which admit a quaternity of alternatives, as in, OR neither self nor other, OR either self OR other in distinction, ORboth self and other in distinction and union. Self is free to relate to its own soleself in a self-self only relation. Such singularity could become asterile narcissism. In its mindset’s relationship with an otherself, self’s freedom of choice can posit a continuum of possibilities ranging from total self-only-ness to those which exhibit perfect altruism. Patterns of human behaviour involving Technological Good and Evil were referred to in Chapter 6 Togetherness.
Among the Dramatis Personae of Aseity’s staged Drama of human activities, there are heroes and heroines. We admire them. There are also criminals and nasty people. This two-faced aspect of good and evil in Aseity’s contrived theatrical fictions has always been a disputed question among philosophers and theologians with respect to divine omniscience and the bad behaviour of created creatures. Aseity, in her “I AM” Alpha Self is absolute goodness and as the pregnant Mother self of the Cosmos is relationally diffusive of such. In her spaced time “i am”otherselves, she knowingly allows both possible good becomingness and possible bad unbecomingness. While her being’s good becomingness continues on its evolutionary way, her bad unbecomingness eventually is transformed into something good or else it eliminates itself. The key words (and, or, and-or, not, if…then…) of Set Theory in Mathematical Logic are the determinants in Aseity’s own mindset.
All biological and cultural evolution is a grand Trial and Error divine scientific experiment which is climaxing now in the performance of Aseity Inc. What would happen IF…?
Still other titles, teased with paradox,
she knew. Her Act-Art's key word If unlocks
awealth of woman-drama mystery.
If she were not life's mother, might she be
a sacred virgin or a lustful whore
who satiates greed's growth with more more more.
The human mindset is a unity or continuum of written and spoken discrete word units, namely the sight-sound signs of speech. These are related existentially to their respective waveforms which are cooperative in seeing and hearing. Information Technology is all in the MIND. In Neo-Platonism, the Greek word nousmeaning mind or intellect, was used in reference to the mind as the absolute subject of all intellectual activity. It differentiated into the subject and the object of knowledge “I am” – “Thou art”. The geometry of dual foci ovoidal mirroring helps in the modelling and understanding of this psychical phenomena.
Sight and Sound are both waveform and also particulate. Just as photons, which are discrete particles or quanta of light, can superimpose on each other and be responsible for the interference patterns of their wave continua, so also words can be multi-meaning. Their ordered combinations construe the wealth of Literature. Words are food for the mind to digest and store in the memory of its cerebral computer to be used for self-other communication.
Mind’s metaphysical “I AM” and matter’s physical ‘i am” are related existentially as I-AM-BEING (mind) and i-am-becoming (matter). To know is to become. Selflife’s ACT of Knowledge knows two terms - a subject Alpha and an object Omega. In knowing, the knower self becomes intentionallyidentified with its known otherself. Aseity’s mindset of all mindsets knows itself and at the same time it knows all other mindsets.
In the beginning was the Word
Prologue to John’s Gospel.
There was no beginning to Mind’swords. Words are the sight-sound signs of speech and writing. Mind’s “I AM” strings words together into sentences. In the metaphysical ovoid, waved strings of words join and resonate between the primary maternal “I AM” Alpha focus and her secondary complementary otherself “i am” Omega focus.
Meaning is an existential relation. It relates physical percepts to psychical concepts. It is in the cerebral word- womb that meaningful words become incarnate. It is where the continuum of sight-sound waveforms are made intosensible perceptual discrete sight-sound fleshified word particles of quantized spaced time.
The duality of self and other is obvious in all the activities of spaced time. The geometry of the ovoid’s dual foci and reflection from elliptical mirrors has been outlined on Pages 101-3. The propagation of electromagnetic radiation like-wise shows how existential self-other relativity operates in the Universe. Mind and matter, though exhibiting distinc-tion, still manifest union. In our species of spaced time, their togetherness is an infinite self-evolving manifestation of existential relativity.
Matter’s quantized mass may be interpreted as the discrete differentiations of Selflife’s continuum with respect to spaced time. The scientific mind projects itself onto and into matter. In spaced time, it eventually comes to discover that the mind of the pregnant Mother Self of the Cosmos is already there animating her mater matter. The Metaphysics of Holography rings true. The part is in the whole and the whole is in each part.
That Selfexistence exists and is self-functioning isself-evident. Our reasoning would go one step further.Is it self-sustaining? How? The author has already postulated a basic empirical Law of Cosmology.
All growth and subsequent sustainability in any evolved or still evolving system of the Cosmos is simultaneously reflexively self-functioning and transitively other-dependent.
Existential Self↔Other Relativity develops a plausible theory and philosophy of self↔othersustainability.
When the “I AM” artist self knows and names its artifact otherself “you”, it is begetting and empowering it to be an other distinct “i am” self. This “you”, now become an other “i am”, in turn reciprocates the dialogue. In the twin foci ovoidal knowledge realm of being and becoming in Existential Relativity, “I” and “you” are mutually self-other begetting and self-other sustaining. “I AM you”, “i am YOU”.
Just two word changes are all that are necessary to remove the inconsistencies of patriarchal monotheism and to effect the rebirth of Christianity. In divine and human parenthood, the key figure is Woman as Mother. If we are determined to hypothesize about religious themes, then any sort of construed Creed and its subsequent Cult must begin with “I believe in Aseity, the Mother Self of the Cosmos”.
The second word change is to abandon the Pauline hypothesis of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and to restore the manipulated Greek word back to its original meaning in Aramaic which was resuscitation.The Nazarene reformer, Jesus, did not die on the cross. He did not have to make a vicarious personal atonement to an outraged divine parent Paternity for theheinous blasphemy of disobedience to the ordinances of a male God’s despotism.