Willow Wind Community Learning Center
1497 E. Main Street
Ashland, Oregon 97520
(541) 488-2684
Fall Semester 2007 Course Catalog
September 5, 2007 – December 21, 2007
Registration Information
Ø All classes meet at the Willow Wind Community Learning Center unless otherwise specified.
Ø ** Indicates classes are available for high school credit.
Ø Courses with a Lab or Materials Fees are indicated in the catalog. All fees are due by the FIRST day of class. Fee waivers are available in the office. If you need a fee waiver for a class, please limit your child to two fee courses.
Ø When creating your schedule, please remember that Willow Wind requires all students be supervised by a parent, or designated adult, when not in class. At times it is possible for us to help find a useful job for an older student who has a short break between classes such as helping in a class of younger children. These arrangements must be made in advance. We cannot have students on campus when they are not in class.
Ø Willow Wind students who enroll in core content courses will be required to participate in the Oregon State Assessments. These courses are highlighted in the catalog with a graphic. The assessments are required of students in the following grades:
Assessment KeySubject / Symbol / Grade Levels Subject to Testing
Reading / / 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10
Writing / / 4, 7, 10
Math / / 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10
Science / / 5, 8, 10
Ø If you have questions about what grade your child would be in, we could look it up by birth date – just give us a call and we will be happy to help.
Ø Make sure the total number of class hours you are requesting does not exceed 30 hours/week. Kindergarten aged students may not exceed 21 hours/week.
Ø Please feel free to call if you have questions about classes (488-2684).
Advanced Comic & Graphic Realism Level Craig Honeycutt
Students will learn compositional design, drawing and painting techniques through the fun use of a variety of visual examples. The instructor will demonstrate techniques in all areas of work. Independent projects will be created. Materials fee: $15
Course # 3077 Ages: 13+ or instructor’s approval Tues/Thurs 3:30-5:00
Around the World Cathy Lemble
We will deepen our appreciation of other cultures as we create beautiful crafts and savor flavorful dishes from all over the world. Students’ interests will lead us to which cultures we’ll explore. The teacher will provide books for the children to look through containing vivid photographs of other cultures and descriptions of daily life, as well as reading folktales aloud to inspire our projects and provide cultural context. Parent helpers will be requested on cooking project days. Materials fee: $15
Course # 3078 Ages: 5-8 Wednesdays 9:00-11:00
Art: Language of the Self 459 Morton Polly Beach
This is an open studio forum where the student can learn form, function and technique for various art forms. We work in everything from clay to paint. Many times it is the child’s choice. We work in small groups to promote decision-making and personal choice. We create a non-judgmental atmosphere where children can develop self-confidence, trust and integrity while becoming comfortable with different art forms. Studio is around corner on Pracht St. Materials fee: $27
Course # 3079 Ages: All Mondays 12:00-3:00 Course # 3080 Ages: All Tuesdays 1:00-3:00 Course # 3081 Ages: All Wednesdays 1:00-3:00
Course # 3082 Ages: All Thursdays 1:00-3:00
Be a Knitter! Helen Whitcomb
A relaxing class in which students can sit back and chat while we will learn to knit and be creative. Some projects you can create are a purse, scarf or potholder. Come join us! Materials fee: $15
Course # 3083 Ages: 7+ Mondays 2:00-3:00
Beginning Drawing & Cartooning Level Craig Honeycutt
Students will learn basic skills for drawing cartoons and fundamentals for realistic drawing. The class will include demonstrations by the instructor and independent drawing projects. Materials fee: $15
Course # 3084 Ages: 8-13 Weds/Fri 10:30-12:00
Course # 3085 Ages: 8-13 Tues/Thurs 2:00-3:30
Children’s Art Class Craig Honeycutt
In an atmosphere of play, children will create art from their imagination, personal experience and stories while learning about shapes and color. They will also draw and paint from simple but fun things in life when applicable. Materials fee: $15
Course # 3086 Ages: 6-8 Fridays 1:00-2:30
Clay Sculpture: Handbuilding & the Wheel 541 Carol Street Shari Craddock
Experience hand building and wheel throwing with clay! Learn the many methods of creating with clay including pinch, coil, slab, module, free form sculpture and the wheel! Make functional pieces such as plates, lace impressed bowls and cups with animal handles as well as free form fantasy sculptures. The possibilities are infinite and the process is great fun. We will also create a journal and add photos, drawings and collage each week. Materials fee: $25
Course # 3087 Ages: All Wednesday 2:30 – 5:00
Course # 3089 Ages: All Thursday 2:30 – 5:00
Drawing with Pencils Carol Ingram
In this class we will explore how to create beautiful in-depth pencil drawings learning about shading, detail, realism and creating your own images. We will work mainly from photos and also from life. Materials fee: $15
Course # 3090 Ages: 12+ Wednesdays 12:00-2:00
Eager Beavers Vernon Pew
This is a basic, hands-on woodworking class for children with little or no experience. We will use mostly recycled wood and hand tools. The children will construct simple toys and sculptures using basic hand tools, nails, glue, sandpaper and paint. Each child will have the chance to plan and create their own vision of the project they wish to complete. Specific projects will be open ended with an emphasis on creativity. We will explore together and have fun. Materials fee: $15
Course # 3091 Ages: 5-8 Mondays 9:00-10:30
Course # 3092 Ages: 5-8 Mondays 12:30-2:00
Course # 3093 Ages: 5-8 Tuesdays 12:30-2:00
Earthwise Art Claudia Michelli
Create beautiful hand-made nature journals and kinetic sculpture using natural and recycled metals and fiber. Also collaborate on a group estuary drawing in this hands-on studio class where we will also learn how artists historically have made a positive impact on the environment. Materials fee: $20
Course # 3094 Ages: 11+ Thursdays 12:00-2:00
Fun Journey with Collage Isabelle Alzado
This is a class designed for students who wish to express their creativity and enhance self-discovery through various techniques of creating collage, journals and projects. Using magazines, ready-made papers, cut out words, fabric and found objects we will make art works that explore beyond the traditional “cute paste” collage. Start collecting fun “stuff”! Very creative class! Materials fee: $15
Course # 3095 Ages: 11+ Thursday 10:30 – 12:00
The Nature Table Tara Elder-Hammond
We will look at a calendar of festivals and seasonal changes, hear stories, gather what mother nature gives us and complete handwork projects such as felting and stitch work to create a nature table for home and classroom. Children will take home poems, rhymes, songs and stories to share. Materials fee: $10
Course # 3096 Ages: 7+ or accompanied by parent Thursdays 2:00-3:30
Stories & Watercolor Tara Elder-Hammond
A story at the beginning of each class will set the scene. Then the children will be encouraged to retell key points of the story and use watercolor as their voice to create a picture. The teacher will encourage the children’s paintbrush position, holding colors with other colors, spatial relationships and techniques. Materials fee: $7
Course # 3097 Ages: 5-8 Wednesdays 12:30-2:00
Woodshop: Adventures in Woodworking Vernon Pew
Treasure boxes, marble rolls, checkerboards, swings, stilts, swords, dollhouses, boats, trucks and doll cradles, planters and more will be created in this class. Students will be actively involved in planning their own projects with guidance from the teacher. We will use basic hand tools and small electric tools to construct, sand and finish various wood projects. Individual projects will take longer than one week to complete. Some previous experience with tools is helpful. Students with more experience will have access to more sophisticated tools and will be encouraged to tackle more complicated projects. Materials fee: $15
Course # 3098 Ages: 8-12 Tuesdays 10:30-12:00
The World of Knights & Dragons Cathy Lemble
The world of myth and legend will come alive through craft projects, games and drama in this class. We will explore the legends of King Arthur and his knights, Robin Hood and other folklore of British Isles, as well as the fantastic figures of Norse mythology. The teacher will read tales aloud to the class to inspire our projects and provide information to use in creating short plays to present to parents. Positive social values will be emphasized, such as the Round Table representing an egalitarian society and Robin Hood’s commitment to redistribute wealth to feed the poor. Mid-semester we will shift our focus to dragons and other mythical beasts. Each student will have the opportunity to “adopt” a particular creature and create an in-depth art project to present to parents at the end of the semester. Materials fee: $15
Course # 3099 Ages: 8 - 11 Thursdays 8:30-10:30
You can Knit Anything! Helen Whitcomb
Take your knitting to the next level in this inspiring class in which children can make something that is creative and challenging with the teacher’s help. Must be able to knit proficiently as well as cast on and off. Material fee: $20
Course # 3100 Age: 7+ Tuesdays 2:00-3:00
Media Mania 1 Kevin Cooney
Know it or not, we swim in a world of media! From political events, to powerful ad campaigns; from Internet blogs to viewer response television, media bombards us with images, ideas and sounds. How do we keep from being overwhelmed by all of these messages competing for our attention? How do we become educated, aware and discriminating judges of what the media world wants us to consume? What are the ways we can help control our own information, and get out the ideas and messages that will make the world a better place? Those are some of the issues covered by this course. In this class students will become both more aware of how media affects them and they will also develop the skills necessary to control and present their own information. We will look at some of the ways that information is spread and reinforced. A campaign can start with something as lowly as a business card and end with thousands of dollars of broadcast “air” time. My goal is to help students think through all the ways that a sophisticated media campaign can be tied together. Students should be familiar with computers and the Internet.
Course # 3101 Ages: 11+ Thursdays 10:30-12:00
Basketball is Back! Dana Yearsley
This is street basketball where we will learn as we play. Lots of shooting and dribbling and fun team skills will be addressed. Let’s get on the court and play. Sportsmanship and positive team attitude are emphasized. Students are required to wear appropriate shoes.
Course # 3102 Ages: 8+ Tues/Thurs 1:00-2:00
Chess Egon DuBois
Chess for everyone that enjoys playing it. Practice playing with your friends, enjoy tournament games, solve chess problems and learn openings and end-games to play better.
Course # 3103 Ages: 6-9 Fridays 2:00-3:00
Course # 3104 Ages: 10+ Fridays 1:00-2:00
Cooperative Games Nigel Kirby
Huggie bear, cooperative musical chairs, silly bones and fruit basket are just some of the games we’ll play in this class. We’ll learn how to play together so that everyone wins. Practice being a trustworthy friend and learn lots of new and exciting games that will make you giggle and introduce you to some new friends.
Course # 3105 Ages: 5-6 Wednesdays 11:00-12:00
Field Sports for Boys AMS Field Dana Yearsley
Field sports is a class with variety: soccer, lacrosse, street hockey, ultimate Frisbee and flag football. We will learn sportsmanship, cooperation and positive communication while having fun playing. Students will need cleats and shin guards.
Course # 3106 Ages: 9+ Tues/Thurs 2:30-3:30
Games, Games, Games=Fun, Fun, Fun! Dana Yearsley
This class is about having FUN playing games. We will play lots of cooperative and competitive games like sproutball, dodge ball and net games. Respect, cooperation and positive communication are a strong part of this class. Let’s go play! Students must wear appropriate shoes.
Course # 3107 Ages: 9+ Fridays 10:30-12:00
Girl’s Sports Adventure Dana Yearsley
This is a class to unite and create a comfortable environment for girls to learn new sports: competitive and non-competitive. We will play a lot, learning about teamwork, positive communication and trust to explore our athleticism and spirit. Students must wear appropriate shoes.
Course # 3108 Ages: 8+ Mon/Weds 1:00-2:00
Just for the Fun of It! Nigel Kirby
This is a games class where everyone wins! Our focus will be on playing with each other rather than against each other with an emphasis on cooperation, trust, individual and group empowerment, communication and inclusivity. We will play many different games and activities including cooperative and non-competitive games, trust activities and problem-solving initiatives. Come prepared to laugh and make some new friends.
Course # 3109 Ages: 7-9 Thursdays 1:00-2:00
Movement & Games Paula Lynam
We begin each class with integrative movements to help enhance our coordination and learning capacities then move into a variety of classical and new games. We will play together non-competitively, being one goal.
Course # 3110 Ages: 5-7 Mondays 10:30-12:00
Playground Soccer Dana Yearsley
This will be about having fun enjoying a playful game of soccer with mini goals. We will play in teams in the small field next to the playground. Come learn about the game of soccer and have fun with your friends. All abilities welcome! Students must wear appropriate shoes.
Course # 3111 Ages: 5-8 Mon/Weds 2:00-3:00