Question / Correct Answer / Answer 2 / Answer 3 / Answer 4
Wildlife management, as we know it today, has evolved during the past ______years. / 75-100 / 1-25 / 25-50 / 50-75
As early as 1694, Massachusetts declared a ______on white-tailed deer as an early effort at wildlife management. / closed season / open season / ban / none of the answers listed
The period from ______saw the greatest abuse of wild animals in North America. / 1700-1900 / 1500-1700 / 1300-1500 / none of the answers listed
By 1776 every southeastern state except ______had established a closed season on deer. / Georgia / Alabama / South Carolina / Tennessee
From the very beginning in Jamestown, the English settlers had no intention of adapting to the ______. / wilderness / environment / climate / none of the answers listed
In 1810, Alexander Wilson observed a flock of ______in Kentucky. / passenger pigeons / geese / ducks / none of the answers listed
Occuring in the mid-1870s, an estimated ______birds were devastated by market hunters from all over the country. / 136 million / 136,000 / 136 billion / 13,600
Though they will never number in the millions, as they did in the 1800s, it is a tribute to early ______that the bison and pronghorn are here at all. / conservationists / environmentalists / pioneers / none of the answers listed
The passage of the ______in 1900 ended market hunting and the interstate shipment of wildlife and wildlife products, such as feathers, taken in violation of state law. / Lacey Act / Wildlife Enforcement / Hunting Rule / Lacey Enforcement
This president has been called the father of American conservation. / Theodore Roosevelt / William McKinley / William Howard Taft / Woodrow Wilson
Yellowstone National Park, the nation's first and for many years only national park, was founded in ______. / 1872 / 1876 / 1880 / 1868
Modern ______has evolved only since the early 1900s. / wildlife management / wilderness / extinction / environment
______had a closed season on white-tailed deer as early as 1694. / Massachusetts / Rhode Island / Delaware / New York
America was blessed with a tremendous abundance of ______. / fauna / crops / flowers / none of the answers listed
Early settlers in America went from starvation to prosperity by learning how to ______wildlife. / exploit / respect / defeat / neglect
During the first 200 years of our nation, before ______became well established, wildlife provided food and clothing for a growing nation. / agriculture / the soil / the animals / none of the answers listed
Early English colonists, unlike the French to the north, had no intention of adapting to the ______. / environment / habitat / country / conditions
Many species of wildlife were found in great numbers; it is estimated that there were ______million plains bison and billions of ______. / 40-60; passenger pigeons / 5-15; geese / 20-40; deer / 80-100; antelope
The last ______died in the Cincinnati Zoo in 1914. / passenger pigeon / dodo bird / King Island Emu / Labrador duck
The U.S. government unofficially encouraged the slaughter of ______as a means of defeating Native Americans on the Great Plains. / buffalo / plains bison / antelope / deer
Through the efforts of ______and conservationists, many species of wildlife are plentiful today. / sport hunters / the government / various individuals / none of the answers listed
Early sport hunters worked to change American attitudes toward the ______of wild game. / commercialization / developing / lessening / none of the answers listed
______hunters played a major role in eliminating much of America's wildlife from its original range. / Market / Sport / All / none of the answers listed
All wildlife produces a/an ______, which allows for some harvest without damaging the overall population. / surplus / need / necessity / excess
All wildlife are extremely vulnerable when ______tactics are used. / unsporting / fair / just / wrong
Market hunters were motivated to kill for ______. / money / sport / food / clothing
In the late 1870s it became stylish for women to wear hats heavily decorated with ______. / feathers or whole birds / feathers / whole birds / none of the answers listed
______, the nation's first national park, was established in 1872. / Yellowstone / Grand Canyon / Grand Teton / Yosemite
The primary federal agency responsible for wildlife management in America is the ______. / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service / U.S. Forest Service / Bureau of Land Management / Conservation Reserve Program
The Bureau of ______and the U.S. Forest Service have wildlife management responsibilities. / Land Management / Fish and Wildlife / Federal Reserve / none of the answers listed
Each ______has an agency that manages wildlife. / state / city / country / none of the answers
In 1956 the ______Act created the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. / Fish and Wildlife / Wildlife Restoration / Sport Fisheries Restoration / none of the answers listed
The mission of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is to conserve, ______, and enhance fish, wildlife, and their habitats. / protect / breed / assure / keep
The primary responsibilities of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are protecting and enhancing migratory birds, ______, freshwater and fisheries, and certain marine mammals. / endangered species / game animals / animals / none of the answers listed
Recovery plans established to help save endangered species may include habitat preservation and management, ______, research, and law enforcement. / captive breeding / study / analysis / none of the answers listed
Two recent success stories in the endangered species battle include the ______and the bald eagle. / American alligator / American Bison / American Cinchona Plantation Treefrog / Amicorum Tree Toad
The Fish and Wildlife Service supervises the nation's ______system. / wildlife refuge / hatchery / forest / agriculture
The nation's first wildlife refuge was established in 1903 by President ______. / Theodore Roosevelt / William McKinley / William Howard Taft / Woodrow Wilson
Although the first refuge consisted of only 3 acres, the National Wildlife Refuge System has since grown to more than ______million acres. / 90 / 80 / 70 / 60
Refuges are located in ______states and several territories. / 50 / 45 / 40 / 35
The majority of National Wildlife Refuges have been created to protect ______. / migratory waterfowl / freshwater fish / marine mammals / fisheries
Refuges are enjoyed by more than ______million Americans each year. / 25 / 50 / 75 / 100
The United States has treaties with Canada, Mexico, ______, and Russia on the protection of migratory birds. / Japan / China / France / Thailand
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has responsibility for more than ______species of migratory birds. / 800 / 700 / 600 / 500
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service supervises the banding of more than ______birds each year. / 45 million / 55 million / 65 million / 75 million
Banding helps the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service determine migratory routes, ______, breeding age, and other life history information of various species. / distribution / habitats / ages / none of the answers listed
Restoring fisheries is a major effort of the ______Service. / U.S. Fish and Wildlife / United Fisherman / Fisheries Restoration / none of the answers
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service uses more than 70 national fish ______to produce more than 160 million fish each year. / hatcheries / lakes / oceans / rivers or streams
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service also works to conserve wildlife ____. / habitat / breeding / conservation / none of the answers
Conducting ______may be the most important task of the Fish and Wildlife Service. / research / analysis / experimentation / an expedition
Biologists must know the impact of ______, pesticides, heavy metals, and other pollutants have on fish and wildlife. / chemicals / nets / acid / ammunition
Researchers study endangered species and their habitats; fish health, genetics, and nutrition; and migratory bird habitat, ______, and populations. / diseases / nests / breeds / none of the answers listed
The Fish and Wildlife Service is also responsible for enforcing federal _____. / wildlife laws / fish laws / excise taxes / land
The Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act, commonly known as the ______Act, provides money to support a wide variety of wildlife projects. / Pittman--Robertson / Dingell-Johnson / Roosevelt-Wilson / none of the answers listed
The Federal aid in Sport Fisheries Restoration Act, commonly known as the ______Act, provides money for fishery research and restoring depleted fisheries. / Dingell-Johnson / Pittman-Robertson / Roosevelt-Wilson / none of the answers listed
Money for conservation programs comes from federal ______taxes on sporting arms, ammunition, and sport fishing tackle. / excise / income / property / consumptive
Since these laws were enacted, American sportsmen and sportswomen have paid more than ______billion dollars for fish and wildlife conservation. / 10 / 5 / 15 / 20
The U.S. ______Service manages more than 190 million acres of public forest land. / Forest / Wildlife / Fish / Management
The ______oversee approximately 270 million acres of public lands. / Bureau of Land Management (BLM) / Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) / Natural Resources Division / Climate Conservation Program
More than ______species of plants, birds, reptiles, fish, and mammals make their home on BLM's land. / 3000 / 2000 / 1000 / 4000
The U.S. Department of Agriculture administers the ______, which has been very beneficial to wildlife. / Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) / Bureau of Land Management (BLM) / Natural Resources Division / Climate Conservation Program
Ground-dwelling species have benefited the most from the permanent vegetative cover established on the ______million acres enrolled in the CRP. / 30 / 20 / 10 / 40
An animal's habitat is its ______. / home / own / business / roost
______require food, water, cover, and space for their survival. / Wildlife / Minerals / Plants / none of the answers
Food, water, cover, space, and the arrangement of each of these elements are of equal ______. / importance / insignificance / unimportance / notability
Food is anything an animal consumes and digests to provide ______. / energy / nutrition / muscle / vitality
Animals that do not obtain ______in adequate quantity and quality may suffer from malnutrition. / food / water / cover / none of the answers listed
Which of the following items affect the actual amount of food required by an animal? / all of the answers listed / age / sex / size
As a general rule, the less time an animal spends searching for food and the less ______traveled, the better. / distance / expanse / size / stretch
Cover provides wildlife with a relatively safe haven from ______. / predators / rain / lightening / their young
Cover provides wildlife with a place to ______and raise their young. / reproduce / sleep / relax / rest
Cover is typically some form of ______, but it may take many forms. / vegetation / tree / brick / mud
Some species are very ______and are found in many types of cover. / adaptable / inflexible / disagreeable / unsuited
Some species are found only in specific ______. / habitats / forests / woods / none of the answers
Species that have specific habitat needs are vulnerable to ______in their habitat, especially human-made ones. / changes / predators / weather changes / none of the answers listed
______is a resource that most wildlife cannot live without. / Water / Food / Cover / Friends
Most large mammals require ______water and will typically drink ______times per day. / standing; 2-3 / fresh; 2-3 / standing; 4-5 / fresh; 4-5
Many smaller mammals and birds receive water from the ______they consume. / food / water / junk / none of the answers listed
All animals have a/an ______, an area within which they live, that provides them with their daily needs. / home range / area / boundary / radius
Some animals, such as wolves, require many square ______of habitat. / miles / feet / inches / yards
Some species have ______or more home ranges. / two / one / three / four
______can be a serious problem for wildlife that are too numerous for their habitat. / Disease / Congestion / Lack of food / none of the answers listed
Optimum wildlife populations cannot be achieved unless food, water, cover, and space are appropriately ______. / arranged / scattered / negotiated / laid out
Each habitat element is of ______importance. / equal / no / some / none of the answers
______is the single greatest threat facing wildlife today. / Habitat destruction / Hunters / Lack of food / Lack of water
______of Earth's air, water, and land is a serious threat. / Pollution / Contamination / Dirtiness / Abuse
As human communities spread, they encroach on ______communities. / wildlife / geographic / planned / ethnic
______million acres of farmland are lost each year, primarily to urban expansion. / 2 / 3 / 4 / 1
America's ______are some of our most productive wildlife "factories." / wetlands / hatcheries / nests / habitats
Which of the following are common types of wetlands? / all of the answers / wet meadows / ponds / fens
It is estimated that more than ______acres of America's wetlands have been lost. / 100 million / 200 million / 300 million / 50 million
Wetlands are precious ______resources. / ecological / natural / community / none of the answers
Which of the following are reasons wetlands are important? / all of the answers listed / they slow the destructive power of floods and storms / they purify polluted waters / they provide a variety of recreational opportunities
During the 20-year period from the mid-1950s until the mid-1970s, America's loss of wetlands averaged ______acres per year. / 575,000 / 600,000 / 550,000 / 525,000
______million acres of forested wetlands were drained during the same 20-year period. / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3
From the mid-1950s until the mid-1970s, more than ______million acres of America's wetlands were drained. / 11 / 12 / 13 / 10
___ are a very important nesting area for waterfowl, especially ducks. / Prairie potholes / Coastal wetlands / Native Prairies / Forested wetlands
There were once about 25 million acres of bottomland hardwood forests in the lower Mississippi Valley. Today less than ______million acres remain. / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3
America's coastal wetlands are vital breeding grounds for ______. / wading birds / leeches / trout / none of the answers
Coastal wetlands also serve as ______for migratory waterfowl. / wintering areas / spring areas / fall areas / summer areas
______must be purchased by all waterfowl hunters. / Duck stamps / Licenses / Ammunition / Rifles
Money raised from the sale of duck stamps has been used to preserve over ______million acres of wetlands during the past 50 years. / 3 / 2 / 1 / 4
American ______have led the fight to conserve wildlife. / sport hunters / market hunters / people / Presidents
Species of wildlife such as the ______and the passenger pigeon were exploited to extinction. / heath hen / dodo bird / King Island Emu / Labrador duck
The ______Act of 1900 banned the interstate transportation and sale of most wildlife and wildlife products. / Lacey / Dingell-Johnson / Roosevelt-Wilson / Alexander Wilson
The ______Act, better known as the Pittman-Robertson Act, provided funding for wildlife management. / Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration / Fish and Wildlife / Wildlife Restoration / Sport Fisheries Restoration
By the early ______, millions of dollars began to flow into the management of America's wildlife. / 1950s / 1940s / 1930s / 1960s
Many species of wildlife, both ______and ______, have benefited from the Pittman-Robertson Act. / game; nongame / birds; deer / birds; elk / waterfowl; antelope
Excise taxes on firearms and ammunition are collected directly from ______and importers. / manufacturers / companies / constructors / operators
Pittman-Robertson funds are distributed to states based on their area and the number of ______sold in them. / hunting licenses / tags / fishing licenses / stamps
Additonal funding was provided in ______, when a 10 percent tax on handguns was added to the original Pittman-Robertson Act. / 1970 / 1960 / 1950 / 1980
In 1972 an 11 percent tax was placed on ______equipment. / archery / hunting / gun / none of the answers
It is estimated that taxes paid by sport hunters have provided ______for wildlife conservation since the program began. / over $10 billion / over $10 million / over $10,000 / over $100,000
Pittman-Robertson monies are typically used to purchase land for wildlife habitat, to manage and maintain existing habitat, and to ______. / conduct research / move their habitats / maintain their staff / pay for expenses
Hunters must purchase ______and tags for the wildlife they intend to harvest. / licenses / ammunition / rifles / archery equipment
License and tag fees provide ______dollars to the wildlife departments in most states. / millions of / hundreds of / billions of / none of the answers listed
Waterfowl hunters must purchase ______stamps regardless of which state they live in. / waterfowl / duck / bird / none of the answers
Sport hunters spend millions of dollars on such things as hotel rooms, meals, gas, clothing, and other ______. / equipment / apparel / arms / traps
______fees encourage farmers and ranchers to leave some areas for wildlife. / Lease / License / Wildlife / Stamp
Hunting-generated money is important to wildlife and to the ______in general. / economy / public / community / none of the answers listed
There are ______of privately funded and managed wildlife conservation organizations. / dozens / hundreds / millions / billions
Some conservation organizations are designed to help a ______species. / specific / general / qualified / abnormal
Hundreds of ______species benefit from the management of a few game species. / nongame / game / domestic / none of the answers listed
______are some of the most intensely managed species in the world. / Waterfowl / Bison / Deer / Elk
______, one of the oldest conservation organizations in the United States, deals exclusively with waterfowl. / Ducks Unlimited / Boone and Crockett Club / National Wild Turkey Federation / Pheasants Forever
Ducks Unlimited was incorporated in ______. / 1937 / 1927 / 1947 / 1957
By 1943, Ducks Unlimited had 103 projects over ______acres. / 1 million / 2 million / 3 million / 4 million
Today, Ducks Unlimited has ______members and has raised at least ______for wetland conservation. / 500,000; $750 million / 250,000; $500 million / 100,000; $250 million / 50,000; $100 million
Besides Ducks Unlimited, ______is another private conservation organization dedicated to waterfowl. / Delta Waterfowl / Boone and Crockett Club / National Wild Turkey Federation / Pheasants Forever
One of Delta Waterfowl's key programs is the Adopt a ______program. / Pothole / Waterfowl / Duck / Pet
Other than Ducks Unlimited and Delta Waterfowl Foundation, which of the following are private conservation organizations? / all of the answers listed / Pheasants Forever / Quail Unlimited / Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
Regulated ______has never been the cause of a single threatened or endangered species. / sport hunting / market hunting / trailing / capturing
______and competition from introduced species are responsible for the bulk of our endangered and threatened species. / Habitat destruction / Habitat construction / Habitat improvement / Habitat ruination
In its simplest form, modern wildlife management is ______. / the care and administration of a wildlife population for the purpose of ensuring survival of the species / the care and administration of a wildlife population for the purpose of helping the environment / the care and administration of a wildlife population for the purpose of maintaining the forests / none of the answers listed
In reality wildlife management is seldom ______. / simple / complex / difficult / unclear
Which of the following major factors affect a wildlife population? / all of the answers listed / the ability to reproduce itself / the quantity and quality of habitat / weather factors such as drought and severity of winter
Species with low reproductive rates are more likely to ______. / become extinct / survive longer / die earlier than normal / none of the answers listed
Wildlife CDE Study Guide
