The objective of this team sport is to get the Frisbee into the opponent’s friz-zone.


*Step with the same foot you throw with

*Thumb on top of the Frisbee, index finger on the side, other fingers underneath

*Use a wrist flick to throw Frisbee rather than arm

*Throw level to ground.

*Follow through, point to target

*Catching: Hamburger above waist, lobster below waist.


*The receiver of the initial fris-off to start the game is determined by which captain wins rock-paper-scissors at the beginning of the game

*Friz -offs are used after a team scores

*Each team must be on their end of the field during the throw-off

*The throw-off is the only time the Frisbee may touch the ground or be dropped by a team and not lose possession


*If Frisbee is dropped in friz-zone the other team gets it two steps out of the friz-zone

*A friz-down is worth 1pt, unless it is caught on your finger tip and spun then it is worth 2pts or if it is caught under your leg it is then worth 3pts

*The Frisbee must be thrown over the goal line and cannot be walked

*The team that did not score has to walk to the other end of the field to receive the throw-off


*If a team throws the Frisbee out of bounds they lose possession

*If you are closely guarded (defender is approx. 5 feet away) and the defender counts to 3-mississippi your team loses possession of the Frisbee

*You may take two steps after catching the Frisbee

*At the end of a game winners rotate clockwise to the “winners world” and the losing team rotates counter-clockwise to the “basement”


*There are nine holes.

*Each hole starts at a “tee box” and ends at a cone

*Par is the number of throws that are allowed at each hole and on the course overall

*One under par on a hole is a “birdie”, one over is a “bogie”, “eagle” is two under par.

*You are finished with the hole when your Frisbee hits the end cone

* ETIQUETTE: The person farthest away from the hole throws first

* HONORS: The person who had the least throws goes first at the next hole