SPI Codes & Standards Summit:

Exploring the Rules of Engagement

Bringing your product to market involves having a navigable knowledge of local, state, regional, federal and international requirements for how products are designed and installed; these requirements are continually changing, upgrading and developing; affecting costs and opportunities. This workshop will confer a foundation understanding of the codes and standards landscape, how it is developing, and how you can become involved. For participants already active in this space, a status update of important codes and standards revisions will be presented to enhance your efforts.

Session Schedule

1:00 pm - 1:05 pm

Welcome Address: Tom Kimbis, Interim President, SEIA

Introduction of Solar Codes speakers:

Evelyn Butler, Director of Codes & Standards, SEIA

1:05 pm – 2:15 pmSolar Codes

Solar Codes Updates:

  1. 2018 ICC Group B Codes

Structural, Fire, Energy Codes- Joseph Cain, Chair, SEIA Codes & Standards Working Group

Solar Heating and Cooling Codes - John Taecker, Sr. Regulatory Engineer, UL LLC

  1. 2017 NFPA 70 NEC - Jason Fisher, Principal Compliance Engineer, SolarCity and SEIA representative to NFPA 70, Code Making Panel 4

Solar Codes Panel - Moderator: Joseph Cain, Chair, SEIA Codes & Standards Working Group

Panel Discussion - Based upon what has passed in recent hearings and forums, what are the critical issues, what are the market implications for industry, and what do we have to do now vs. later.


  • Duncan Cleminshaw, Director of Product Compliance, SolarCity
  • Mostafa Kashe, Supervising Electrical Engineer and Chief Electrical Inspector, LA County Department of Public Works
  • Les Nelson, Vice President, Solar Heating & Cooling Programs, IAPMO
  • John Taecker, Sr. Regulatory Engineer, UL LLC

2:15 pm - 2:20 pmIntroduction of Standards speakers / panel

2:20 pm - 3:30 pmSolar Standards

Solar Standards Updates:

  1. PV Standards - Scott Jezwinski, Business Development Manager, UL LLC
  2. Solar Heating & Cooling Standards - Shawn Martin, Director of Technical Services, SRCC-ICC

Solar Standards Panel - Moderator: Dustin Haddock, VP Research & Development, S-5! Attachment Solutions, Metal Roof Innovations and Chair, SEIA Mounting System Manufacturers Committee

Panel Discussion- Based upon what has been adopted and incorporated into standards, which are the critical issues, what are the market implications for industry, and what do we have to do now vs. later.


  • Greg Ball, Distinguished Engineer, Product Compliance, SolarCity
  • Scott Jezwinski, Business Development Manager, UL LLC
  • Geoff Kinsey, Technical Advisor, Solar Energy Technologies Office, U.S. Department of Energy
  • Shawn Martin, Director of Technical Services, SRCC-ICC
  • Ed Murray, President, Aztec Solar Inc., Member of the SEIA Board of Directors, Chair of SEIA Solar Heating and Cooling Alliance division

3:30 pm - 3:40 pmSession Break

3:40 pm - 4:20pmPV Technology Updates

Module Technology and Fire System Testing - Samuel Truthseeker, P.E., TECSI

Mounting & Racking Systems – Jeff Spies, Sr. Director Policy, QuickMount PV

Inverter Technology - Tim Zgonena, Principal Engineer, UL LLC

4:20 pm - 4:30 pmSEIA Codes & Standards Activities

4:30 pmConclusion / Adjournment