Green Gates Academy- Homework Grid-London!

Thinking Levels
Areas of Study / Knowing
1 point / Understanding
2 points / Applying
3points / Analysing
4 points
Language & Communication - Speaking, listening, literacy, English and other languages / Write a short story called, ‘The Tunnel’
It can be / Write a haiku poem about Summer. Can you remember to follow the 5-7-5 syllable format? / In London many different languages are spoken. Can you write a greeting in a different language? / Imagine you have just arrived from London from another country. Can you write a letter home describing what you have seen?
Health & Wellbeing - Physical activity, food, Personal/
Social/Emotional development / Research what to do in the event of a fire and create a poster to inform people. / Make a meal with your parents or carers. Keep the recipe and share this with the class. / Find out about Fairtrade food. What is it and what does it mean for farmers and growers? / Hold your own London 2012 Olympics! See how far you can run, jump or throw!
Humanities and Citizenship - History, Geography, RE, Cultural, visits / Research London’s top tourist attractions. Explain why you think these are the most popular? / Design your own Monopoly game.
Which area would you do it about? / Using a map or the internet, can you find where these places are and circle them.
London Eye, King’s Cross train station, the Shard / Find out what happened to St. Paul’s Cathedral following the Fire of London? Can you create a fact file on this
Science and Technology - Science, DT, Eco issues / What amazing discoveries have occurred in London? Use the internet to research it and present it to the rest of the class. / In the Fire of London many houses burned because of their design. Can you design a house to withstand fire? Draw and label your diagram / What is one of the environmental issues affecting London? What are people doing about them? / What exhibits do they have at the Science Museum? Use the internet to find out.
Creative Arts – Art, Design, Drama, Music, Dance / Design a poster for Eurostar. Explain how you can travel from London to Paris / Draw and label a design for a new bridge across the River Thames. What features would you include and why? / What is the Royal Opera House? What is it famous for? Can you find it on a map? / Paint a scene from either present day London or London at some point in the past. Can the class guess when it is from?
Maths & Problem Solving - Maths, Thinking Skills, Logic, Problem solving / Find out which are the 3 tallest buildings in London. Can you order them from tallest to shortest? / How long is the Thames? Can you find out in kilometers and miles? / ‘London is the biggest city in the world’ Can you prove or disprove this statement?


Complete at least one activity each week. Your aim is to gain more than 12 points over the half term.

You must have evidence of all the activities you choose. Tick the activity when you have completed it.

Notes for Parents

Children may complete all of the tasks if they wish. Each week one child will be chosen to be ‘homework star’. At the end of the half term all children who have gained at least 12 points will receive a reward.

Please ensure that the children write in pen or a pencil not a coloured pencil.

Also the children should write in full sentences unless the task specifically says not to for example, a shopping list.

Please only tick the grid when your child has completed the homework. We will highlight when we have marked it and given the children the points.

Please send the homework book on a Monday and we will send it back on a Wednesday. This gives us chance to mark it.

We have included a page for you to comment on your child’s homework. We welcome your feedback on any aspect of the homework. For example you could let us know if your child has enjoyed a particular activity or found any tasks especially easy or difficult.

You can write about individual activities or make a comment on the whole half term’s work.

Parent’s Comments Sheet

Activity / Comment