Description of text type:
and purpose:
Point / Evidence / Your text i.e. exactly what you will write in this section / How does it satisfy the purpose?Copy & paste from other document / Copy & paste from other document
Name: Clarissa Kim
Description of text type : Letter from the director of a film adaption of the novel to the actor playing Silas Marner
and purpose: to ensure that the film version remains faithful to the original text and George Eliot’s intentions
Point / Evidence / Your text i.e. exactly what you will write in this section / How does it satisfy the purpose?When Silas finds that his gold has gone, Eliot wanted to depict Silas as on the verge of madness but not yet insane. / Yes, there was a sort of refuge which always comes with the prostration
of thought under an overpowering passion: it was that expectation of
impossibilities, that belief in contradictory images, which is still
distinct from madness, because it is capable of being dissipated by the
external fact. / Eliot is quite clear that Silas should not be depicted as insane. Please move around the room in a frenzied manner, but when you come to kneel by the hole again, we will use a close up on your face and your expression should indicate that you still believe the gold might be found and you still have some hope and are as calm as you can be in the circumstances. This will then be shattered in the next few shots as you put your “trembling hands to [your] head, and give a wild ringing
scream, the cry of desolation.” Feel free to exaggerate this moment but remember it is desolation, not madness! / Direct reference to the words of the text – interpretation of Eliot’s intentions.
Direct address to how the actor should move on screen and his facial expression.