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Author’s: (11 pt, bold)

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Author’s E-mail address: (11 pt)

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Enclose a self-contained summary outlining the aims, scope and conclusions of the paper. It should be a single paragraph and not exceed 100 words.

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Provide a maximum of five keywords.

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1. Introduction

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Use A4 pages. Set the margins to 2.50 cm on each side and use a constant right-hand margin. Use single line spacing and 12 pt Times New Roman letters everywhere in the main text. The suggested length is 7-15 pages.The Editor of Journal could modify the text according the editorial requirement.

Organize your paper into sections as you like. You can use numbers to create lists. Please leave an empty line before the heading row.

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2. Equations

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When you insert an equation, align it to the page centre (use a Center Tab), number them from (1) upwards at the right margin of the page (use a Right Tab). Refer to your equations in the text as follows: In Eq. 1 the relationship between variable 1 (x) and variable 2 (y) is presented.

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Please be sure that the equation is well separated from the text before and after it.

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3. Figures

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When you insert a figure, photograph, captured computer screen, diagram, etc. please align it to the centre of the page. You can use coloured illustrations. Number each figure starting from 1. Put number and caption below the figure, without leaving an empty line. We request the authors to send the included figures in separate files as well to ensure the best quality accessible.

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Figure 1. Sample caption, should describe the image

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Please be sure that the figures is well separated from the text before and after it.

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4. References in the text

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If you refer to an item from the reference list, please enter the number of the referred item into square brackets like this [1].

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5. Conclusion

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Your concluding remarks come here.

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You can state the name of sponsor, grant or found, if any. Do not include acknowledgements on the title page, as a footnote to the title or otherwise.

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All publications cited in the text should be presented in a list of references following the text of the manuscript.

The WEB page or DOI number of the original paper has to be indicated in the reference! See example:

[1]Gabelle J.-C., Morchain J., Anne-Archard D., Augier F., Liné A.: 2013. Experimental determination of the shear rate in a stirred tank with a non-newtonian fluid: carbopol, Aiche Journal Vol. 59. No. 6. pp. 2251–2266.

[2]Shen Fei; Tian, Libin; Yuan, Hairong; Pang, Yunzhi; Chen, Shulin; Zou, Dexun; Zhu, Baoning; Liu, Yanping; Li, Xiujin.:2013. Improving the Mixing Performances of Rice Straw Anaerobic Digestion for Higher Biogas Production by Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulation, Applied Biochemistry & Biotechnology; Academic Journal. EBSCO Publishing is a division of United States, Vol. 171 No. 3. pp. 626.

[3]Tóth L., Beke J., Bártfai Z., Szabó I., Hartdégen G., Oldal I., Blahunka Z.:2014. Technological Features of Biogas Plants Using Mixed Materials. Hungarian Agricultural Engineering, Vol. 26. 39-46. pp.

[4]Borocz M., Horvath B., Herczeg B., Kovacs A.:2015. Greener cement sector and potential climate strategy development between 2015-2030 (Hungarian case study). Applied Studies in Agribusiness and Commerce – APSTRACT Vol. 9. No. 4. pp. 65-74.

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