Convocation 2016


¬  Ushers please attend the Meeting in CC 307 with Lead Usher Rosanna Grims. She will assign people to locations at the meeting, and may ask you to switch locations or help with other things. The meetings are at 8:30am for the 10:00 am ceremony and 12:30 pm for the 2:00 pm ceremony

¬  Ceremony lasts approximately 1 ½ - 2 hours


§  Has Blue Usher Vests and name tags – please wear these. It also has orange ponchos in case of rain, Programs and other supplies


¬  Welcome & Approach People - be proactive about welcoming and approaching people who look like they need assistance and help them find their seats or tell them where things are located.

¬  Please don’t be shy! You need to ask/tell people (politely) to move out of the way for the procession, to sit down if they’re blocking people, out of the aisle to keep it clear, away from the top of the stairs so they don’t fall down the stairs, to wait until their graduate is on stage before they take a photo, etc.

¬  Before Ceremony - Procession will cross LEC bridge. All available Ushers need to help at the top of the stairs on the bridge to help clear a path for the Procession and make sure the stairs are kept clear.

¬  The accessible seating area will be covered with a tent and have rope and stanchion around it. An usher will be assigned to this area – 1st priority will be people with accessibility needs + one family member. 2nd priority: children, babies, strollers, carriages). If people have problems with the sun (allergy, on medication etc.), they can also sit in this area.

¬  Ushers on Top Bridge Level – Hand out programs to guests coming from East Bank. If you need more programs, ask Physical Resources student helpers to carry over the heavy boxes of programs.

¬  Reserved Seat Section - at front of audience chairs. Please ‘guard’ this section. Guest names will be on a list provided by Joanne before each ceremony. The lists may simply say “Guests of” and provide the name of the person. If the person is not on the list or you have a question use your best judgement, but if there’s room it’s not worth creating a scene. 5 minutes before ceremony "release" seats, especially if there are a lot of empty seats.

¬  If it is hot -- watch the crowd for people who may not be handling the heat well. If need be get them a drink of water and bring it to them. There are blue coolers with water and cups at the Info Desk and under the overhang by the Bat Cave. If they would like to purchase a hat, the Bookstore sells them. Please encourage them to get out of the sun and go into the air conditioning to watch the ceremony. They can go to one of the Indoor Viewing locations: Bata Library Film Theatre (Room 103), LEC rooms or CC 307 (on insert map).

¬  End of Ceremony - When the ceremony is over and students are processing off the stage, ushers are needed to be at the top of the stairs to make sure the crowd stands back to allow the students to continue across the bridge. Also we need a few ushers to make sure that the students continue to move away from the stairs so that everyone can get off the stage.

¬  Other Situations you may handle:

§  Question: How come my son/daughter is not listed in the program? Student may have switched ceremonies or the parent may be looking under the wrong degree. Check other programs to see if you can find the student (programs are at info. desk) to see if you can find the student & offer family a copy of that program to take home. Also, programs are printed ahead of time – although we do everything we possibly can to include all students in the program some students who are receiving transfer credits etc. may get documentation into the Registrar’s office after the program has gone to the printer. If the parents still have questions about this they should contact the Registrar’s Office after Convocation.

§  Guests have umbrellas up and people are complaining - Politely ask guests if they mind putting their umbrellas down when the ceremony starts. Offer them sunscreen if they are worried about the sun. If they insist on keeping them up – ask them to please hold them straight over their heads instead of behind.

§  Guests go up on stage area - Politely ask them not to in order to preserve the safety and dignity of the ceremony.

§  Safety concern - Find campus security. One security guard should be stationed on the bridge from BL to CC at all times.

§  First Aid concern – TUEFRT will be circulating and St. Johns Ambulance is stationed near the bookstore doors. Anyone with a radio can call security to call TUEFRT.


¬  The Platform party, faculty, graduates and 4 OF THEIR GUESTS will go to the Gym for a full ceremony. Additional guests can go to an overflow/cool room to watch the ceremony via live web stream: BL103, CC307, all rooms in LEC: 201, 207, and 208

¬  2-3 Ushers please stay on podium to direct guests to the gym or to the overflow rooms. Please stay ½ hour after the start of the ceremony to catch latecomers

¬  1-2 Ushers please go to LEC to ensure everything is working and people can find the rooms

¬  All other ushers please go to the gym. Guests will go in North doors. 1 usher could stand just inside north doors and direct guests to the gym, and students up to gowning.

¬  Direct guests into gym and to take EVERY AVAILABLE SEAT and squeeze onto the bleachers

¬  Some students begged for more than 4 guests. I made an exception for children and told other students to have 2 additional guests wait outside the gym. If there are seats 5 minutes before the ceremony the ushers would seat them.

¬  During the ceremony 1-2 ushers please be in hallway outside gym. Students will cross the stage, then go outside the gym to get back to their seats. Keep the students moving, show them where the washrooms are, tell them not to make too much noise, direct them back into the gym.

¬  At the end of the ceremony the faculty will process out, but students and guests will be encouraged to stay in the gym, especially if it’s raining. There is not enough room in the AC hallways to accommodate everyone. If it’s not raining, students can go with their guests for photos and then students need to come back to return their gowns.

¬  There will (hopefully) be a table for Miranda studios and the Bookstore, most likely in the lobby of the AC so guests and students can still access them in case of rain.


A map is included as an insert in the program.

¬  Gowning

§  All Student Gowning is in the Bailey Family Fitness Room (2nd floor of Athletics Centre).

§  Guests/Faculty/Board Gowning in Morton Reading Room in Champlain College.

¬  Marshalling

§  Student Marshalling – under the tent outside the Athletics Centre

§  Faculty/Guest/Board Marshalling – in front of Lady Eaton College

¬  Wheelchairs, Special Needs, Elevators

§  use the elevator in the Bata Library to bridge level or use the Champlain Elevator up to the bridge level (elevator is down the hall from the Bookstore). Alternatively they can use the ramp at LEC.

§  Accessible seating at top of steps under tents – ushers please ‘guard’ this area

§  to get out of the sun, guests can watch the ceremony on screen: BL103, all classrooms in LEC, or CC 307

§  the area under overhang on the podium in the shade is for elderly, children and special needs

¬  Photos - Discourage people from standing in aisle waiting to take photo.

¬  Graduate Receptions: - Are in CC Great Hall except NURS which is in the gym in the Athletics Centre

¬  Convoctation Luncheon - (by Invitation Only) in Alumni House from 11:30am - 1:00 p.m.

¬  Trent University Emergency First Response Team – will be circulating and will be on radio to call

¬  St. John’s Ambulance van – by the bookstore

¬  Bookstore – open 8:30am to 4:30pm (hats, clothing, sunscreen, umbrellas, sunglasses, disposable cameras, batteries, & Convocation gifts).

¬  Children’s Area – under the overhang. This area provides a couple of little tables where children can colour, do some activities to keep them amused. IT IS NOT SUPERVISED, parents must still watch their children.

¬  On the Bridge Level – “Guest Services”

§  Information Booth –offers water

§  Alumni Stand –offers water

§  Miranda Studios (Composite pick up/order)

§  Bookstore (Diploma frames, souvenirs, flowers, rings)

§  Chartwells - large refreshment stand

§  Tim Horton's snack bar will close during the ceremony

Thank you for helping!!