Cunningham Creek Elementary/SAC Minutes for April 12, 2012

Members in Attendance:

Administration / Teacher/Support Staff Representatives / Parent Representatives
Allen Anderson / Neva Chatfield- Kindergarten / Marcy James
Barb Smith- 1st Grade
Kathee Cook- 2nd Grade/ Gifted Blended / Robert Block - excused
District / Bridget Jeffers- 3rd Grade / Bridget Turner
Elaine Edwards / Heidy Weaver – 5th Grade/Gifted Blended / Lori Madrid - excused
Jean Bohr – Resource / Cherie Stucki
SAC Co-Chairs / Ruth Leet - ESE / Darlene DeSena - excused
Sherry Galbraith – 4th grade/Gifted Blended / Julian Barnes - noninstructional / Dianne Sturgis - absent
Kim Zalkan – parent representative / Cathy Prohofsky
Jennifer Comfort - excused
Business Partner / Jennifer Hamilton - excused
Kathy Gilmore – absent

Excused absence ~ Robert Block, Lori Madrid, Darlene DeSena, Jennifer Hamilton, Jennifer Comfort

Guests in attendance – Carol Higley

The April 12th meeting was called to order at 3:40 p.m. by Sherry Galbraith.

Welcome & Handouts:

A copy of the minutes from March was passed out as well as an agenda for today’s meeting.

Approval of the Minutes from March 8, 2012:

Mrs. Galbraith had to make an amendment to the minutes. Mr. Barnes was not able to attend the February SAC meeting due to personal reasons, so his absence needs to be changed to excused. Mrs. Stucki motioned to approve the minutes. Mrs. Leet seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Climate Survey Update/Close Date

We have had 366 parents complete the Parent Climate Survey. We have not had any parents complete the survey for the past 2 days. We are going to close the survey on the 27th. We will include this information in the upcoming Alert Now. Mrs. Prohofsky motioned to approve this time line. Mrs. Weaver seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Principal’s Report

Mr. Anderson shared the article about the upcoming Family Fun Day in the Creekline. He also discussed the upcoming FCAT. Our grounds have been walked and we have looked at various plants as well as gardening ideas for the grounds. Mr. Anderson also shared that we have put out a request to have a deputy live on campus. This would be a deterrent. It would also allow us to possibly open the campus up for future track/adaptive playground use by the community.

Budget Review

We still stand at $1,234.94. Mr. Anderson has ordered the projector from last year. He is taking $999.99. Mr. Anderson did not take his SRF last year, so now SAC has to approve his spending of this money. He would like to purchase an iPad. Mrs. Weaver made a motion to allow him to make the purchase. Mrs. Chatfield seconded the motion. The motion passed.

SRF distribution discussion

We will discuss the template that we have been using. The formula is going to be changed to allow people to put it in their school account without having to pay taxes on it. Mrs. Galbraith explained how the formula works. No parent discussion was offered.

Activities Update

Mrs. Higley shared our progress on the Earth Day/Family Fun Day as well as the communication of the event. The event has been advertised in The Creekline as well as in the school. A mass email went out to all of the parents as well. All of the events will be tied to a piece of literature. We discussed the planting, weeding, and picnic parts of this event. Mrs. Smith will work on the pants/flowers to be ordered. Mrs. Leet also brought up the games for our ESE students, and she will make sure that it will be covered.

Technology night will be coming up on April 25. Mr. Gates will be here. This night will be open to parents as well as students. This night will focus on hand held electronic devices as well as the educational apps that can be put on them.

Good of the Group, Future Agenda Items

The climate survey results will be discussed next month as well as SAC membership for next year. We will a guest speaker from the district, Ted Banton, who will share some of the updates about civics education.

Kathee Cook motioned to adjourn the meeting. Neva Chatfield seconded the motion. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 4:24 p.m.