The Research Experience for Teachers Program /

Subject Area(s): Networking, Programming, Operating Systems, Hardware

Computer Science Tools: Raspberry Pi Kit, Keyboard, Mouse, Display and Cables

Activity Title: “Setting up the Raspberry Pi”

Grade Level: 9-12

Time Required: 90 minutes

Recommended Group Size: 2

Summary: This guide is designed to set up a Raspberry Pi without a pre-installed image.

Computer Science Connection: basic computer hardware, I/O ports, embedded systems

Keywords: Linux, UNIX, Operating System, Networking, Server, Raspberry Pi, Computer Hardware

Pre-Requisite Knowledge: None

Learning Objective:

Students will learn basic skills to set up a Raspberry Pi and develop a general knowledge of its hardware structure, I/O ports, and its capabilities and expansion to other uses.

Materials List:

·  Raspberry Pi Circuit Board

·  Display, and Display Cable (HDMI to HDMI / DVI Lead)

·  Keyboard and Mouse

·  Network Cable and Internet Connection

·  Power Adaptor

·  Sound Cable (Optional)

·  SD Card Minimum 4Gb (Fast Camera Card increases performance)

·  A desktop/laptop computer able to read and write to an SD Card. (Windows PC/MAC/Linux)