Information and handy tips for CESHEO volunteers


TropeangTouk Village

Chansor Commune

Siem Reap.

Table of contents.

Page1. Introduction and Table of Contents

Pages2-4. Description of CESHEO NGO.Origins/Staff/Aims.

Page5. Child protection Policy. (Form to be signed).

Page6. Ways to prepare before leaving home.

Pages7-9. Types of Volunteering/ Expectations of volunteers, daily time table.

Pages 10-11. Transport and tours available, weekends, cooking classes.

Page 11. Accommodation types and fees.

Page 12-14. Health and Safety tips.

Page 15. Conditions of stay.

Pages 16-17. FAQs.

Pages 18-20. Application form to be read and signed.

Pages 21-22. Projects at CESHEO.



CESHEO (Cambodian English School for Higher Education Organisation) lies 35 Kms South East of Siem Reap in TropeangTouk Village, Chansor Commune.

CESHEO school is a registered NGO no. 868.

The school consists of 6 classrooms, a library, 2 accommodation houses for volunteer stays, a kitchen and farm area.

The purpose of CESHEO is to teach English and Khmer and mathematics to the extremely poor children of the village. It also aims to provide food, clothing, health care and love especially to a number of children who have no parental contact.

There are approximately 110 students attending CESHEO school.


The school was established 6 years ago by a local Khmer man named RadyRure. Rady’s purpose in setting up the school was to give these poverty stricken children a chance at life. He suffered badly during the Cambodian civil war and has a burning passion to help these poor children better their lot in life.

The school is NOT part of any other management groups and is completely independent from outside management agencies. Rady is the founder, manager and principal of the organisation.


Rady lives onsite with his wife and 2 small daughters. He selflessly ensures that all his efforts and energies go to the benefit of the children of the school. He lives a very meagre lifestyle and every cent of money collected by CESHEO goes to the betterment of the school and the village children.

He holds the trusted position of Administrator of the Commune. This ensures Rady of an income from the Government and shows their faith in him as an administrator.



  1. The Director of CESHEO is Mr RadyRure. His position as Director means that he is responsible for the progress of the school and the direction the school takes.
  2. RadyRure is also the Principal of the school. In this role he is responsible for school enrolments, discipline and teaching hours.
  3. The Curriculum director is also RadyRure. Rady’s job here involves following the Cambodian Governments Curriculum and having special English classes as well.
  4. Teacher and translator for the school is Mr. Chheav. He teaches classes in the absence of Volunteer teachers and is available to help in the classrooms with teaching and for translating to assist Volunteer teachers when needed.Chheav also is in charge of the library.
  5. Ms. Simone Clark fills the role of Accounts supervisor. Simone is a practising accountant In Australia but working from Siem Reap. Simone’s role involves accounting for all monies donated/sponsored into CESHEO and all monies spent. Ledgers are kept for inspection by vested interest groups.

Simone is also responsible for the Hygiene at CESHEO. This involves getting the volunteers involved in organising teeth cleaning by the children,washing of hands and encouraging the students to have showers regularly.

  1. Mr Garry Mulroy is a permanent Volunteer at CESHEO. Garry retired from teaching in NSW, Australia after 37 years primarily as an Economics teacher. His role is to assist with sponsorships, manage the school budget and assist with making volunteers feel more comfortable. Garry’s other duties include helping Rady the Director understand Western mannerisms and Westerners as the Khmers complex culture can cause confusion.
  2. The Cook. She is a magician in the kitchen so we should be calling her the Chef. Teo, the chef will be cooking meals for the children as well as the volunteers. Volunteers will not get better authentic Khmer meals anywhere in Cambodia.
  3. A range of Tuktuk drivers who when available will drive the schools Tuktuk. The Tuk was donated to the school for the purpose of making a small profit to help with school administration costs. We ask where possible Volunteers use this tuk for their transport needs. Enquiries to RadyRure.
  4. Volunteer teachers. The number and variety of these teachers will depend on the time of the year and applications. It is usually 4 to 6 most times. The role of the volunteers is in teaching the curriculum and assisting with caring for the poorest of students in the school.



  1. The school is run to EDUCATEthe children in English. This will enable the students to gain employment in the thriving tourist projects in Siem Reap.
  2. The school FEEDS 21 students breakfast and lunch 5 days a week as they have no other source of food. (funded by donations). Also 6 profoundly poor children are fed 3 meals a day 7 days a week.
  3. The school attends to the HEALTH needs of the children at the school.
  4. The school encourages volunteers to help the children by teaching personal HYGIENE.
  5. The school is attempting to generate money and food by running a farm onsite and by transporting volunteers in its own Tuktuk. These are very important initiatives as CESHEO attempts to reduce their dependence on donations and become partially SELF SUFFICIENT.
  6. The school also has a major aim of providing LOVE AND AFFECTION for the children especially for those without parents and this is achieved as volunteers interact with the children over a number of weeks.



CESHEO has zero tolerance of any form of child abuse and will not use the services of anyone, either directly or indirectly, who poses a risk to children.

Child protection is a priority for CESHEO and our organisation is committed to ensure that all children are protected from harm, abuse, exploitation, violence or neglect whilst attending our school, or residing in our care. We therefore take any necessary steps to minimize any potential risk of child abuse or neglect and to protect our children from harm. This includes seeking a commitment from staff members and volunteers to adhere to our child protection policy. We therefore have a responsibility to ensure that all teachers, staff members and volunteers understand child protection and take steps to protect children whilst they are working with our school.


We ask all staff members and volunteers to read, understand and sign the attached child protection document. CHILD PROTECTION POLICY: ( please read carefully).The guiding principles of our Child Protection Policy are as follows:

CESHEO does not tolerate any form of child abuse or neglect and we will not use the services of anyone who directly or indirectly poses a risk to children.

  1. Child protection is a shared responsibility and all staff, volunteers, visitors and others associated with CESHEO are expected to comply with our policy, and required to report any instances of, suspicions of, or potential for abuse and/or neglect immediately.
  2. All children in our school will be respected, treated equally and with dignity.

Child Protection and Risk Management Procedures – Code of Conduct

  • All staff and volunteers must have their name badge on at all times, so that they are easily identifiable.
  • Staff and volunteers shall not engage in any acts of physical, sexual or emotional abuse or exploitation, which includes, but is not limited to –
  • Kicking, pushing, hitting, slapping, pinching
  • Threatening violence
  • Sexual relationships with minors
  • Viewing, making, distributing or possessing child pornography
  • Behaving in a manner which is inappropriate or sexually provocative
  • Using inappropriate or offensive language – either directly or indirectly in front of children
  • Asking children or staff to assist with personal tasks such as washing or cleaning
  • Showing preferential or differential treatment to particular children, to the exclusion of others
  • Speaking to children in a way which is intended to shame, humiliate or embarrass them

Please ensure you read this policy. If you are unclear on any clauses please clarify with staff. Once you have read and understood this policy please sign it in the presence of a staff member and this will then be kept on file at the school.

Name in Printed form.______(Volunteer)

Name signed.______(Volunteer).

Management name in printed form.______(Management).

Name signed.______(Management).



Before you leave home please ensure that you have enough US$ to purchase a Cambodian visa for the correct dates of your stay. This can also be done on-line. The cost will depend on the length of your stay. At present a 30 day tourist visa is $30US.Please be sure the visa dates cover the number of days you intend to stay.

You will also need a Passport sized photo of yourself if purchasing a visa on entry. Please ensure that your passport has at least 6months until expiry from the date when you will be leaving CESHEO.

A most vital thing to do is have travel insurance if you are in Cambodia. A visit to a medical institution is very expensive and can diminish your experience. Volunteers are advised to take at least unlimited medical and hospital cover. Well worth the cost.

Another request is that volunteers attempt to raise funds for the school to use on projects before leaving for Cambodia. The school relies on these donations heavily. Please feel free to check with the school if you have a specific idea of what funds could be raised for.


Types of volunteering with CESHEO.

Most volunteers at CESHEO volunteer to teach English.


Siem Reap in 2017 receives some 3.7 million tourists from all over the world. It is predicted that by 2020 that number will have risen to 8 million. The tourist trade provides paying jobs for the people of the Siem Reap province if they can speak English. If the students can speak English they are able to gain employment and free themselves from their poverty.

YOU are the key to this release from poverty. You teaching English is giving the students a chance at life. You are in essence their lifeline to a healthy and happy life.

When you have finished with your volunteering time at CESHEO we are sure you will be filled with pride and a deep satisfaction for having made such a huge difference to the lives of desperate children.

If you choose to volunteer but not teach there could be other jobs for you depending upon your specific skills. BUT, it must be pointed out that CESHEO exists because of volunteers and donations. We have virtually no money forbuilding and adding to our capital or programs unless volunteers and donors contribute.

So building, renovating or working on farming projects is all restricted by funding or the lack of it. If you wish to do such work you will need to bring funds for that project with you.

Expectations of Volunteers?

Volunteering is the real way to experience life in Asia.

You may be shocked at the extent and depth of the real life poverty that you will experience when you arrive in rural Cambodia. This may create the need for emotional adjustment to cope with the desperate situations you may encounter every day. We strongly advise that you research the extent of the effects of this deep poverty on the lives of the people so that you can better understand the situations of the children.


Volunteering at CESHEO in rural Cambodia to teach English or help with the functioning of the school attended by such underprivileged children will be one of the most rewarding and uplifting experiences of your life. Most volunteers feel that it is a life changing experience.

You are welcome to choose anytime of the year to attend CESHEO. The wet season in July to October has its challenges but airfares are usually cheaper then. Expect hot and humid weather mingled with heavy rain at times.

We recommend that you stay 2 weeks at a minimum if possible. Those 2 weeks will fly by and you will be sad that you did not book for longer. Two weeks allows for you to form relationships with the children and staff at the school. But, the longer the stay the more you and the children will benefit.

School operates 5 days a week, Monday to Friday.

The day starts at 6.30 with the serving of breakfast for a number of very underprivileged children.

Most children go home at 10am, but the underprivileged children stay for lunch at 10.30. Volunteers are requested/expected to help with serving the lunch and hygiene procedures at this stage, washing of hands, cleaning of teeth, showering and general grooming. This is a time of great bonding and promotion of self- esteem for these poor children.

Lunch is taken by volunteers at 11.15am.

Afternoon classes start at 2 – 4pm. A break of 15 minutes is taken from 3.00pm until 3.15pm. These are not the same students as the morning classes.

At 6pm until 7pm the more senior and capable students in English attend the school. A different group again from the 2pm-4pm classes.

When the senior students have left the volunteers are then free. Activities like cards and getting to know each other take place and catching up with home.

Saturday and Sunday are free. Almost all volunteers take the opportunity to head into Siem Reap to explore what the city has to offer. This is also a chance to visit the Cultural Wonders of Cambodia’s World heritage Temple complex. The school may arrange visits to various places in the tuktuk during the weekends. E,g. West baraey, floating village, lake visit, Temples. Please enquire with Rady.



8.00 am. School lessons begin.

9.00 am. Break time for 15 minutes.

9.15 am. Classes resume.

10.00am. Time to go home.

10.30am. Poorest children are served lunch. Volunteers usually serve them their meals.

2.00 pm. School lessons begin for the more able students.

3.00 pm. Break time for 15 minutes.

3.15 pm. Classes resume.

4.00 pm. Students return to their homes.

6.00 pm. Older teenage students begin classes.

7.00 pm. The older students leave for home.

Volunteers relaxation time.



TUK TUK and BUS prices:

Tuk transport from - Siem Reap to CESHEO. (1-3pax) $15.

Tuk transport from - Siem Reap Airport to CESHEO. (1-3pax) $20.

Bus transport from - Siem Reap to CESHEO. (1-10 pax) $30.

Bus transport from Siem Reap airport to CESHEO. (1-10 pax). $30.


Tuk transport from CESHEO to Siem Reap. (1-4 pax) $15.

Tuk transport from Siem Reap to CESHEO. (1-4 pax) $15.

Bus transport from CESHEO to Siem Reap. (1-10 pax) $30.

Bus transport from Siem Reap to CESHEO. (1-10 pax) $30.


  1. Tuk Temples tour. Full day tour. (1-4 pax) $30.

Entrance ticket not included. $37 at time of writing.

  1. Kulen Mountain. Bus only. Full day tour. (1-10 pax) $65.

Entrance ticket not included. $20 at time of writing.

  1. Floating village tour via Tuktuk. Half day. (1-4 pax) $15.

Entrance ticket not included. $22 at time of writing. Bus $30.

  1. Local lake village visit sunset tour. Half day. Tuk (1-4 pax) $15.

No ticket needed. Boat ride $10 pax. Bus $30.


Volunteers may wish to arrange a cooking lesson or two with the cook/chef. The timing of this would need to be arranged with Rady. Time would need to be convenient for the cook.

Cost would be $10 per lesson which includes a free cook book. If you choose not to travel to Siem Reap for the weekend this could the perfect time to learn a new cuisine.




Volunteer house/dorm (5 pax). $90 per week.

Single private rooms (1 pax). $100 per week.

Double room. (2 pax). Double bed. $100 per week each person.

Fees are payable before arrival and are non- refundable.

The fee you pay to stay allows CESHEO to exist. This fee is almost the only source of revenue for the school.

Where does your fee go?

Per week $90 dorm room and the $100 Private rooms.

  1. Food and water (3 hearty meals a day). $35.
  2. Room. $15/$25.
  3. School materials/supplies . $10.
  4. Rent/land purchase. $10.
  5. Electricity. $3.
  6. Teacher fee/emergency health fund. $17.

The meals you will have are restaurant quality. We believe in feeding volunteers well to show our gratitude for your hard work. You will be very impressed.