General Meeting
October 8, 2017
Executive Board Attendees:
Susan Mizgalski, Lisa Miller, Tori Klaassens, Jim DuMont, Chauncey Carrick
General Board Attendees:
Jil Cottone, Laura Herrmann, Tim Schlosser, Todd Burns, Cindy Kozumplik
Guests: 3
Total Attendees: 13
The board meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM by President Susan Mizgalski
Secretary Report: Tori Klaassens – September 2017 General Board meeting minutes approved as presented. Motion Cindy Kozumplik, second Jil Cottone
Treasurer Report: Lisa Miller – Approved as presented. Motion Tori Klaassens, second Tim Schlosser
Committee Reports –
Concessions: Susan Mizgalski/Stacey Smith– We brought in $4,500 last weekend. Coming this week we have 2 volleyball games. We still need volunteers for Tuesday 6-7:30pm. We also need volunteers for the Football games on Friday. We have no volunteers for the last shift. The October concessions schedule has been posted to Facebook. Thank you to Paulsen’s appliance for the donation of the concessions refrigerator.
Spirit Wear: Cindy Kozumplik– Spirit wear orders have been distributed except for the 5 items that are on backorder. There has been a lot of interest in the winter spirit wear campaign.
Membership: Jil Cottone & Tori Klaassens - Tori & Jil will create a new membership flyer to hang on the volunteer board in concessions.
Marketing: Jim DuMont – Sports scores have started to be posted on our booster Twitter account. He is also in the process of creating a poster for the slot in the student shelter.
Multi-Purpose Videoboard Advertising: Todd Burns– Todd will hand out the thank you photos to all the sponsors. He will also be sending out thank you notes again as the winter sports season is starting.
Special Events /Projects –
First National Challenge: Susan Mizgalski – We have received $20,000 check from the event. Another couple of thousand should be coming in after the cost of goods has been determined and deducted from the remaining $5,000.
Spartan Winter Festival: Susan Mizgalski – Festival date will be 11/17/17 at 6pm. We will not be hosting food vendors but we will have full concessions. Volunteers will be needed for this event.
First National Challenge (Basketball): Event date is January 26th, 2008.
Athletic Directors Report: Chauncey Carrick – New “Sycamore Has Been Good To Me” sign has been added to the MPVB. Up to date sports standings were given. Sycamore will be hosting Soccer regionals October 17th-20th. We will also be hosting Volleyball regional October 23rd-26th. The boys bowling invitational will be held at Mardi Gras lanes on November 4th. On Tuesday October 10th, Score Vision will be hosting a meet and greet for MPVB sponsors and schools looking at possibly purchasing a new MPVB for their schools.
Miscellaneous: N/A
Open Comments: N/A
Next General Board Meeting: Sunday, November 12th.
Meeting Adjourned 7:51pm