import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation
from scipy import interpolate
from numpy import where
from math import sin
plt.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = LNWDT
plt.rcParams['font.size'] = FNT
# function defining the initial condition
# p(x) = p0 for x < 2.5 and x > 7.5
# p(x) = p0 + 0.25p0sin^2(pi*x-2.5/7.5-2.5) for 2.5 < x < 7.5
if (init_func==0):
def p(x):
p = np.zeros_like(x)
p[where((x <= 2.5) & (x >= 7.5))] = p0
return p
def p(x):
p = np.zeros_like(x)
x_left = 2.5
x_right = 7.5
xm = (x_right-x_left)/2.0
p = where((x>x_left) & (x<x_right), p0 + p0*0.25*np.sin(np.pi*(x-x_left)/(x_right-x_left))**2,f)
return f
# function defining the constitutive relation
def A(p):
A = np.zeros_like(p)
A = A0 + C*(p-p0)
return A
# function defining the flux term
def F(u):
# for Burger’s F = 0.5u^2 {but for blood flow need to define matrices??}
F = np.zeros_like(u)
F = 0.5u^2
return F
# function defining the macCormack scheme
def macCormack(u, t):
"""method that solves u(n+1), for the scalar conservation equation with source term:
du/dt + dF/dx = RHS,
where F = 0.5u^2 for the burger equation
with use of the MacCormack scheme
u(array): an array containg the previous solution of u, u(n). (RHS)
t(float): an array
u[1:-1](array): the solution of the interior nodes for the next timestep, u(n+1).
up = u.copy()
up[:-1] = u[:-1] - (dt/dx)*(F(u[1:]) - F(u[:-1])) + dt*RHS(t-0.5*dt, x[:-1])
u[1:] = .5*(u[1:] + up[1:] - (dt/dx)*(F(up[1:]) - F(up[:-1])) + dt*RHS(t-0.5*dt, x[1:]))
return u[1:-1]
### Main program ###############################################################
# constants
C = 1.0
rho = 10.0
A0 = 5.0
p0 = 10.0
# discretize
tmin, tmax = 0.0, 10.0 # start and stop time of simulation
xmin, xmax = 0.0, 10.0 # start and end of spatial domain
Nx = 100 # number of spatial points
CFL = 0.9 # courant number, need CFL<=1 for stability
x = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, Nx+1) # discretization of space
p = p_init(x)
c = np.sqrt(A0/(rho*C))
Zc = rho*c/A0
q = (np.max(p)-np.min(p))/Zc
v = np.max(q/A(p))
c += v
qmin = np.min(q)
q = np.ones_like(p)*qmin
dx = float((xmax-xmin)/Nx) # spatial step size
dt = CFL/c*dx # stable time step calculated from stability requirement
Nt = int((tmax-tmin)/dt) # number of time steps
time = np.linspace(tmin, tmax, Nt) # discretization of time
# choose solver
solvers = [macCormack]
# solvers = [lax_friedrich]
# solvers = [lax_friedrich, macCormack]
# solve using all specified solvers
solutions = [] # for storage of the solutions
for solver in solvers:
u = np.zeros((2,len(p))) # initialize u
u[0,:] = p # initialize u
u[1,:] = q # initialize u
un = np.zeros((len(time),2,len(x))) # for storage of the numerical solution
for i, t in enumerate(time[1:]):
u[:,1:-1] = solver(u[:,:]) # calculate numerical solution of interior
# enforce boundary conditions:
### fill in lines here ###
un[i,:,:] = u[:,:] # storing the solution for plotting
solutions.append(un) # adding the solution to the list of solutions
### animation ##################################################################
# first set up the figure, the axis, and the plot element we want to animate
fig, ax_l = plt.subplots()
ax_r = ax_l.twinx()
ax_l.set_ylim(p0*0.9, 1.25*p0*1.05)
ax_r.set_ylim(qmin*0.3, qmin*1.6)
ax_r.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
# empty lines for initial plot
lines_l = [ax_l.plot([], [], '-', label='Pressure, '+solver.func_name)[0] for solver in solvers]
lines_r = [ax_r.plot([], [], ':', label='Volume flow, '+solver.func_name)[0] for solver in solvers]
# initialization function: plot the background of each frame
def init_dbl():
for line_l in lines_l:
line_l.set_data([], [])
for line_r in lines_r:
line_r.set_data([], [])
return lines_l, lines_r
# animation function, this is called sequentially
def animate_dbl(i):
for j, solution in enumerate(solutions):
lines_l[j].set_data(x, solution[i][0])
lines_r[j].set_data(x, solution[i][1])
return lines_l, lines_r
# annotate figure
ax_l.legend(lines_l, [l.get_label() for l in lines_l], loc=3, frameon=False)
ax_r.legend(lines_r, [l.get_label() for l in lines_r], loc=2, frameon=False)
ax_r.set_ylabel('Volume flow')
# call the animator
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate_dbl, init_func=init_dbl, frames=Nt, interval=50, blit=False)
# show the figure