Introduction to Distance Education
LT 741
Fall 2006
Position Paper:
“Online (Distance) education provides many opportunities for successful learning to take place.”
Written By: Laura Snow
November 2006
Instructor: Dr. Deb Gearhart
Table of Contents
Introduction ...... 3
Motivation ...... 3
Research ...... 4
Benefits ...... 6
CMS ...... 8
Conclusion ...... 9
References ...... 11
There has been much research completed in the area of online learning versus traditional learning. This paper will demonstrate that learners are more successful in their efforts to obtain a successful education when involved in an online learning program than those who receive instruction through traditional, on-site, delivery.
All students, learners, need some type of motivation in order to want to learn. Not everyone automatically wants to sit in a classroom and fill up on information! Unfortunately, as educators, we often see our students as we want to see them, as a vessel for us to fill with knowledge and experiences. We believe they really do want to sit and listen to us! This is not always the case so we need to improve student motivation to learn. Learning online, or distance learning, is a good motivational tool in itself because it is generally something new and something students can better relate to as members of a global, technological, society. Students today live in a much different world than we did 20 years ago. Media, technology, and a fast-paced society surround them. Distance education/online learning can provide much of the missing stimulation and motivation for students who feel ‘bored’ or who are not challenged by traditional learning environments.
If the online course materials are current, students will take advantage of them because it is easier! Handouts, copies of notes, presentations, etc. can all be stored online and students will have automatic access to those materials and will not feel bad because they lost a paper and had to ask for a new copy. In addition, if the course material is useful and relevant, the students will access the information in order to complete the work. (UniversityCollege-London, learning technology) No longer will students have the ‘why bother?’ attitude about completing assignments because they will know that it really is relevant to life and what they want to do.
There is research to indicate that online learning is “the same as or sometimes even better than” traditional classroom learning. (Milne, 2002) Achievement on many tests administered by distance education teachers is usually higher for distance students compared to traditional students. (Souder, 1993) Research also indicates that distance students bring different basic learning characteristics to their unique learning experiences, which can have a positive influence on their success in the DE coursework. Distance education students
- are more likely to be voluntarily seeking further educational experiences.
- are more likely to have post-secondary education goals and expectations of higher grades.
- are highly motivated and better self-disciplined.
Other factors that can be included in determining if successful learning takes place in the DE environment include the student’s willingness to initiate calls to instructors for help and a more serious attitude for education and the distance coursework. (University of Idaho, 1995)
According to researchers from CornellUniversity, “the web (online or distance learning) provides significant new functionality in transmitting information to the student and providing forums for exchange. The web is revolutionizing some areas of study through increased opportunities for learning and alternative formats for information.” (Dwyer, Barbieri, and Doerr, 1995)
Online/Distance educators can present learning materials in many additional formats in order to accommodate different types of learning styles. In a traditional classroom, teachers are usually limited to a couple of teaching styles in order to reach all of the students. There is not enough time in the day to teach to every student’s individual learning style. This is not the case in distance education. There are more opportunities for students to be successful because there are more ways to present the information. It is relevant to, and understandable by, the student and, therefore, more learning takes place. More application to ‘real world’ situations is also easier with DE. This helps to provide relevance and interest for students, which in turn leads to motivation and success. (Blackboard, Inc., pg. 3)
Nearly 50% of higher education institutions are currently working with some type of online learning. Although the number of secondary educationinstitutions that implement distance education has not reached the 50% mark, the benefits of providing DE learning opportunities to students in a secondary educational systems is high. The educational advantages that are available for students when web-based tools are used include
- enhanced student-to-student and teacher-to-student communication.
- student-centered teaching approaches.
- the opportunity to access the course materials “24/7”.
- opportunities for immediate feedback on student progress.
Web-based, online, education materials provide many ways to increase communication between class members and teachers. Some of these include discussion boards, chats, and e-mails. Research has shown that by including these basic communication methods to course the student motivation rises as well does participation in class discussions and projects. “Students are more willing to participate [due to] a measure of anonymity, which serves as a motivator…people feel more empowered. They are daring regarding the expression of ideas.” (Kubala, 1998)
There are many benefits to using online learning tools in education. Some of these benefits include
- students can experience a sense of equality,
- instructors are more accessible to students for assistance,
- student-centered teaching approaches can be applied in order to accommodate different learning styles,
- there are many opportunities for additional exploration,
- in addition, students have continuous access to course materials.
Each student has an equal chance to ‘speak’ in class when using online or web-based communication in a learning environment. The students can post messages to a discussion board without feeling pressured or anxious due to other factors that can be present in a face-to-face environment. Studies do prove that online discussions bring about more direct communication between students and classmates and between students and teachers. (Blackboard, pg. 2)
Teachers of online classes are available outside of regular ‘school hours’ if students have questions. This is especially beneficial when the student is home working on an assignment and has a question regarding some aspect of the work. The student is able to submit questions via e-mail at any time and the instructor is able to reply at a good time for him/her as well.
Every student has his or her own learning style. Online learning environments provide the chance for a teacher to put together one course, use many resources, and meet the learning needs of most of the students in the class. Students are able to access the materials and use them in the manner that best fits their own learning style.
We all know that everyone functions best at different times of the day. Some of us are morning people; some are night owls, etc. Students are no different. When class materials are posted online, students can access and work on assignments at times that work best for them! This provides for a more productive learning time for the students. (Blackboard, pg. 3)
Other benefits to using distance, as a delivery tool in education, is that in an online environment the students are actively engaged in using technology. They use the internet to research information and to communicate with other students and the teacher. Opportunities like this teach skills in using technology that will be vital to workers in the 21st century businesses in a global society. Students are exposed to knowledge that cannot be learned in books, and in some instances- learned from the teacher. They have the chance to see how the concepts they are learning really do apply to real life situations. (World Wide Learn)
Course management systems(CMS) provide an opportunity for educators to design distance learning activities within the realm of a controlled environment. Opportunities for communication (both student-to-student and student-teacher), assessment, guided activities, monitoring of student progress, and opportunities for student reflection are justa few of the benefits of implementing a CMS as part of a distance education program.
In a secondary education environment, the teacher would provide general information and feedback for students. The students would be able to work both independently and cooperatively to accomplish the goals set forth in the course. All students still receive guidance and instruction from the teacher in this situation. The students are not just turned loose to work on their own without supervision, guidance, or feedback.
CMS provides the opportunities for students to be responsible for their own learning and to take the initiative to get the work done. Using the technology that is part of a course management system also enables the students to further develop and enhance technological skills as well as develop skills that will be of great use to them in this century.
With all the emphasis on educating students for success in a global society and in making sure our students are proficient or advanced in all areas, the use of a CMS can be a good resource. The skills required to successfully complete a course that is delivered via distance (that uses a CMS) are skills that will enable a student to be successful outsideof the educational institution. Critical thinking, collaboration and cooperative learning, interactivity activities, written communication skills, and organizational skills are all aspects of learningthat can be achieved using a CMS in distance education delivery.
The research on the success of distance education compared to traditional education is becoming more widespread as more and more educational institutions implement this type of learning. The institutions of higher education are finding that more students are able to take courses, and be successful in those courses, when provided with an opportunity to learn via distance.
The research is present on the benefits of distance education vs. traditional education. Students are able to receive feedback, work at their own pace, use tools that help them learn better, communicate in a manner that best fits their own personality and learning style, and develop skills to help prepare them for success in this century; in a society that no longer ends outside the classroom, city, or state.
Our world is now global. Using distance education as part of a good curriculum will provide a lifetime of opportunities for our students. Technology is everywhere. Our students today learn differently, in some respects, than students of 20-30 years ago. The fast-pace of our society has provided an opportunity for the education world to get caught up with what is happening and to continue to provide students with the best possible educational opportunities.
Students who are involvedin distance education learning are more successfulthan their counterparts who are taught using traditional face-to-face methods. The possibilities for success are endless if we can continue to improve the numbers of DE courses available for students and increase the number of students who take the courses. The students will be able to progress through the always-changing world of technology and will find success as they become life-long learners.
UniversityCollege-London. (2006). How can I improve student motivation to learn
online? RetrievedOctober 12, 2006, from the University College-London Web site:
Milne, Lynda. (2002). Effectiveness of online classes and distance education research.
RetrievedOctober 12, 2006, from MinnesotaStateColleges and Universities, ITS Office of InstructionalTechnologies Web site:
Souder, W.E. (1993). The effectiveness of traditional vs. satellite delivery in three
management ofTechnology master’s degree programs. The American Journal of Distance Education, 7(1), 37-53.
University of Idaho. (1995). Distance education: research/Distance education at a glance, guide 9. Retrieved November 1, 2006, from theUniversity of Idaho, College of Engineering/Engineering Outreach’s Web site:
Dwyer, D., Barbieri, K., Doerr, H. (1995). Creating a virtual classroom for interactive education on theweb. The Third International World Wide Conference ( Retrieved from Blackboard.com’s Web site at
Blackboard, Inc. (2000). Educational benefits of online learning: A blackboard tip sheet. Retrieved October 16, 2006, from
Kubala, Tom. Addressing student needs: Teaching and learning on the internet. THE
Online Journal. March 1998.
World Wide Learn: The World’s Premiere Online Director of Education. Compelling
arguments for attending a cyber classroom: Why do students like online learning? Retrieved November 5, 2006 from