A Teaching School Alliance specialising in SEND
SIP Safeguarding Guidelines
This document provides guidance to professionals working for and on behalf of SIP when faced with a situation that relates to safeguarding whilst working in an educational setting.
Proof of identity and Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) checks
At the request of the school, all visitors should be able to produce proof of identity and an up-to-date Disclosure Barring Service Certificate.
General safeguarding responsibility
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility and everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play in identifying concerns, sharing information and taking prompt action. Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of a child relates to a) protecting children from maltreatment, b) preventing impairment of children’s health or development, c) ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care and d) taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.
Safeguarding in schools
All staff in any school should receive safeguarding training, know the name of their Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and be familiar with procedures for dealing with safeguarding issues.
Working in a school and a child makes a disclosure to you
It may be possible if you are working in a school that a child may make a disclosure to you in relation to safeguarding. At all times you should consider what is in the best interests of the child but also that you have a duty to inform the child that a) it is not possible that any information will be kept secret and b) what will happen next (i.e. informing a member of staff at the school). It is your duty to report the allegation to the DSL of the school you are visiting. If the DSL is not available this should be reported to the Headteacher or the next senior member of staff.
Recording a disclosure
It is important to make a written record of the disclosure immediately afterwards and as far as is possible, in the child’s own words. When child abuse or neglect is suspected, it is essential to have a written record of all the information available making careful note of what you have observed and when you observed it. The record of the discussion should be signed, dated and passed to the DSL. Please use the attached form (SIPSGv1). Please copy the completed form and hand to a DSL at the Lead School for follow-up (Jackie Partridge, Clare Belli). All information should be treated in the strictest confidence.
Concerns about a member of staff within the school you are visiting
If you have concerns about a member of staff in a school that you are working in, these should be reported to the Headteacher or next senior member of staff. Using the attached form (SIPSGv1), make a written record of the concern and forward to the Headteacher, DSL or next senior member of staff as soon as possible. Please copy the completed form and hand to a DSL at the Lead School for follow-up (Jackie Partridge, Clare Belli). All information should be treated in the strictest confidence.
I have read and understood the contents of this guidance
Name: / Signed: / Date:SIPSGv1
Form to make a written record of a safeguarding concern whilst working in a school on behalf of SIP
Date:Person reporting concern:
Role of person reporting concern:
Name of school where concern was raised:
Name of pupil (where relevant):
Name of member of staff about whom a concern is raised (where relevant):
Name of DSL in host school:
Outline of concern(s):
Action taken:
Signed: / Date:
Please ensure that the form is copied and given to a DSL at Springwell School (Jackie Partridge, Clare Belli)